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分享Foundations of GMAT Verbal 5th 笔记

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发表于 2017-8-22 14:58:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
没有密码啦 !
当时由于误删 拖延症又导致我懒得往上补  第九章  BABY JJ说的 精华章节就一直空着。。。。
一个半月没复习了  因为我战线拉得太长 导致有点力不从心  所以干脆休息了 这次上来补充其他部分(我就给4战留10天复习时间 没办法 拖延症的世界 可能别人不太容易理解吧 我也不知道自己是怎么成这个样子的。。。但是我也希望我的这种样子 赶紧消失吧 我之前其实不是这样的 o(╥﹏╥)o)
我上次考试 数学 49 ,语文 28  总分 640  还是挺低的 (但是比我一战550,二战570 还是好不少的 主要是CR 和SC的提升)
语文部分最高的是CR 看了 ESR 64th相当于33分的水平 每道题目 用时 1分39秒 二战的时候只有 25th 用时1分31秒
虽然提升较大 但是CR部分是我复习花费时间最少的   不像SC  简直是老大难 我整理好几轮 提升依旧(10th-47th)不明显 ε=(´ο`*)))唉
对我来讲 CR的提升跟这本书有很大关系 他让我重新认识了CR 这也是我跑到这发帖的原因 渣渣无以回馈CD
今天就能火速补完啦  不过这次我要给第九章设个密码 ╭(╯^╰)╮ 单独传word 文档 好让帖子稍微有点热度 (#^.^#)

今早一起来 发现竟然被加精了 谢谢版主大大~
觉得在一个楼层看起来会不太方便 按章节分楼层啦
这本书真的超好 不过我只整理CR部分呢 希望能有用~
虽然只有100多页 内容真的超多啊 献给没时间以及不想读全英文的同志们
如果实在没时间也一定要读读 babyJJ推荐的部分 第九章 我已经重点标注了
大部分都总结完毕了 除了第十章的问题部分 因为我想好好弄弄 所以之后再更上来
之后会总结一个对应的OG17版本  给二战攒下人品

chapter 8 Arguments & Conclusions

1.Arguments 是什么?
a set of logically connected statements that put forth an assertion of some kind
Most arguments on the GMAT are flawed in some fashion. So are most arguments in the real world.
所有的CR 题目都是以某种形式存在缺陷

2.Valid Arguments versus Sound Arguments
Arguments分为两种,一种是sound arguments ,一种是valid arguments ,sound arguments 是前提正确推出结论正确,valid arguments 指的是前提推出结论,前提正确则结论正确,前提不正确则结论不正确。我们在GMAT 考试中遇到的argument 属于valid arguments 。为什么呢? GMAT 的考生来自不同背景,生物,经济,医药,物理等等各方面,对于许多前提里的背景知识,不同领域的人肯定掌握知识是不同的,倘若是sound arguments ,那么一道题出的是生物领域的,但是非生物领域的不懂啊,这样还怎么做题。GMAT看重的是推导的过程。我不管前提正不正确,我只管从前提推导结论这个过程是否正确。

     Conclusion : 圆是肉桂味道的(这个也很狗血)
即: 四边形的东西是肉桂味道的
以下推理过程与数学有着紧密的关系——transitive property.
A = B Circles = four-sided
B = C Four-sided = cinnamon taste
Therefore, A = C Therefore, circles = cinnamon taste
PS : 终于明白了 以前初接触CR的时候 看一些公开课 老师说不要反驳premise 的原因

3.The Structure of Arguments
To be considered a form of cardiovascular exercise, an activity must raise the heart rate and keep it elevated for at least 20 minutes. Skydiving cannot properly be considered a form of cardiovascular exercise. While skydiving certainly does elevate a person's heart rate, the skydiver only experiences freefall for 60–70 seconds, followed by 5–6 minutes under a parachute—and, of course, it is not possible to string multiple dives back-to-back.
这是我们在大脑里 简化信息后形成的
Cardio exercise has 2 requirements:
1. high heart rate
2. rate stays high over a period of time
Skydiving meets first requirement but not second.
Conclusion:Therefore, skydiving isn't cardio.
这是书中提出的削弱,这道题出assumption 真不错 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
The author assumes that the elevated heart rate doesn't persist past the jump itself. Who knows, your heart might beat faster for hours after you land. So the premises as given don't guarantee the conclusion.

4.Getting Rid of Extras
关于background information 的作用实际上是为了帮助你更好的理解前提,但是它并不在 argument structure 里,不是核心部分,对推导不起任何作用
(这也就是为什么薰衣草JJ 一直在强调简化信息了这些多余信息 如果利用好可以帮助我们理解好前提 但是如果将它归到了argument structure 里 则不仅没有帮助 反而会受多余信息的影响 从而进行错误的判断)
One of our company's investors has accused the company president of financial impropriety. The company president did make a $50,000 payment to his son, allowing the son to close on a house in Brookhurst, a wealthy and respectable part of town. It is doubtful that the investor was really seeking the facts when he supposedly investigated the matter, but let it be known that the president's son has long been a consultant to the company, providing over $150,000 per year in services. The $50,000 was an advance on future billings, and well within established company practice: in the last year, the company provided a similar advance to a supplier seeking to upgrade to a larger production facility.


Company president paid $50,000 to son.
Investor's conclusion: company president guilty of impropriety.
$50,000 was an advance to a contractor, and such advances are normal.

You should not stretch as you articulate an implied conclusion. Draw from the text you're given, and don't go too far. Avoid making the conclusion any more assertive or extreme than is justified by the premises.(这个指的就是GMAT 极其强调的线性思维)

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 13:28:13 | 只看该作者
chapter 9 Patterns & Flaws


1.How GMAT Critical Reasoning Is Unlike Real-World Decision Making
Stick to the argument presented. Many considerations in real-life decision making often simply do not affect whether an argument's premises support its conclusion. Again, focus on validity.

Our company currently spends millions of dollars disposing of industrial waste. Since our shareholders are demanding that expenses be slashed by the end of the year, I propose that we dump the waste in rivers instead. The waste is highly toxic, although healthy adults can survive repeated exposure to it. The cost of bribing government officials to cover up the dumping will be more than outweighed by the cost savings. Therefore, illegally dumping toxic waste in rivers will provide the short-term cost savings demanded by our shareholders.
Which of the following most weakens the argument?

看到这个段落 你心里可能会想很多 包括这个公司怎么这么不道德;做这件事的人应该抓进监狱;这个公司干出这件事怕是要倒闭等等
(A) Executives convicted of bribing government officials are receiving much harsher
sentences than have white-collar criminals in the past.
(B) An environmental group tests the river water daily and is prepared to notify the
media immediately if it identifies any industrial contaminants.
(C) A former competitor, Chemical West, was forced into bankruptcy after a similar
dumping scheme was eventually exposed.


带着刚才我在上面列的主观情感做题 真的容易出错 上面想的一切都与推理无关
Premise :dumping 花的钱比贿赂政府官员少
Conclusiondunmping 可以带来短期收益
由此可见AC 真的是over-think了不是吗?会不会破产以及管理人员被抓起来 跟我的dumping 可以带来短期收益 有什么太大关系?我要证明的是dumping 不能带来短期收益

2.Identifying Patterns in Arguments
In fact, you will see the same argument, or the same mistake, over and over again. It will just be dressed up in different clothes. In other words, these mistakes fall into certain recognizable patterns.看到这句话 有没有明白为什么RON 让我们看到一道逻辑题 编一个不同的 但是有着同样逻辑内核的故事)
EXAMPLE 1: People who eat diets rich in tropical fruits rate higher in surveys of happiness.
Therefore, a diet rich in tropical fruit is a cause of happiness.
EXAMPLE 2: Company X implemented a new time-tracking system and profits went up 10%.
Therefore, the time-tracking system has caused the company to profit.
the arguments share a common pattern
PATTERN: Two things happened at roughly the same time. Therefore, one of them caused the other one.
EXAMPLE 3: I have a runny nose and a stomachache. Therefore, the runny nose caused the stomachache.
EXAMPLE 4: All of the cancer patients in our hospital drank soda. Therefore, soda causes cancer.
EXAMPLE 5: People who eat more ice cream have more heart attacks. Therefore, a genetic predisposition to heart attacks causes a love of ice cream
A study of villagers in a remote corner of the Amazon jungle has shown a high consumption of Brazil nuts and a low rate of Alzheimer's. Therefore, we should all eat Brazil nuts.

The argument concludes that X causes Y. This causation could be true. That is, it is possible that tropical fruit causes happiness, or soda causes cancer. But the arguer has not given us enough reason to believe that this is the case. Correlationif two things happen at the same time, they must be relateddoes not guarantee causation

1.Maybe the causality runs in reverse
2.Maybe both things are caused by a separate, outside cause(既然是同时发生的事情 那么也许是有个第三因素导致他俩发生的呢)
3.Maybe it's all just a coincidence(巧合)

这一部分就是baby 姐说的最核心的部分啦
3.Logical Flaws on the GMAT12)(了解了这些patterns去创作你自己的错误句子)

本来是想设置回复可见的 结果不小心弄没了 。。。。为了弥补 我决定在整理一下 只是没有大块时间啦  


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 13:36:18 | 只看该作者
Chapter 10: Diagrams
An Introduction to Argument Diagramming

Quoting sources in your papers without attributing the quotes to those sources is forbidden on  this campus. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden by our code of conduct, and quoting without  attribution is a form of plagiarism
so  Q=P

about notetaking:

#1 principle : assign variables or abbreviations to important premises or ideas in the argument
exB =the company will go bankrupt)  ; (FF = fireflies)
#2 principle o not write down what the variables mean—you won't need to read your notes late
The purpose of taking notes is to create meaning in the moment.

some symboys (picture 1)

#3 simply to arrange the pieces of the argument in a logical order, with the conclusion last.

for example
A study of 120 elderly, hospital-bound patients in the United Kingdom showed that daily consumption of Nutree, a nutritional supplement containing vitamins, fiber, and sugar, increased by an average of four months the typical life expectancy for patients of the same age and physical condition. Thus, anyone who wants to live longer should drink Nutree every day.

see picture 2
always putting causes on the left and effects on the right is a fine habit to adopt.

Decoding the Question Stem
Questions About Assumptions—These include questions that ask directly about assumptions,as well as questions that ask us to strengthen and weaken arguments.

Questions About Evidence—These questions might ask us what other information would be most helpful in evaluating a conclusion. Or they might ask us to resolve a discrepancy or a paradox (an apparent contradiction that may not really be self-contradictory), or draw an
inference or conclusion.

Questions About Structure—These questions will sometimes have two bold statements within the argument and ask you to pick the answer that tells the role of those two statements. An answer might read, “ The first bold statement is the main conclusion of the argument and the
second bold statement is a claim the author opposes

之后想添加一点自己的理解 比如每种类型题在问什么 ? 想做什么呢? 现在因为做题太少 所以暂时不弄这块了  做完OG17 CR的总结后 回来补坑


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 13:37:40 | 只看该作者
chapter 11 Putting It All Together

步骤(自己总结版本 不是按书中顺序)
step 1:read the question stem first!!!!
step 2 : read the argument 看文章需要从premise ----conclusion ,其他非重要信息可以忽略,否则过度重视会影响做题 (1:diagram the argument 前面章节讲过如何做 2:translate it to a simpler, crazier: version.)
step 3: :identify assumptions before reading the answer choices
Step 4:最后看选项 看哪个与自己的思考吻合

EX :While many people think of the lottery as a harmless way to have fun and possibly win some money, buying lottery tickets is a form of gambling. Therefore, public officials shouldn't buy lottery tickets.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion?

(A) Individuals who play the lottery are less likely to win a big payout than they are to be killed in a car crash.
(B) Some public officials are guilty of much more serious offenses than gambling.
(C) Public officials shouldn't gamble.
(D) Many public officials are easily tempted to violate rules governing their positions.
(E) Most lottery winners are not made as happy by their winnings as they expected.

1.看到问题 默默在纸上写上strenthen (这样你就知道你需要干嘛了) the argument (在纸上 diagram 但是不需要解释那些符号 因为你也不需要再看了 只是通过这个手段 帮助你思考 )

(辅助方式) translate it to a simpler ,crazier version
Weight lifting is a form of exercise. Therefore, public officials shouldn't lift weights.
这个的assumption就是政府官员不可以做运动 推到刚才那道题 是一个道理 答案是C 那为什么刚才那道题目不好看出来呢? 因为我们自己的常识直接告诉我们了 不应该赌博(这个在前面第9章具体叙述过 可以复习一下)

3.大脑里自己思考下 这个题的assumption 是什么?

4.看选项 有没有和你思考 接近的


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-24 19:01:10 | 只看该作者
嘻嘻 有一个小目标  就是把所有OG17题目 按分类po上来~~如果没人回复 当做是自己的一个小小日记贴吧~

对应OG 题目区域 (按flaws分类)

causation errors
Two things happened at roughly the same time. Therefore, one of them caused the other one.

1.OG17 663
In Colorado subalpine meadows, nonnative dandelions co-occur with a native flower, the larkspur. Bumblebees visit both species, creating the potential for interactions between the two species with respect to pollination. In a recent study, researchers selected 16 plots containing both species; all dandelions were removed from eight plots; the remaining eight control plots were left undisturbed. The control plots yielded significantly more larkspur seeds than the dandelion-free plots, leading the researchers to conclude that the presence of dandelions facilitates pollination (and hence seed production) in the native species by attracting more pollinators to the mixed plots.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the researchers’ reasoning?

A.Bumblebees preferentially visit dandelions over larkspurs in mixed plots.
B.In mixed plots, pollinators can transfer pollen from one species to another to augment seed production.
C.If left unchecked, nonnative species like dandelions quickly crowd out native species.
D.Seed germination is a more reliable measure of a species’ fitness than seed production.
E.Soil disturbances can result in fewer blooms, and hence lower seed production.

我做这道题的时候 秒选到E (这道题以前做过 然而半点印象没有 读完题 就选出来了 因为我知道他的内核 )

the undisturbed control plot yieled more seeds than D-free plots
the presence of dandelions facilitates pollination

这其实就是一个典型的 我在上面总结的flaw
Two things happened at roughly the same time. Therefore, one of them caused the other one.

因为 dandelions和larkspur 同时出现,并且control plot yieled more seeds than D-free plots ,所以是dandeline 促进了授粉
再看这个例子  逻辑内核一模一样啊
A study of villagers in a remote corner of the Amazon jungle has shown a high consumption of Brazil nuts and a low rate of Alzheimer's. Therefore, we should all eat Brazil nuts.

2#OG 17 667
It is widely assumed that people need to engage in intellectual activities such as solving crossword puzzles or mathematics problems in order to maintain mental sharpness as they age. In fact, however, simply talking to other people—that is, participating in social interaction, which engages many mental and perceptual skills—suffices. Evidence to this effect comes from a study showing that the more social contact people report, the better their mental skills.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the force of the evidence cited?

A As people grow older, they are often advised to keep exercising their physical and mental capacities in order to maintain or improve them.
B Many medical conditions and treatments that adversely affect a person’s mental sharpness also tend to increase that person’s social isolation.
C Many people are proficient both in social interactions and in solving mathematical problems.
D The study did not itself collect data but analyzed data bearing on the issue from prior studies.
E The tasks evaluating mental sharpness for which data were compiled by the study were more akin to mathematics problems than to conversation.

题目中一般不会说两个东西或事情发生在同一段时间这类的话 ,因为这样一眼就可以分辨了。baby姐也曾经说过,所有的逻辑题不过就是逻辑内核包裹着外衣。所以我们需要给它把外衣剥下来。

大意就是 研究表明人们社交越多 那么mental skills 就越好
                         所以社交足够保持mental skills了 (言外之意:社交是保持mental skills的原因)
那么真的是这样吗?社交越多肯定是和mental skills是有很大关系的。但是有关系就代表是社交保持mental skills,万一是大脑越活跃的人越喜欢社交呢?万一只是这个实验的巧合呢,也许样本比较局限得出的研究结果并不准确?万一是其他因素导致的这两项呢?怎么光能用有关系就推出cause呢
比如 前天在公交车上,外面下着大雨,一位女乘客上车,并对司机说:哎呀,好久没见到您了~司机说:呵呵 之前不是没下雨吗 于是两人哈哈一笑
(下雨,司机和女乘客见面 确是有一定关系的 也许不下雨 那位女乘客就不坐车 而是走回家呢~但是下雨不是导致两人见面的原因 见面也许是偶然 ) 虽然在逻辑里 这是个错误的表达 但是在日常生活中 听着却挺幽默的 所以我在想有时按照逻辑漏洞说话 会不会可以增加一个人的幽默感呢?(跑远了)
知道了文章的flaw在哪 就很容易 (别读错就是了)
Many medical conditions and treatments that adversely affect a person’s mental sharpness also tend to increase that person’s social isolation.
看到了吗~药物治疗是影响这二者的因素呢~药物治疗导致思维不敏锐以及社会孤独(翻译成白话 好理解) 只要能看懂内在逻辑 读清楚选项 应该是立刻可以做出来吧~

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-11 11:18:28 | 只看该作者
楼主最近没有时间更新啦 快考试了 我的OG版本还没整理好~~
发表于 2017-9-11 18:44:17 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-12 12:39:38 | 只看该作者


笑哭   被自己智商感动了
发表于 2017-9-12 19:13:43 | 只看该作者
噜啦啦biu 发表于 2017-9-12 12:39

笑哭   被自己智商感动了

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-13 10:23:02 | 只看该作者
FLOWwerr 发表于 2017-9-12 19:13


我是问12 logical flaws 那一部分  好大一段  仿佛没了
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