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[梦之队日记] lulu's备考日记之CR

发表于 2015-6-28 21:33:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


7/28 Review

65.(35041-!-item-!-188;#058&007595) Source:prep07-9
Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the lastyear. In order totake advantage of this increase, Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensiveadvertising of this product.
Which of the following, if true, provides most support for the view that Mammoth Industries cannot increase its sales of telephones byadopting the plan outlined above?
(A) Although it sells all of the telephones thatit produces, Mammoth Industries' share of all telephone sales has declined overthe last year.
(B) Mammoth Industries' average inventory oftelephones awaiting shipment to retailers has declined slightly over the lastyear.
(C) Advertising has made the brand name of MammothIndustries' telephones widely known, but few consumers know that MammothIndustries owns this brand.
(D) Mammoth Industries' telephone is one of threebrands of telephone that have together accounted for the bulk of the lastyear's increase in sales.
(E)Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries'telephones have fallen in the last year.

P: adpot the plan
    (expand production+ continue already extensive ads)
C: X increase sale

正确答案需要否定plan,因为Q: Mammoth Industries cannot increase its sales of telephones by adopting the plan outlined above
把不能increase sale的原因,归咎于Plan, 那么正确答案需要说出plan不好的地方
* special attetion tip: 逻辑中名词前面的modifier一定程度上表达了倾向,例如此题,already very extensive advertising of this product
E选项,尽管过去一年中电话的ads已经很intensive了,但是去年的销售还是下降了,那么continue ads(as part of the plan is useless)
A,sell all products,那么 expand production就可以继续sell, support the plan;
B, invetory 等待发货减少了,和销售量无关,说不定是物流进步了呢;
C,brand name irrelevant to plan above;
D,M的电话是去年卖的最好的三个品牌,那可能证明already extensive ads 是有效的,可以continue,不能否定plan;
自己不理解的原因:看选项就用过去 不等于 将来,排除了E项(谨记,千万不能用General rule来排除任何选项!case by case study

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-28 22:54:14 | 只看该作者

Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of aproduct to retailers for a promotion period when the product is advertised to consumers.  Such promotions often resultin a dramatic increase in amount of product sold by the manufacturers to retailers.  Nevertheless, the manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim above about the manufacturers' profit?

(A) The amount of discount generally offered by manufacturers to retailers is carefully calculated to represent the minimum needed to draw consumers' attention to the product.
(B) For many consumer products the period ofa dvertising discounted prices to consumers is about a week, not sufficientlylong for consumers to become used to the sale price.
(C) For products that are not newly introduced,the purpose of such promotions is to keep the products in the minds of consumers and to attract consumers who are currently using competing products.
(D) During such a promotion retailers tend toaccumulate in their warehouses inventory bought at discount; they then sell much of it later at their regular price.
(E) If a manufacturer fails to offer such promotionsbut its competitor offers them, that competitor will tend to attract consumers away from the manufacturer's product.

P:  X hold the discount promotions
C:  make more profit

本题涉及三方:Manufacture, Retailer,  Consumer
题目只有提及了M对R采取的策略:discount prc for product; 虽然Intenions是:ads to C,但未提及R会对C采取何种措施;
所以M能否实现ads to C, 需要看R会对C 采取何种措施;尽管此题问的不是这个,但解题的思路是一样的。
*special tip: 涉及Manufacture, Retailer,  Consumer三方时,要注意跳跃性逻辑关系

Prep2012-Pack1-CR-031       VCR000875     Medium
Which of the followingmost logically completes the passage below?
One name-brand cereal manufacturer is about to reduce wholesale prices for its cereals by 20 percent because consumers have been switching from its cereals to cheaper store brands.The success of this strategy relies on the assumption that supermarkets will pass on all of the savings by lowering the prices they charge consumers for the manufacturer's cereals. Although supermarkets usually pass on such savings, in this case it is likely that supermarkets not do so because            .

A. several other name-brand cereal manufacturers are about to reduce the wholesale prices of their cereals
B. the average price per box of name-brand cereals has increased significantly in the last 10years
C. total annual sales of cereal—including both name-brand and store-brand cereals—have increased over the past 10 years
D.  supermarkets make far more profit on sales of store-brand cereals than on sales of name-brand cereals
E. the current prices of the manufacturer's cereals are comparable to the pricesof name-brand cerealsproduced by other cereal manufacturers

此题涉及三方,name-brand manufacturer(manufacturer), supermarket(retailer), customer
似乎这类题目涉及到 manufacturer想要对customer采取行动总是要涉及到retailer,那么中间的retailer采取的策略就至关重要;
属于A=>B=>C; A直接想要作用于C,那么必须有ASSUMPTION就是B会按照A的plan或者既定意愿去做,否则不逻辑链就断了;

 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-30 22:20:09 | 只看该作者


Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a slow-developing cancer, researchers believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40. SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers' hypothesis?
(A) SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.
(B) Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.
(C) Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.
(D) In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.
(E) In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.

P: 60% M tissue contain SV40, X M doesn‘t contain SV40
C:   SV40 is a cause of M

P: in 1960, V is contaminated with SV40
C:   V is the source of SV40 in M=> V cause M


Strengthen, 正确的加强,需要将V和M 之间的关系明确化,

C项, V和SV40之间至今仍然有关系,并不能说明V cause M ... t=prep2%2B24&page=2
One way to strengthen an argument is to show that when the cause does not occur, the effect does not occur. In our case, this would lead to the following equation:
NO contamination of virus in polo vaccine --> NO virus found in mesotheliomas.  That is exactly what is said in answer (E).

题目中想找A这种现象的原因。因为A有C,所以试图建立A与C的关系。想通过桥梁B来建立。给出的信息是 C与B在1960年有密切关系。问你哪一个support。 C中讲的是B和C现在还有关系。这个 对于AC关系的建立毫无意义。E,是逆否命题。
某种疾病M的发生因为病毒S。因为病毒S感染了疫苗V在1960年。假设 疫苗V是疾病M的源头。C中说 现在 病毒S还感染了疫苗V。这个选项吧已知的条件加强了,但是对于V和M是啥关系只字未提。

special attention tip:

To find these jumps, look for any concepts that are discussed only once. There are usually two. The correct answer usually fills in the gap in the argument by linking those two concepts together. Alternatively, slowly read each word of the conclusion. Which phrase was not used in the premise? That word or phrase will likely reveal where the argument jumped to the conclusion: at the gap!

 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-30 22:49:15 | 只看该作者
Among people who experience migraine headaches, some experience what doctors call "common" migraines, whereas others experience "classical" migraines.Siblings and spouses of common migraine sufferers are themselves twice as likely as the general population to experience common migraines.Siblings of classical migraine sufferers are four times more likely than the general population to experience classical migraines, whereas spouses of classical migraine sufferers are no more likely than the general population to experience such headaches.

The information above provides the most support for which of the following hypotheses?

(A) Susceptibility to classical migraines is more dependent on hereditary factors than is susceptibility to common migraines.
(B) Unmarried adults are more likely to suffer from classical migraines than they are to suffer from common migraines.
(C) People who do not experience migraine headaches are unlikely to have spouses who are migraine headache sufferers.
(D) Children of people who suffer from common migraines are not more likely than the general population to experience a common migraine.
(E) Between one-quarter and one-half of the general population suffer from either common or classical migraine headaches.

Common M: Sibling+ Spouse twice more than general
Classical M: Sibling 4 times more than general; Spouse no more than general



 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-2 01:06:24 | 只看该作者
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-017       VCR007918     Easy
A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevity. In the Wistar region ofBellaria, the averageage at death is considerably higher than in any other part of the country.Wistar is the only mountainous part of Bellaria. A mountainous terrain makes even such basic activities as walking relatively strenuous; it essentially imposes a physically active lifestyle on people.Clearly, this circumstance explains the long lives of people in Wistar.

Which of the following, true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A.  In Bellaria all medical expenses are paid by the government, so thatpersonal income does not affect the quality of healthcare a person receives.
B.  People living in Wistar donot have a significantly better dietthan people livingin other parts of Bellaria.
C.  Many people who live in the Wistar regionhave moved there inmiddle age or upon retirement
D. The many opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities that Wistar’s mountains offer make it a favorite destination for vacationing Bellarians.
E.  Per capita spending on recreational activities is no higher in Wistar than it is in other regionsof Bellaria.


P: active lifestyle(mountainous terrain)  in W
C: longevity

类别:selecting bias型 削弱

A 整个B地区的医保和个人收入,无关
B W的人没有比B区内其他地方的人吃的更健康 ,加强
C, 许多住在W区的人时中年或者退休时候搬来的
     2)后来搬来的,并不是这种长期的lifestyle使得他们长寿;可能他们本来就长寿,才能熬到退休( selecting bias?)
     我更prefer 2)的解释,1)有点牵强,与前提无关联;2)的优点在于削弱了前提
D, W是B地最受欢迎的旅游景点,无关;
E,W地人均休假活动消费比B地其他地区都高,无关; 如果需要做他因,还需要additional assumption,所以无关

 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-2 01:12:30 | 只看该作者
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-012        VCR005853        Easy
The faster a car is traveling, the less time the driver has to avoid a potential accident, and if a car does crash, higher speeds increase the risk of a fatality. Between 1995 and 2000, average highway speeds increased significantly in the United States, yet, over that time, there was a drop in the number of car-crash fatalities per highway mile driven by cars.

Which of the following, if true about the United States between 1995 and 2000, most helps to explain why the fatality rate decreased in spite of the increase in average highway speeds?

A.        The average number of passengers per car on highways increased.
B.        There were increases in both the proportion of people who wore seat belts and the proportion of cars that were equipped with airbags as safety devices.
C.        The increase in average highway speeds occurred as legal speed limits were raised on one highway after another.
D.        The average mileage driven on highways per car increased.
E.        In most locations on the highways, the density of vehicles on the highway did not decrease, although individual vehicles, on average, made their trips more quickly.

P1: high speed increases risk
P2:    1995~2000, speed increases, but # fatality/mile (死人/mile) drop

explain the discrepancy

A, passenger/car increases, 无关
B,    他因加强
C, 法律规定的速度上限, 与死亡了低无关
E, 车多了,与每迈死亡率无关

看到比例数字,立马想到了mile总数 变大了,看到miel的选项就选了;结果D项讲的是mile/car, 需要的是 total mile= mile/car * # car,其实不知道car的数量怎么变化的,D项并不能解释

 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-2 13:30:09 | 只看该作者
Find the main conclusion

1) As one who has always believed that truth is our nation’s surest weapon in the propaganda war against our foes, I am distressed by reports of “disinformation” campaigns by American intelligence agents in Western Europe. In a disinformation campaign, untruths are disseminated through gullible local journalists in order to damage the interests of our enemies and protect our own. Those who defend this practice say that lying is necessary to counter Soviet disinformation campaigns aimed at damaging America’s political interests. These apologists contend that one must fight fire with fire. I would point out to the apologists that the fire department finds water more effective.

The author’s main point is that

(A) Although disinformation campaigns may be effective, they are unacceptable on ethical grounds
(B) America’s moral standing in the world depends on its adherence to the truth
(C) The temporary political gains produced by disinformation campaigns generally give way to long-term losses
(D) Soviet disinformation campaigns have done little to damage America’s standing in Europe
(E) Disinformation campaigns do not effectively serve the political interests of the United States

main conclusion: I would point out to the apologists that the fire department finds water more effective.
fire= disinformation ,water =truth
A, disinformation campaigns may be effective(与结论相反)
B,moral standing,无关;
C,  无关,没提到longterm;
D, 未提及与苏联之间的胜负

2) Johnson is on firm ground when he asserts that the early editors of Dickinson’s poetry often distorted her intentions. Yet Johnson’s own, more faithful, text is still guilty of its own forms of distortion. To standardize Dickinson‘s often indecipherable handwritten punctuation by the use of the dash is to render permanent a casual mode of poetic phrasing that Dickinson surely never expected to see in print. It implies that Dickinson chose the dash as her typical mark of punctuation when, in fact, she apparently never made any definitive choice at all.
Which of the following best summarizes the author’s main point?

(A) Although Johnson is right in criticizing Dickinson’s early editors for their distortion of her work, his own text is guilty of equally serious distortions.
(B) Johnson’s use of the dash in his text of Dickinson’s poetry misleads readers about the poet’s intentions.
(C) Because Dickinson never expected her poetry to be published, virtually any attempt at editing it must run counter to her intentions.
(D) Although Johnson’s attempt to produce a more faithful text of Dickinson’s poetry is well meaning, his study of the material lacks sufficient thoroughness.
(E) Dickinson’s editors, including Johnson, have failed to deal adequately with the problem of deciphering Dickinson’s handwritten manuscripts.

main conclusion:Yet Johnson’s own, more faithful, text is still guilty of its own forms of distortion

by sdcar2010:
Johnson is on firm ground when he asserts that the early editors of Dickinson’s poetry often distorted her intentions.Yet Johnson’s own, more faithful, text is still guilty of its own forms of distortion. To standardize Dickinson‘s often indecipherable handwritten punctuation by the use of the dash is to render permanent a casual mode of poetic phrasing that Dickinson surely never expected to see in print. It implies that Dickinson chose the dash as her typical mark of punctuation when, in fact, she apparently never made any definitive choice at all.

Opinion. Yet, conclusion. Premise.

3) Theater Critic: The play La Finestrina, now at Central Theater, was written in Italy in the eighteenth century. The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater. Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the twentieth-century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx’s comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in sixteenth-century Italy.

The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

(A) Modern audiences would find it hard to tolerate certain characteristics of a historically accurate performance of an eighteenth-century play
(B) Groucho Marx once performed the part of the character Harlequin in La Finestrina
(C) In the United States the training of actors in the twentieth century is based on principles that do not differ radically from those that underlay the training of actors in eighteenth-century Italy
(D) The performance of the actor who plays Harlequin in La Finestrina does not serve as evidence against the director’s claim
(E) The director of La Finestrina must have advised the actor who plays Harlequin to model his performance on comic performances of Groucho Marx

Conclusion:The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.
Concession : Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the twentieth-century American comedian Groucho Marx
Premise: Marx’s comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in sixteenth-century Italy.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-2 20:52:57 | 只看该作者
source: ... e=1&authorid=579779
Boldface part

3) More and more computer programs that provide solutions to mathematical problems in engineering are being produced, and it is thus increasingly unnecessary for practicing engineers to have a thorough understanding of fundamental mathematical principles. Consequently, in training engineers who will work in industry, less emphasis should be placed on mathematical principles, so that space in the engineering curriculum will be available for other important subjects.

The two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

(A) The first is the second-premise that the argument includes; the second is the conclusion that could be drawn from this passage.
(B) The first is the fact that is necessary for this argument; the second is the conclusion that must be drawn from this passage.
(C) The first is the part of premise that the argument includes; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage

(D) The first is the part of evidence that supports this argument; the second is the inference that could be drawn from this passage.
(E) The first is the first conclusion in this argument; the second is the second conclusion in this argument.

The two indicators "thus" and "consequently" point out the two possible conclusions in the argument.
(E) is an attractive answer choice. However, there is only one main conclusion in every argument. In this case the main conclusion is:
in training engineers who will work in industry, less emphasis should be placed on mathematical principles.
The second BF, which follows the phrase "so that," is simply an extension of what might happen if the main conclusion is reached. In logic, that is called inference

*不存在两个结论,如果有中间结论的话,不能说是conclusion,应该说是intermediate conclusion

6) The stable functioning of a society depends upon the relatively long-term stability of the goals of its citizens. This is clear from the fact that unless the majority of individuals have a predictable and enduring set of aspirations, it will be impossible for a legislature to craft laws that will augment the satisfaction of the citizenry, and it should be obvious that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens.

The claim that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens plays which one of the following roles in the argument?

(A) It is the conclusion of the argument.
(B) It helps to support the conclusion of the argument. (B)
(C) It is a claim that must be refuted if the conclusion is to be established.
(D) It is a consequence of the argument.
(E) It is used to illustrate the general principle that the argument presupposes.


 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-5 23:08:52 | 只看该作者
7/5 assumption
7/28 review

source: ... e=1&authorid=579779
look for jumps in reasoning!!!

1. A recent report determined that although only 3 percent of drivers on Maryland highways equipped their vehicles with radar detectors, 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them. Clearly, drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who do not.
The conclusion drawn above depends on which of the following assumptions?
(A) Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are less likely to be ticketed for exceeding the speed limit than are drivers who do not.
(B) Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.
(C) The number of vehicles that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit was greater than the number of vehicles that were equipped with radar detectors.
(D) Many of the vehicles that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were ticketed more than once in the time period covered by the report.
(E) Drivers on Maryland highways exceeded the speed limit more often than did drivers on other state highways not covered in the report.

P:33% V ticketed for excedding speed has rader
C:  V with rader are more likely to exceed speed
ticketed for excedding speed exceed speed

special tips: 这道题看了很久,也没选出来,脑子一看到数字就集中在了数字上,其实根据题型是assumption的,就应该从Jump这个点入手,不应该全部关注在数字上,

2. A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease.
The researcher's conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?
(A) High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal immune system activity does.
(B) Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems.
(C) People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness.
(D) Mental illness does not cause people's immune system activity to decrease.
(E) Psychological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.

OA:  D
P: low immue sys activity correlate with low tests of mental health
C: immue sys protect against mental health as well as physical diseases

典型的A和B同时发生,a是b 的原因
assumption应该是 b不是a 的原因
错的原因:看到physical diseases 之后就想到了jumps,此题确实存在jumps,但是keypoint并不是断桥;
                 根据前提和结论,as well as, physical diseases 只是顺带提及;
                 再者,b项看似消除了这个jump其实不是,因为稳重没说到mental illness对body sys的effect是怎样的,
                 那么b项需要additional assumption,就是mental health对body sys有什么effect,并不能是原文的assumption更完整

3. In Kravonia, the average salary for jobs requiring a college degree has always been higher than the average salary for jobs that do not require a degree. Current enrollments in Kravonia's colleges indicate that over the next four years the percentage of the Kravonian workforce with college degrees will increase dramatically.  Therefore, the average salary for all workers in Kravonia is likely to increase over the next four years.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Kravonians with more than one college degree earn more, on average, than do Kravonians with only one college degree.
B. The percentage of Kravonians who attend college in order to earn higher salaries is higher now than it was several years ago.
C. The higher average salary for jobs requiring a college degree is not due largely to a scarcity among the Kravonian workforce of people with a college degree.
D. The average salary in Kravonia for jobs that do not require a college degree will not increase over the next four years.
E. Few members of the Kravonian workforce earned their degrees in other countries.

P1: now, salary for degree holder is higher
P2: current enrollment indicates % workforce with degree increase in the next four yrs
C: avg salary will increase in next four yrs

two flaws:
1) now/past future
2) jump : enrollmet in college workforce in mkt( 这题有个weaken,就是选学生enroll 了不见得会毕业)

9. The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been significantly lower than that in neighboring Borodia. Since Borodia dropped all tariffs on Vernlandian televisions three years ago, the number of televisions sold annually in Borodia has not changed. However, recent statistics show a drop in the number of television assemblers in Borodia. Therefore, updated trade statistics will probably indicate that the number of televisions Borodia imports annually from Vernland has increased.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The number of television assemblers in Vernland has increased by at least as much as the number of television assemblers in Borodia has decreased.
(B) Televisions assembled in Vernland have features that televisions assembled in Borodia do not have.
(C) The average number of hours it takes a Borodian television assembler to assemble a television has not decreased significantly during the past three years.
(D) The number of televisions assembled annually in Vernland has increased signifi cantly during the past three years.
(E) The difference between the hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland and the hourly wage of television assemblers in Borodia is likely to decrease in the next few years.

P: # TV assembler decrease, sale remains
C: # TV imports increase

demand = supply
demand keep , supply decrease, so import increase
supply= TV assembler # * TV/ assembler/ hour * # hour

 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-6 19:39:49 | 只看该作者

Q17. p1-cr 36. (32124-!-item-!-188;#058&006025)
Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previouslyprovided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., asmall manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline inits profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.

P: outsource business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon
C: to increase profit

Which of the following, if true, most stronglysupports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal?
(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernondoes not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too highfor most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.
(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplierof specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.
(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.
(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.
(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.

E并不能证明take up time的那些low efficiently的工作是V被外包的那部分工作
can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself =?? certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently

Q21.  p1-cr 37.  (32356-!-item-!-188;#058&006101)
Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certaintype of millipede into their fur. Secretions of these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicalsthat are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate the capuchins.  The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at their peak.  Therefore, the monkeysprobably rub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes.

Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument?
(A) Whether the two chemicals provide anyprotection for the millipedes against their own predators
(B) Whether the type of millipede used by the capuchin monkeys in Venezuela is found in other parts of the world
(C) Whether animals other than capuchins rub insects of any kind into their fur
(D) Whether the only time the millipedes are readily available to thecapuchins is during the rainy season
(E) Whether secretions of any other insectsaccessible to the capuchins contain chemicals that repel mosquitoes

OA:  d

C rub M=> M contain chemical=> chemical is mosquito repellent
Mosquito carry parasites debilitate C

P: rub is rare except in rainy season (mosquito is rich )
C: monkey rub M to protect against mosquito
=> 因: mosquito  in rainy season
     果:    monkey rub M to  repell mosquito
==> OA: M is only available in rainy season =>  weaken the conclusion
              M can be caugth any time in the year, but monkey catch only in rainy season => enhance the conclusion

Q29.     p1-cr    40.        (32869-!-item-!-188;#058&006461)
Columnist: People should avoid using a certain artificial fat that has been touted as a resource for those whose medical advisers have advised them to reduce their fat intake.  Although the artificial fat, which can be used in place of fat in food preparation, has none of the negative health effects of fat, it does have a serious drawback:  it absorbs certain essential vitamins,thereby preventing them from being used by the body.

In evaluating the columnist's position, it wouldbe most useful to determine which of the following?
(A) Whether increasing one's intake of the vitamins can compensate for the effects of the artificial fat
(B) Whether the vitamins that the artificial fat absorbs are present in foods that contain the fat
(C) Whether having an extremely low fat intake for an extended period can endanger the health
(D) Whether there are any foods that cannot be prepared using the artificial fat as a substitute for other fats
(E) Whether people are generally able to detect differences in taste between foods prepared

P: AF  absorb V which could have been used by body
C: avoid AF for those whose are advised to reduce fat intake
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