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[逻辑小分队] 快考试了,紧急求助!prep07CR 21啊啊啊

发表于 2014-9-6 15:26:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
P1 21、
Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been foundamong the earliest agricultural remains of many archaeological sites in Europeand Asia. The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found growingis a relatively narrow strip of southwest Asia.  Since the oldest remains of cultivated emmerwheat yet found are from village sites in the same narrow strip, it is clearthat emmer wheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthensthe argument?
(A) The present-day distribution of another wildwheat, einkorn, which was also domesticated early in the development ofagriculture, covers a much larger area of southwest Asia.
(B) Modern experiments show that wild emmer wheatcan easily be domesticated so as to yield nearly as well as traditionallydomestic strains.
(C) At the time when emmer wheat was firstcultivated, it was the most nutritious of all the varieties of grain that werethen cultivated.
(D) Inthe region containing the strip where wild emmer wheat has been found, climaticconditions have changed very little since before the development ofagriculture.
(E) It is very difficult, without genetic testing,to differentiate the wild form of emmer wheat from a closely related wild wheatthat also grows in southwest Asia.
答案是D,但实在想不通证明二粒小麦是不是in that strip 当地的和D中的气候变化有什么关系啊?难道气候没什么变化就能证明小麦不是外来的吗?还是怎么解释呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-7 23:04:33 | 只看该作者
xxx2012 发表于 2014-9-7 19:25
P:wild EW只在narrow strip of southwest Asia被发现。最古老的cultivated EW在同一个地理位置的村庄中发 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-7 23:03:48 | 只看该作者
angellove127 发表于 2014-9-7 11:27
cultivated emmer wheat 在europea和asia发现。而wild在narrow strip of sw asia发现。由于最造的cultivate ...

发表于 2014-9-7 19:25:09 | 只看该作者
P:wild EW只在narrow strip of southwest Asia被发现。最古老的cultivated EW在同一个地理位置的村庄中发现。
这里用排除法比较简单。注意结论:EW什么时候开始在当地被domesticated. ABCE都无法和结论tie上。正确选项D理解为:削弱结论的情况不存在。也就是说,排除其他可能导致结论不成立的原因。也就是说,如果在农业发展之前,当地气候突变,那么当地人无法培育EW,那么就无法推出"最早EW在当地被domesticated"的结论。
发表于 2014-9-7 11:27:57 | 只看该作者
cultivated emmer wheat 在europea和asia发现。而wild在narrow strip of sw asia发现。由于最造的cultivated也是在这个narrow strip找到。所以认为emmer wheat就是在这个strip上培育的。问加强
既然需要加强,就需要找到evidence来表明这种推测是正确的(it is clear that emmer wheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip)
A another wild wheat, 无关
B 与yield无关
C 与是不是最有营养的无关
D 如果气候发生很大变化,那么现在发现wild wheat生长的strip并不能推测为以前wild wheat生长的strip。之所以说气候没有很大变化可以加强结论,是因为如果气候没怎么变,可以推出一直以来wild wheat都在这里生长,那么wild wheat生长的地方便很可能是first domesticated的地方。(D选项在建立一种联系)
E 很难区分emmer和另一种,无关
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