1. Psychologists have studied the impact a person’sattitude has on his ability to accomplish tasks. In one study, a group ofcollege students was outfitted with contraptions designed to administersoothing heat pulses to the students’ neck and shoulder muscles. The studentswere told that the pulses would enhance their performance of in-classassignments. Only half of these contraptions worked, but neither the studentsnor the psychologists were told which students would actually receive thesepulses.This component of the experiment is often frustrated, however, because______
Which one of the following selections, if it is true, completes the sentencemost appropriately? A. frequently the faces of the students who actually receive the pulses become a little flushed.
B. students who believe they are receiving the warm pulses do better on their class assignments.
C. students who participate in the studies are volunteers who must told that some of them will not receive the heat pulses.
D. many students will not complete the experiment if the sessions last too long.
E. many of the participating students suffer from tension headaches which readily respond to the heat pulses
2.In a suburban community in the Southeast, neighborhood security guards have their residents’ permission to call local police if anyone is observed entering the home of a resident who is out of town. When residents leave town, they report their departure and return dates to the neighborhood security office. If guards observe someone entering the home of a resident who is out of town, they will immediately call the police. The residential burglary rate for that community has decreased since the implementation of this reporting procedure.
If it is true that the burglary rate has decreased in this community since the reporting procedure was implemented, then which of the following would be most important to know to make sure the conclusion is valid?
A. frequently the faces of the students who actually receive the pulses become a little flushed. [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td] B. students who believe they are receiving the warm pulses do better on their class assignments. [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td] C. students who participate in the studies are volunteers who must told that some of them will not receive the heat pulses. [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td] D. many students will not complete the experiment if the sessions last too long. [/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]
E. many of the participating students suffer from tension headaches which readily respond to the heat pulses
3.County building inspectors report that almost fifty percent of the homes they inspect are equipped with gauges that monitor carbon monoxide levels. Fifteen years ago, only twenty-five percent of inspected homes were equipped with these gauges. However, even though more homes are now monitored for poisonous carbon monoxide fumes, the total number of homes with confirmed dangerous fume levels is no higher now than it was fifteen years ago because a large proportion of gauges produce false readings.
Which one of the following assumptions must be made in order for the author to be correct in drawing the conclusion stated in the passage? | A. Thirty percent of the residential carbon monoxide gauges have been installed within the last fifteen years. | | B. The number of confirmed dangerous fume readings per year in homes with carbon monoxide gauges has increased in recent years. | | C. Not all carbon monoxide gauges report false carbon monoxide fume levels. | | D. The percentage of malfunctioning carbon monoxide gauges has increased in the last fifteen years. | | E. Properly functioning gauges do not, in themselves, decrease the risk that dangerous carbon monoxide fumes will enter people’s homes.
选D | |