50 Airline: Newly developed collision-avoidance systems, although notfully tested to discover potential malfunctions, must be installed immediatelyin passenger planes. Their mechanical warnings enable pilots to avoid crashes. Pilots: Pilots will not fly in planes with collision-avoidance systemsthat are not fully tested. Malfunctioning systems could mislead pilots, causing crashes. The pilots’ objection is most strengthened if which of the following istrue? (A) It is always possible for mechanical devices to malfunction. (B) Jet engines, although not fully tested when first put into use, haveachieved exemplary performance and safety records. (C) Although collision-avoidance systems will enable pilots to avoid somecrashes, the likely malfunctions of the not-fully-tested systems will causeeven more crashes. (D) Many airline collisions are caused in part by the exhaustion ofoverworked pilots. C (E)Collision-avoidance systems, at this stage of development, appear to haveworked better in passenger planes than in cargo planes during experimentalflights made over a six-month period.
50. Choice C states that what the pilots think could happen is likely tohappen. Thus, C is the best choice. Choice A is inappropriate because it says nothing about the malfunctionsthat most concern the pilots-those that might mislead. Nor does A distinguishtested from not-fully-tested systems. Choice B is inappropriate. The onlyoutcome of using insufficiently tested equipment that might strengthen thepilots’ objection is an unfavorable one, but B reports on a favorable outcome.Choice D is inappropriate because it mentions a problem that needs to beaddressed whether or not the collision-avoidance systems are installedimmediately. Choice E is inappropriate because it provides no evidence that anymalfunctions were of a sort to mislead pilots and cause crashes. 53. Two decades after the Emerald River Dam was built, none of the eightfish species native to the Emerald River was stillreproducing adequately in the river below the dam. Since the dam reduced theannual range of water temperature in the river below the dam from 50 degrees to6 degrees, scientists have hypothesized that sharply rising water temperaturesmust be involved in signaling the native species to begin the reproductivecycle. Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen thescientists’ hypothesis? (A) The native fish species were still able to reproduce only in sidestreams of the river below the dam where the annual temperature range remainsapproximately 50 degrees. (B) Before the dam was built, the Emerald Riverannually overflowed its banks, creating backwaters that were critical breedingareas for the native species of fish. (C) The lowest recorded temperature of the Emerald Riverbefore the dam was built was 34 degrees, whereas the lowest recordedtemperature of the river after the dam was built has been 43 degrees. (D)Nonnative species of fish, introduced into the Emerald Riverafter the dam was built, have begun competing with the declining native fishspecies for food and space. A (E) Five of the fish species native to the EmeraldRiver are not native to any otherriver in North America. 53. For the hypothesis to be tenable it is important that the fish in streamsin the Emerald River area that retain a widetemperature difference have not lost their ability to reproduce. Choice Aasserts that these fish could still reproduce and is thus the best answer. Choice B undermines the hypothesis by suggesting a completely differenthypothesis; choice C tends to support the claim that the temperature variationhas lessened but does not show that this is the right explanation; since Drelates a development after the native species began to decline, it does notbear on the hypothesis, which concerns the decline’s original cause; and choiceE emphasizes the seriousness of the problem but sheds no light on what causesit. 55. In recent years many cabinetmakers have been winning acclaim asartists. But since furniture must be useful, cabinetmakers must exercise theircraft with an eye to the practical utility of their product. For this reason,cabinetmaking is not art. Which of the following is an assumption that supports drawing theconclusion above from the reason given for that conclusion? (A) Some furniture is made to be placed in museums, where it will not beused by anyone. (B) Some cabinetmakers are more concerned than others with the practicalutility of the products they produce. (C) Cabinetmakers should be moreconcerned with the practical utility of their products than they currently are. (D) An object is not an art object if its maker pays attention to theobject’s practical utility. D (E) Artists are not concerned with the monetary value of their products. 55. The argument concludes that cabinetmaking is not an art becausecabinetmakers must consider the practical utility of their products. If it istrue that an object is not a work of art if its maker pays attention to theobject’s practical utility, as choice D says, the conclusion is supported.Thus, choice D is the best answer. The argument is concerned with whether or not the cabinetmakers must takethe practical utility of their products into consideration, not with eithertheir monetary value (choice E) or what actually happens to them (choice A).The argument is not concerned with precise degree to which individualcabinetmakers take the practical utility of cabinets into consideration. Thus,neither B nor C is appropriate. 60. Since the routine use of antibiotics can give rise to resistantbacteria capable of surviving antibiotic environments, the presence ofresistant bacteria in people could be due to the human use of prescriptionantibiotics. Some scientists, however, believe that most resistant bacteria inpeople derive from human consumption of bacterially infected meat. Which of the following statements, if true, would most significantlystrengthen the hypothesis of the scientists? (A) Antibiotics are routinely included in livestock feed so that livestockproducers can increase the rate of growth of their animals. (B) Most people who develop food poisoning from bacterially infected meatare treated with prescription antibiotics. (C) The incidence of resistant bacteria in people has tended to be muchhigher in urban areas than in rural areas where meat is of comparable quality. (D) People who have never taken prescription antibiotics are those leastlikely to develop resistant bacteria. A (E) Livestock producers claim that resistant bacteria in animals cannot betransmitted to people through infected meat. 60. If livestock are routinely fed antibiotics, as choice A states, meat fromlivestock is likely to contain the resistant bacteria, since any routine ofantibiotics can result in resistant bacteria. Thus, choice A is the bestanswer. How cases of food poisoning are treated (choice B) fails to indicatewhether the infecting bacteria are resistant bacteria. Choice C suggests thatmeat consumption is not the primary culprit for the high incidence of resistantbacteria. Choice D tends to support the competing hypothesis that prescriptionantibiotics are responsible. Choice E asserts that livestock farmers claim thatthe hypothesis is false, but it provides no basis for evaluating the truth ofthe claim. 66. Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated nests, or bowers.Basing their judgment on the fact that different local populations ofbowerbirds of the same species build bowers that exhibit different building anddecorative styles, researchers have concluded that the bowerbirds’ buildingstyles are a culturally acquired, rather than a genetically transmitted, trait. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusiondrawn by the researchers? (A) There are more common characteristics than there are differences amongthe bower-building styles of the local bowerbird population that has beenstudied most extensively (B) Young male bowerbirds are inept at bower-building and apparently spendyears watching their elders before becoming accomplished in the local bowerstyle. (C) The bowers of one species of bowerbird lack the towers andornamentation characteristic of the bowers of most other species of bowerbird. (D) Bowerbirds are found only in New Guineaand Australia,where local populations of the birds apparently seldom have contact with oneanother. B (E) It is well known that the song dialects of some songbirds are learnedrather than transmitted genetically. 66. The information in choice B says that young bowerbirds progress slowlytoward mastery of a bower-building style, which suggests that the skill is onethey must learn, rather than one whose transmission is wholly genetic. Choice Balso suggests a means of cultural transmission, namely, observation of olderbirds’ technique. Thus, B supports the conclusion and is the best answer. That differences within building styles are outnumbered by similarities(choice A) and that local populations have little contact (choice D) are bothequally consistent with building-style differences being culturally acquired orgenetically transmitted. Nor are differences among species of bowerbird (choiceC) the issue. Finally, choice E confirms the possibility of birds leaningskills, but it is not evidence that bower-building styles are learned. 74. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin supplements. Some ofthese cereals provide 100 percent of the recommended daily requirement ofvitamins. Nevertheless, a well-balanced breakfast, including a variety offoods, is a better source of those vitamins than are such fortified breakfastcereals alone. Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the positionabove? (A) In many foods, the natural combination of vitamins with othernutrients makes those vitamins more usable by the body than are vitamins addedin vitamin supplements. (B) People who regularly eat cereals fortified with vitamin supplementssometimes neglect to eat the foods in which the vitamins occur naturally. (C)Foods often must be fortified with vitamin supplements becausenaturally occurring vitamins are removed during processing. (D) Unprocessed cereals are naturally high in several of the vitamins thatare usually added to fortified breakfast cereals. A (E) Cereals containing vitamin supplements are no harder to digest thansimilar cereals without added vitamins. 74. By pointing out that, when occurring in natural combination with othernutrients, vitamins are more usable by the body than are those same vitaminswhen added as a supplement, choice A provides reason to believe that a well-balancedbreakfast is a better source of vitamins than is a fortified breakfast cereal.A is the best answer. Choice B does not support the position taken, although the position taken,if correct, is relevant to the people mentioned. Choice E describes asimilarity between fortified cereals and other cereals. Choice C provides areason for adding supplements to processed cereals, and choice D givesinformation about unprocessed cereals, but neither adds support for the allegedadvantage of a well-balanced breakfast over a fortified cereal.