作文考得是 Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location.
补135题: PS 一个水池, 通过一根水管12 小时装满,装 a gallon,1 gallan水重b pounds,求一分钟内通过水管的水是多少pounds?
补146题: PS等腰三角形的三个角分别为a,b,c, 已知 a=b+c, 求角 c 选项有 45 度还有一个是无法判断 BYlittlelynn611 A. 45 B. 60 C. 90 D. 120 E. 根据题目条件无法得出结论
补192题: DS分子的绝对值除以分母的绝对值小于1的称之为Proper fraction, 问B是否为proper fraction 条件1 B is the difference of two proper fractions 条件2 B is the product of of two proper fractions
发年终奖bonus,总共三种年终奖 1000, 3500, 8500, 每种奖至少有一名员工拿到,总共发了90000,(数值记不清),问the least number of employees toreceive bonus
问下列哪项式最接近3.4279 A. 342/100 B. 685/500 C. 3427/1000 D. 17140/5000 E. 忘了,不重要 算出来最接近的分别是3.427和3.428,选3.428的那项
There is a car drving across a desert, the driver stopped at 1/3 of thejourney because the car was overheated. After the car engine is cooled down,the driver continued driving, and stopped at 1/4 of the remainder journey beforethe car is overheated again. The driver continued driving and stopped again at1/5 of the remainder journey. What is the fraction of the remainder journey tothe entire journey?剩余路程与总路程之比
想起来一道新狗:There are 10000 corporations, of which 0.2% is audited by thegovernment, of those audited company 75% are technology company, what is thepercentage of technology corporations which are audited by gov, appealed, andwon the appeal?条件1, 40% of the audited companies appealed 条件2, 65% of the appealed companies lose the appeal 好像选了C 顺便问一句....57题到底选神马啊?也遇到了,随便选了一个.... DS
有一篇阅读讲的一个学者M研究二战的什么东西,发现there are actually two wars, one for women, one for man. 因为男人因为权力和荣誉而战,而女人更sentimental 被更多的因素所干扰。 而研究过程中,关于女人对战争的看法还是回忆的资料都相当有限,和各种资料的limitation, M 主要是通过interviews of war survivors and their relatives和经常和她们沟通来研究(有题,问M主要通过什么方式来研究)。就记得这些了....
另一篇阅读讲pollution tax, 长阅读啊....
第一段讲介绍信推出的一个新的征污染税提案,说最终能够帮助减少污染的效率,根据每个企业的排污需要来给pollution credit, 如果污染超过了所给的credit, 就需要接受penalty。
第二段讲,这个心的提案实际上允许企业间转换credit, 也就是说用不完credit的企业可以把它剩下的credit卖给需要的企业,所以一些能够用低成本减少污染的企业会把多余的credit生下来卖给有需求大企业。这样整体下来不一定对减少污染起了多大作用。
补一下阅读狗26:第一段开始介绍budget transparency, 结尾问budget transparency在促进better health service & better education到底起了多大作用?
第二段说可能不是budget transparency促进health & education, 而是因为人们生活质量高了,health service and education都得到了满足,才会对政府花费的transparency有要求。事实上很少有citizens less motivated to understand the 高深难懂的政府报告(高亮有题问为什么甚少有人去看政府报告)
第三段讲因为政府budget报告透明化了,所有international financial institutions更愿意以low interest把钱借给该政府,而政府可以用这些钱去做更多的城市规划和设施建设。所以budget transparency最终也能达到提高人生生活质量的目的。