58.Some people say that the scarcity of food is afunction of the finite limits of the earth’s resources, coupled with arelentless rate of population growth. This analysis fails to recognize,however, that much of the world’s agricultural resources are usedto feed livestock instead of people. In the United States, forexample, almost one-half of the agricultural acreage is devotedto crops fed to livestock. A steer reduces twenty-one pounds of inexpensivegrain to one pound of expensive meat. Thus, the scarcity of food is not merelya function of limited resources and population growth. Which one of thefollowing is an assumption that would allow the conclusion in the argument tobe properly drawn? A. People prefer eating meat toeating grain. B. Meat is twenty-one times moreexpensive than grain. C. The limits of the earth’sagricultural resources are not finite. D. More than one-half of theagricultural acreage in the United States is devoted to drops fed to humans. E. Growing crops for humanconsumption on the acreage currently devoted to crops for livestock will yieldmore food for more people.
我选的是A,感觉答案不对啊啊,,因为是assumption,所以应该支持the scarcity of food 应该还由除了limited resources 和populaton growth 的原因导致的,,,,也就是文中提到的牲畜的消耗,,,而A项,人们更喜欢吃meat,不就支持了assumption么,说明牲畜消耗了很多粮食呀,,,求助求助,,感觉E很不对!!