109.Springfield Fire Commissioner:The vastmajority of false fire alarmsare prankcalls made anonymously from firealarm boxes on street corners. Sincevirtually everyone has access toa privatetelephone, these alarm boxes have outlived theirusefulness. Therefore, we propose toremove the boxes. Removing theboxes will reduce the number of prankcalls without hampering people's abilityto reporta fire. Which of the following, if true,most strongly supports the claimthat the proposal, if carriedout, will have the announced effect? (A) The fire department traces all alarmcalls made from private telephonesand recordswhere they
came from. (B) Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costsSpringfieldapproximately $5 million annually. (C) A telephone call canprovide the fire department with more information about the nature andsize of a fire
than can an alarmplaced from an alarm box. (D) Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire department'scapacity for responding to fires. (E) On any given day, a significantpercentage of the public telephonesin Springfieldare outof service.
B.无关信息,并且slightly weaken the conclusion
C.虽然说了alarm box的缺陷,但是并不能支持结论,因为结论是去除alarm boxes有必要,因为1.可以减少prank calls;2.不会影响正常的消防报警。C只是说了telephone 比alarm box好,但是并不能因此就去掉alarm boxes,因为很可能降低人们报警的效率,e.g:没带手机,没电话,发生火警的地点本该有的alarm box被拆除了。而且也没有减少prank calls的作用。
E.赤裸裸的weaken,telephone在任何一天都有很大几率out of service,所以alarm boxes 不能拆。
小弟我纠结的是A和D, 我知道A是support, 可以说的通,但是D虽然只是说明了false alarm会降低消防局对火警的反应能力,应该算是一个background information,但貌似也从另一个角度支持了结论啊,因为false alarms会影响正常报警,所以去掉alarm boxes就不会影响正常消防报警了,好像还是支持了第二点要素吧...
这道题看过一些讨论帖后还是想通了,但是感觉脑子里还是没建立起条件反射,就是很难区分A和D这种情况,怎样把看似支持的background information和真正的选项清晰的区分开?这个问题不搞透感觉下次遇到这种情况还是会错,还是会被D选项干扰,求各位NN提点!非常感谢哈~!