Scientists have modified feed corn genetically, increasing its resistance to insect pests. Farmers who tried out the genetically modified corn last season applied less insecticide to their corn fields and still got yields comparable to those they would have gotten with ordinary corn. Ordinary corn seed, however, costs less, and what these farmers saved on insecticide rarely exceeded their extra costs for seed. Therefore, for most feed-corn farmers, switching to genetically modified seed would be unlikely to increase profits.
Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?
69. Scientists have modifi ed feed corn genetically, increasing its resistance to insect pests. Farmers who tried out
the genetically modifi ed corn last season applied less insecticide to their corn fi elds and still got yields
comparable to those they would have gotten with ordinary corn. Ordinary corn seed, however, costs less,
and what these farmers saved on insecticide rarely exceeded their extra costs for seed. Therefore, for most
feed-corn farmers, switching to genetically modifi ed seed would be unlikely to increase profi ts.
Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?
(A) Whether there are insect pests that sometimes reduce feed-corn yields, but against which commonly used
insecticides and the genetic modifi cation are equally ineffective
(B) Whether the price that farmers receive for feed corn has remained steady over the past few years
(C) Whether the insecticides typically used on feed corn tend to be more expensive than insecticides typically
used on other crops
(D) Whether most of the farmers who tried the genetically modifi ed corn last season applied more insecticide
than was actually necessary
(E) Whether, for most farmers who plant feed corn, it is their most profi table crop
How come? 改造花的钱是什么?
According to the argument, what these farmers saved on insecticide rarely exceeded their extra costs for seed, you lose money, if the save on insecticide could possibly exceed extra costs for seeds, you can possibly make money. That's the rationale for Evaluate, right? Not to strengthen an argument.
题目已经说了产量不变了 got yields comparable to those they would have gotten with ordinary corn.这道题目讨论profit, 产量价格不变即是revenue不变,只能考虑cost side,D的yes和no情形恰能导致两种cost的对比,导致profit的对比发生变化,或者说可能的变化