55【film】 V1 suci (700) 就是飞机维护的时候工人们不能干别的,为了节省cost,飞机那边决定用一种film什么代替原来的一个什么painting,但是这个film花的更多 问以下哪个能够支持采用film而让飞机公司达到reduce cost的目的? 有两个选项纠结了半天 一个是film能够让工人维修的时候也能干别的另一个是film节省汽油花费,我选的是前者,因为我想着节省的汽油的花费不一定能抵消film其他方面的高花费,这个我不太确定哈 V2 by hhxzuikeai (770) 一个航空公司给飞机涂漆保养得代价很高,而且在涂漆的期间其他的保养都不能进行很耽误事。然后说这个航空公司决定用film代替以前的paint,尽管这个film价格更高blahblahblah一堆反正就是比那个paint怎么怎么看起来不好耗钱之类的吧。但是还是要用这个film。 问用这个film怎么能帮航空公司获利。 我没选考古选项,选的是当在给飞机上这个film的时候,其他的保养也可以同时进行。 【考古】 by XYXB 飞机隔一段时间要repaint,但是repaint的时候灰机不能工作影响挣钱。所以airline开始用一种film代替给灰机喷漆。但是film贵不划算。问那一项支持用Film。我选的是film可以让飞机在飞行的时候减少阻力耗油少。 【类似prep题】 (只是类似!)by Thyrod Prep2#16(26678-!-item-!-188;#058&003277) When an airplane istaken out of service for maintenance, it is often repainted as well, and duringthe repainting no other maintenance work can be done on the plane.In order toreduce maintenance time, airline officials are considering using a new nontoxicplastic film instead of paint.The film takes just as long to apply as paintdoes, but many other maintenance tasks can be carried out at the same time. Which of thefollowing, if true, is further evidence that using the film will help theairline officials achieve their goal? (A) Unlike paint, thefilm gives a milky tone to certain colors. (B) At the end of its useful life, the filmcan be removed much more quickly than paint can. (C) The film can beapplied only by technicians who have received special training. (D) The metalexteriors of airplanes have to be protected from high temperatures and causticchemicals such as exhaust gases. (E) Even at speedsconsiderably higher than the normal speed of a passenger jet, the film remainssecurely attached.
V3 飞机上的漆有毒,喷完后,人不可以接近。现在发明了一种新的机体材料,但价格贵,用起来又费事,问哪种观点支持新材料?选使用新材料时,技工可以在机体内做保养,因为没毒嘛,选B。 |