我只是想知道未来3-5年我应该如何设计自己的career为回国做准备..我没有想make more money或者switch to a "cool" career. 我对投行咨询也没兴趣. 我只是想在回国的前提下,尽量的保证我的expertise可以用上, 我的salary不要下降太多而已.如果说我在美国学到的, 工作到的, 在国内完全没用, 经验完全要划为0, 和应届生一样, 那么这样的sink cost我肯定是承受不了的.
至于phd, 没有什么为什么,这个只是背景的一部分.
what do you want... make more money, switch to a "cool" career, or relocate back to China?? you could start building a "model" by weighting all these factors... And it doesn't really matter whether you do data analysis in banking or IT - it's supporting function everywhere. You could enjoyr your staaaable life with slow salary increase, or start over and forget about past (your sunk cost). Why did you do your phd in the begining? -- by 会员 aardmouse (2013/1/14 6:55:24)