114. Normally, the pineal gland松果体 governs管理 a person's sleep- wake cycle by secreting melatonin in response to thedaily cycle of light and darkness as detected by the eye. Nonetheless, manypeople who are totally blind due to lesions损害 in the visual cortex树皮 of the brain easily maintain a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. So the neural pathway bywhich the pineal gland receives information from the eye probably does not passthrough the visual cortex视皮质.
. Forpurposes of evaluating the argument it would be most useful to establish whichof the following?
. A) Whether melatoninsupplements help people who have difficulty maintaining a 24-hour sleep cycleto establish such a pattern
. (B) Whether the melatoninlevels of most totally blind people who successfully maintain a 24-hoursleep-wake cycle change in response to changes in exposure to light anddarkness
. (C) Whether melatonin is theonly substance secreted by the pineal gland
. (D) Whether most people who donot have a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle nevertheless have a cycle of consistentduration
. (E) Whether there are anypeople with normal vision whose melatonin levels respond abnormally to periodsof light and darkness