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发表于 2012-11-15 00:44:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-15 22:12:15 | 只看该作者
anafkn 发表于 2013-5-15 00:34

修改:14 May independent writing



发表于 2013-5-15 21:37:29 | 只看该作者
pennywu20 发表于 2013-5-15 21:15

反思 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-15 21:15:32 | 只看该作者
艾米果果 发表于 2013-5-13 23:35
With the development of modern society(后面说的是越来越忙,这句写成In this fiercely competitive era ...


2.写文章的时候要注意一些细节,如first, 时态,人称一致的问题

发表于 2013-5-15 00:34:25 | 只看该作者
pennywu20 发表于 2013-5-14 23:06


修改:14 May independent writing

Nowadaysproducts made by various countries are available for people topurchase, due to the trade liberalizationand globalization. When concerning whetherpeople are responsible to purchase (for purchasing?好像见过的都是beresponsible for doing) the goods made by their owncountry even if things (things 好像很少在文章中单独出现以指代东西) of other countriesare less expensive, I believe that it is unwise for people to do so.

First, purchasing things less expensive is favorable to(for) the benefits of consumers’ themselves.Consumers only need to (直接换成can?因为后面有less) speed(spend) less money to enjoy the same amount of utility by choosing tobuy less expensive foreign goods. For instance, if people need to buy a newcamera, one choice is to purchase a foreign camera which costs $600, and another is buying (前面是another (choice)吧?那就是另一个“购买行为”的选择) a domestic one whichcosts $680, with the same quality, so which will people prefer? It is conceivable that it iswiser to save this $80. People can utilize this amount of money to fulfillother requirements of themselves (them), such astaking their children to have a nice day in Disneyland. Thus, people’s benefitsdo be enlarged by choosing more economical merchandise.

Also, the productivity and innovation ability of domestic enterprises will bemotivated. Competitions will arise (arise产生换成be intensified加剧怎么样?), if consumers are eager to purchase foreign products. In order tomaintain the formal market share, enterprises are motivated to lower productioncost and make improvements in other aspects of products. The Haier Corporation is the leading refrigeratorproducer in China (要不加个连接词?takingHaier, the leading refrigerator producer in China as an example ). It occupied more than 60% market shares in China in the 1990s.Later, when other advanced and cheaper refrigerator brands, such as Siemenswere introduced to China, the Haier experienced a drop (好温柔的语气……或者是suffered a sharp fall)in market share. To get rid of this plight, Haier research (searched for) methods to make improvements. Now Haierrefrigerator is more economical, energy-saving, and beautiful and always meetsthe requirements of consumers.

Finally, it (代词指代的行为解释一下咩,比方说改成 purchasing domestic products with higher prices) may trigger negative disorderin the international trade. Trade barriers will arise if people only buy merchandise(对哦,我把这词给忘了) made by their own country. Accordingto the World Trade Organization, market in a country should obey theNon-discriminatory, fair trade principle, which means that people shouldequally treat foreign merchandises when making their economic decisions. Ifpeople treat foreign products as inferiors, things (things像很少在文章中单独出现以指代东西) that exported to other countries may also notbe treated unfriendly and unfairly. Consequently, conflicts and disorders will arise within the world market.

To sum up, since people will obtain moreeconomic benefits, domestic enterprises will be motivated and the internationaltrade will be less disordered, it is unnecessary for people to take domesticproducts as their only choice.

1. LZ的综合已经perfect了,独立 on way to thron吧~~~~~~加油~~~~~~~
2. 句子用的和综合一样,都是短促但是意思很明确的,(sigh……跟我拖拖拉拉的说法一点都不一样),不知道托福的考官爱什么风格,不过如果能在句子结构上偶尔有两句比较长的,比如各种Ving状语,并列短语,独立主格结构,可能一口气看下来会感觉变化更多样一点
3. 有一些词,比如things,或者是重复多次使用的词汇,可以考虑换一换
4.总论点:高价购买国货是不必要的,分论点:1. 购买舶来品能为消费者省钱;2. 能促进国内企业竞争力;3. 仅购买国货会导致国际贸易混乱。论点好清楚(TT.TT一定是我自己的脑回路有问题,扯得太不知所以……),例子也有,语言上如果参见2、3,会更好

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 23:06:18 | 只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less?
Nowadays,products made by various countries are available for people to purchase, due to the trade liberalization and globalization. When concern whether people are responsible to purchase the goods made by their own country even if things of other countries are less expensive, I believe that it is unwise for people to do so.

First, purchasing things less expensive is favorable to the benefits of consumers’ themselves. Consumers only need to speed less money to enjoy the same amount of utility by choosing to buy less expensive foreign goods. For instance, if people need to buy a new camera, one choice is to purchase a foreign camera which costs $600, and another is a domestic one which costs $680, with the same quality, which will people prefer? It is conceivable that it is wiser to save this $80. People can utilize this amount of money to fulfill other requirements of themselves, such as taking their children to have a nice day in Disneyland. Thus, people’s benefits do be enlarged by choosing more economical merchandise.

Also, the productivity and innovation ability of domestic enterprises will be motivated. Competitions will arise, if consumers are eager to purchase foreign products. In order to maintain the formal market share, enterprises are motivated to lower production cost and make improvements in other aspects of products. The Haier corporation is the leading refrigerator producer in China. It occupied more than 60% market shares in China in the 1990s. Later, when other advanced and cheaper refrigerator brands, such as Siemens were introduced to China, the Haier experienced a drop in market share. To get rid of this plight, Haier research methods to make improvements. Now Haier refrigerator is more economical, energy-saving, beautiful and always meets the requirements of consumers.

Finally, it may trigger negative disorder in the international trade. Trade barriers will arise if people only buy merchandise made by own country. According to the World Trade Organization, market in a country should obey the Non-discriminatory, fair trade principle, which means that people should equally treat foreign merchandises when making their economic decisions. If people treat foreign products as inferiors, things that exported to other countries may also be treated unfriendly and unfairly. Consequently, conflicts and disorders will arise within the world market

To sum up, since people will obtain more economic benefits, domestic enterprises will be motivated and the international trade will be less disordered, it is unnecessary for people to take domestic products as their only choice.
发表于 2013-5-14 20:43:00 | 只看该作者
pennywu20 发表于 2013-5-14 20:16

发表于 2013-5-14 20:41:32 | 只看该作者
pennywu20 发表于 2013-5-14 20:12
The professor actually contradicts the critics made about the ''let it burn"  ...

The professor actually contradicts the critics made about the ''let itburn" policy in the passage. She is of the view that fire is a common part innatural recycle and it is a good way forcreating a new environment.

First, according to the lecture, the trees and vegetation become more diverseafter the big fire in 1988. The scorched land in Yellowstone's is covered by new plants. And after the bigtrees were burned out, small plants, which need open and un-shaded (果然还是我的听力不过关QAQ) environment, have this opportunity to thrive in the space whereused to be covered by the big ones. Also, some plants started to sprout due to the warmth after thefire.(所以这一句又是我听错了吗QAQ

Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the passage that the park wildlife wasaffected, the professor asserts that the population of the animals in the parkrecovered to an even larger one after the fire. The land after the fireprovides great opportunity and ideal environment for other animals, such as therabbits and hares. And so does their predators. Thus, the food chain in thepark becomes stronger due to the diversity of creatures after the fire.

Finally, the professor also points out that the tourist attraction in the parkis not affected by the policy, since the fire does not happen every year likethe 1988'. It was the uncommon rare rain fail and trydry……好不容易找到个错的地方……真是太有成就感了……) weather that leadto the big fire. Still, a large number of tourists come to the park forsight-seeing after the fire in 1988. This makes the final point in the passageindefensible.

1. 仰视lz的听力和词汇量
2. 句子结构显得简短清晰,很易懂,这是我的感觉。
3. 跟上次和lz互攻的综合相比,有一点点仓促的感觉(是因为时间吗。。。),也木有总结了(木有总结都写260多呀QAQ)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 20:16:53 | 只看该作者
anafkn 发表于 2013-5-13 21:46
The student, who is a part-time phoneservice buzzer, actually contradicts the statements made in th ...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 20:12:22 | 只看该作者
The professor actually contradicts the critics made about the ''let it burn" policy in the passage. She is of the view that fire is a common part in natural recycle and it is good way for creating a new environment.

First, according to the lecture, the trees and vegetation become more diverse after the big fire in 1988. The scorched land in Yellowstone's is covered by new plants. And after the big trees were burned out, small plants, which need open and unshaded environment, have this opportunity to thrive in the space where used to be covered by the big ones. Also, some plants started to sprout due to the warmth after the fire.

Furthermore, contrary to the belief in the passage that the park wildlife was affected, the professor asserts that the population of the animals in the park recovered to an even larger one after the fire. The land after the fire provides great opportunity and ideal environment for other animals, such as the rabbits and hares. And so does their predators. Thus, the food chain in the park becomes stronger due to the diversity of creatures after the fire.

Finally, the professor also points out that the tourist attraction in the park is not affected by the policy, since the fire does not happen every year like the 1988'. It was the uncommon rare rain fail and try weather that lead to the big fire. Still, a large number of tourists come to the park for sight-seeing after the fire in 1988. This makes the final point in the passage indefensible.
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