Airport official: Local residents have been complaining that night fights into Plainsville airport disturb their sleep and should be sharply reduced in number. This complaint is completely unreasonable—there have been night flights coming into the airport from the very beginning, twenty years ago, and these residents should have taken that fact into account when buying their homes.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the airport argument depends?
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-018 VCR014017 Easy Airport official: Local residents have been complaining that night fights into Plainsville airport disturb their sleep and should be sharply reduced in number. This complaint is completely unreasonable—there have been night flights coming into the airport from the very beginning, twenty years ago, and these residents should have taken that fact into account when buying their homes.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the airport argument depends?
A. There are fewer night flights now than there were originally. B. The residents who are complaining have been in their current homes fewer than twenty years. C. The residents who are complaining are ignoring the benefits they gain from the presence of the airport. D. The economic success of the airport depends entirely on the existence of the night flights. E. People buying houses in Plainville all avoid buying houses near the airport if they can.
题干逻辑链:airport反对抱怨者对night flights的抱怨 because anyone who cant bear that should not buy the house near the airport (There have been night flights here since 20 years ago) 这里的assumption 很明显就是 airport 方面认为 nightflights 先于居民住这里 居民既然选择住这里就不该抱怨 至于E 可以说这是另外一种形式的out of scope 因为对象已经转移了 由居住在附近的居民转移到了Plainsville的居民