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The Adventure of Vivian: If you want to survive in the business world, you'd better change yourself to fit your role--stick to the status quo! Wait a sec, is that the person you really want to be? --No, I am the one and only--Vivian
Every half year, McKinsey conducts semiannual performance review with all their consultants. During the review process, your evaluator asks everyone whom you worked with in the past 6 months and summarizes your strengths and “development needs” in a 2 page note. Before your next semi-review, you are required to show improvement in those development areas or there is a chance that you might receive a poor ranking. These semiannual reviews are taken quite seriously as it determines whether you get promoted, on the track of being promoted, or being "cancelled out".
On my 4th semi-annual review, I received a “development needs” that went something like this:
"You need to avoid being too empathetic with client's situation: You tend to become a bit too concerned with client's emotion, our team are concerned that this might affect your overall judgment and even affect your effectiveness with your client. Developing closeness with your client is a good thing, but make sure you maintain your objectivity."
I understood that last part of the feedback. Not maintaining objectivity is regarded as a very unprofessional behavior for the type of work we do. Consultants are expected to offer thirdparty, un-biased perspective to some of the most critical, political-sensitive corporate decisions. Everything we say, every idea we put forward, every recommendation we make has to be factbased, supported by a solid quantitative analysis. My first 1.5 years at McKinsey was learning how to build all type of excel models, run complex analysis and analyze data provided by our client. I didn't know anything about excel before I joined McKinsey but after 1.5 years of solid, on-the-job training, I relied on excel to solve 90% of the business problems. I didn't mind running numbers but I didn't love it. I didn't love it because there were very limited client interactions. If your sole responsibility is crunching and analyzing numbers, of course you don’t need any empathy.
As I grew more senior, I was given more responsibilities and had more direct interaction with clients. Just before this 4th semi-annual review, I was involved in serving a Taiwanese bank where I was asked to train and coach their 8-person team. Working with Taiwanese client was very challenging as they expected consultants to literally tell them everything and do everything. In the beginning of the project, the client team leader was very skeptical about the values I could bring to the organization. In her view, the “perfect” consultant was one who should have the answers to every business question and could always predict exactly what the future opportunities were. Unlike previous projects where I could just “hide” myself behind pile of spreadsheets, I had to really understand what was going on, why the client team leader wasn't motivated and create excitement for the team. To do all of that, I really needed to understand emotions and build trust. Luckily the 1.5-year solid analytical training didn't take away the people-oriented side of me. I connected very well with the client leader and her team- not really because of my capabilities or banking knowledge, it was the extra mile that I put in to understand her situation and my commitment in developing her people.
This could have been a happy ending story except there was one problem. Because I was so close to my client's situation, I didn't agree with some of the initiatives that my manager was suggesting my client to implement. I was too young to resolve this type of conflict and chose to stand by my client's side because I believed it was the right thing to do. When I received the development needs on my performance review, I was confused and begun to doubt if I could ever be a great consultant, even though I knew there was nothing I enjoyed more than inspiring clients with my advice.
But now looking back, this is the best performance review I have ever received in my entire life. It means that I will always standout among a group of consultants- One who will always add that extra personal touch when delivering my analysis and message. What I really needed wasn't avoid to be too empathetic with client's situation, but to understand when to be empathetic and when not to. Sometimes you need to be objective, but other times you need to be empathetic to get things implemented. No matter what job, position or role you are in, it's important to always develop a wider spectrum of skills/capabilities. As your experiences grow, you will gradually learn the best time to use your skills.
Also, I will never again in my life let a performance review tell me who I need to be to “fit” a particular role. My role doesn't define nor confine me as I am the onle and only. 更多精彩内容,请到相关页面点击下载阅读: http://forum.chasedream.com/Career_General/thread-743255-1-1.html