Businesses are suffering because of a lack of money available for development loans. To help businesses, the government plans to modify the income-tax structure in order to induce individual taxpayers to put a larger portion of their incomes into retirement savings accounts, because as more money is deposited in such accounts, more money becomes available to borrowers.
Which of the following, if true, raises the most serious doubt regarding the effectiveness of the government's plan to increase the amount of money available for development loans for businesses?
88. Businesses are suffering because of a lack of money available for development loans. To help businesses, the government plans to modify the income-tax structure in order to induce individual taxpayers to put a larger portion of their incomes into retirement savings accounts, because as more money is deposited in such accounts, more money becomesavailable to borrowers. Which of the following, if true, raises the most serious doubt regarding the effectiveness of the government’s plan to increase the amount of money available for development loans for businesses? (A) When levels of personal retirement savings increase, consumer borrowing always increases correspondingly. (B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan. (C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings. (D) Bankers generally will not continue to lend money to businesses whose prospective earnings are insufficient to meet their loan repayment schedules. (E) The modified tax structure would give all taxpayers, regardless of their incomes, the same tax savings for a given increase in their retirement savings.
OA:A 楼主的疑问是:能选A为什么不能选C? 照OG对C答案的解释:“As long as the total amount deposited in personal retirement accounts increases sufficiently, the decision of some people not to increase their contributions will not keep the plan from achieving its goal.”
那我A答案也可以说:“As long as consumer borrowing增加的部分略小于saving account增加的部分, corresponding increase in consumer borrowing will not keep the plan from achieving its goal”
What if consumer borrowers compete with businesses? If it is known that, historically, increased savings in personal retirement accounts correspondings with increased consumer borrowing, then the government's effort to target businesses as the beneficiaries of this plan could well fail.
上面这段解释,个人理解就是: savings incease-->money pool capacity increase-->if money pool specific for development loan-->development loan increase -->if not specific for development loan-->whether development loan increase or not depends on other loans that generated from this pool
基于上述推理,A正确。 如果A正确,那么money pool not specific for development loan成立。 结果,与D选项的解释:money available specifically for development loans矛盾。
接地求助D选项,觉得OG给的解释自相矛盾 D的解释: The plan would increase the money available specifically for development loans, not existing loan. 个人理解,如果D的解释成立,那么A选项就错误啊 A选项 When levels of personal retirement savings increase, consumer borrowing always increases correspondingly. A成立的前提是,development loans和consumer borrowing属于一个pool,才会产生此消彼长的结果,但是既然这个pool是specifically for development loans了,怎么又会贷给consumer borrowing呢?
correspondingly does not necessarily mean it will increase proportionally if the author intend to say increase proportionally, he will not use correspondingly here