Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
When people engage in activities that help others ,their brain releases endorphins, the brain's natural opiates, which induce in people a feeling of well-being. It has been suggested that regular release of endorphins increases people's longevity. And a statistic on adults who regularly engage in volunteer work helping others shows that they live longer, on average, than adults who do not volunteer. However, that statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity, because____________.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
When people engage in activities that help others,their brain releases endorphins, the brain’s natural opiates, which induce in people a feeling of well-being. It has been suggested that regular release of endorphins increases people’s longevity. And a statistic on adults who regularly engage in volunteer work helping others shows that they live longer, on average, than adults who do not volunteer. However, that statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity, because.
A.in the communities studied, women were much more likely to do regular volunteer work than men were, and women tend to live longer than men do.
B.the number of young adults who do regular volunteer work is on the increase
C.the feelings of well-being induced by endorphins can, at least for a time, mask the symptoms of various conditions and diseases, provided the symptoms are mild.
D.it is rare for a person to keep up a regular schedule of volunteer work throughout his or her life.
E.Some people find that keeping a commitment to do regular volunteer work becomes a source of stress in their lives.
是不是这个意思,A中的woman即使不做VOLUNTEER工作,她们也比男人长寿,因而她们的长寿不一定是VOLUNTEER造成而且是其他原因?A中的AND应该是表示并列的吧,而非women were much more likely to do regular volunteer work than men were所造成的
Just break downthe information you have. Help people→endorphins→longevity increased
Statistics:adults whoregularly engage in volunteer work helping others shows that they live longer,on average, than adults who do not volunteer According the diagram above,it seems logically to infer volunteer can boost longevity But the stimulus then stated! statistic would be what we would expecteven if volunteering does not boost longevity Then the seemingly right answer may indicatethere is something wrong with the statistics (May be the longevity is causedby other factors just like A) B:Atbest ,it seems to indicate that volunteering is beneficial,indicated by the increase. At worst, the rising number has no bearing on the argument. C: stated a fact that already present bythe passage D: obviously irrelevant E:itpoint out a drawback of regular volunteering,but it doesnot account for why volunteering cannot improver longevity…(stress reduce lifespan???limited informationthat we cannot speculate)