今天下午刚刚考完,分数实在是太低,就不报了,题也只记得几道了,拿出来分享一下,希望能帮到五月考试的其他人. 1.AI作文的题目不太理解,所以看了很久,记得比较清楚,应该是这样说的:People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects to others to perform it. 2.AA作文是说委内瑞拉的经济学家给总统写了封信,信的内容是说由于工业发展使得委内瑞拉的环境受到污染,所以中心公园的旅游收入已经连续降低了五年。不过幸运的是在国内的一些公园内发现了大量的煤炭。所以经济学家们建议同意煤炭公司去开采,这样煤炭公司一定会贡献大量的税收并给原来在旅游业工作的人提供大量的工作岗位。所以说政府应该同意开采,否则旅游业也只会持续下降。 3.阅读有一个是说俄罗斯妇女解放的问题的.还有一个是一个人对之前一个人认为妇女发明了一种容器的看法的反驳.详细的实在是记不得了,不好意思. 4.高中时没学过概率,结果今天就悲剧了.印象最深的是道这样的题:有个公司要安两个tracking system, T1和T2。这两个系统的密码都是由6个字符构成。T1要求有2个数字(从0~9中选)和4个字母(由A~Z,但不包括AEIOU和Y),T2要求有4个数字(要求同T1)和2个字母(要求同T1)构成.问题好象是问T1密码中的数字跟T2密码有相同的数字的概率是多少. 还有一个也是概率的题,大体是这样的:有两个袋子X和Y,袋子X是空的,袋子Y里有若干个红球和绿球.随机从Y中拿一个球到X后再随机从Y中拿一个到X,如果第二个被拿过去的球是绿色的几率是48/145,问两个球都是绿色的概率是多少.下面的两个条件是:A.第一个被拿过去的球是绿的的概率是1/5.B.红色的球有24个(好象是,记不清了). 还有一个题比较简单但没来得及做:一个学校有吉他小提琴和钢琴的兴趣班,学吉他的1/4,学钢琴的1/6, 学小提琴的1/8,三个班都没去的学生有143个,问学吉他的比学小提琴的多多少人.
参考文献(prep原文,未确认): Historians have identified two dominant currents in the Russian women's movement of the late tsarist period. "Bourgeois" feminism, so called by its more radical opponents, emphasized "individualist" feminist goals such as access to education, career opportunities, and legal equality. "Socialist" feminists, by contrast, emphasized class, rather than gender, as the principal source of women's inequality and oppression, and socialist revolution, not legal reform, as the only road to emancipation and equality. However, despite antagonism between bourgeois feminists and socialist feminists, the two movements shared certain underlying beliefs. Both regarded paid labor as the principal means by which women might attain emancipation: participation in the workplace and economic self-sufficiency, they believed, would make women socially useful and therefore deserving of equality with men. Both groups also recognized the enormous difficulties women faced when they combined paid labor with motherhood. In fact, at the First All-Russian Women's Congress in 1908, most participants advocated maternity insurance and paid maternity leave, although the intense hostility between some socialists and bourgeois feminists at the Congress made it difficult for them to recognize these areas of agreement. Finally, socialist feminists and most bourgeois feminists concurred in subordinating women's emancipation to what they considered the more important goal of liberating the entire Russian population from political oppression, economic backwardness, and social injustice.