再补充一下,有一道数学说一个人走一段距离,一共三十里,问平均速度 1,前二十里平均速度为80 2,后二十里平均速度为90. 还有一道PS,有图,是一个球体,上下都被削去一部分,然后告诉了球体直径,上下被削去之后的圆的截面的直径,求削去之后从上截面到下截面的距离 另外还有一道逻辑,说有一个生物学家的研究成果出现在孟德尔的某项成果之后二十年,所以这项成果不被其他科学家接受的原因就是它太超前了,问评价,我选了,当时这项成果是否available to 其他科学家。大意就是这样吧
好吧,我再编辑一次 作文一道题是说政府是否可以have access to citizen's library records and internet records, for the interest of nation security. 一篇是 一个国家为了减少贸易赤字就应该降低糖,这个国家主要出口品,的价格。也是大意哈(“The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price of sugar, its primary export. Such an action would make Sacchar better able to compete for markets with other sugar-exporting countries. The sale of Sacchar’s sugar abroad would increase, and this increase would substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit.”)