我主要不太明白题目最后一句,为什么说那句话偏题了呢,either beside the point这句话怎么理解,还有误导何解? 如果理解答案的话,题目应该是想说有两种情况,一种是irradiation食物生吃,还有一种就是irradiation食物熟吃,生吃是两种lower比较,熟吃的话就要考虑两种lower叠加了吧。。。可以这么说么。。求解 -- by 会员 fairytale17 (2012/3/7 20:44:29)
yes, your anlysis is right. But the error you commit is that you regard either beside the point is a whole phrase, actually either...or...is the construction of this sentence! If you recognise this point, I think it is much more clear to you. The argument says"beside the point" because for the food eaten raw there is a choice between irradiation and no irradiation rather than between irradiation and cooking. "misleading" because "irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking" sounds like that irradiation is a better way than cooking(this actually also indicate a choice between irradiation and cooking ), but for the food cooked there is a choice between cooking+irradiation and cooking rather than between irradiation and cooking. Option E eliminates the possibility that the effect of cooking+irradiation will works in some other way. So, it makes no sense to compair irradiation with cooking in the ways they work either separately or together. -- by 会员 子弹青春 (2012/3/8 10:59:07)
这个解释比OG上的官方解释好懂多了,谢谢!! |