AA 考的是Easy credit card company。 the executive suggests to donate half of the proceeds to a well-known environment organization, since a recent survey suggests that the public concerns about the environment issue. Doing so, they can attract more customers, increase existing customers use of the card, and increase interest rates to higher than the lowest rates available.
AI constant innovation and changes may damage to an organization as much as the benefit they bring to the organization.
Math 1. 说first mile is 2$/mile, after first mile each additional 1/4 mile will pay 0.75$/mile. He drives 3X mile, 3X integer,then how much he paid?
ans: D Verbal: 阅读考了一个蚂蚁的分工。一段引用了Adam Smith的话,说specialization makes worker efficient。 后来就说一个人研究蚂蚁的分工。 二段是说研究发现蚂蚁们有的工作能力很强,有的工作能力很慢。所以并不是specialization使他们工作效率可以得到提高。很多蚂蚁甚至根本什么都不做。只是等着突发状况或者在家维修蚁穴。。。。
还考了一个长阅读。说的是在freshwater pond和permanent water pond. fresh water pond的生物种类。一种观点说,生物要在freshwater dry up 之前繁衍,达到这一要求的生物不多,所以他们的种类较少。由此可推,在permanent pond李的种类应该比较多,然而,研究发现permanent里可以只有一种, 但是 freshwater 里面又可以有很多种。另一种观点出现。认为freshwater pond生物主要面临的困难是competition of resources and 要在water dryup之前减数分裂?,繁衍。permanent water pond的生物主要面临的问题是来自prayer的,多于来自resource competition。