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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-18】

发表于 2011-12-6 22:49:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


5. Researcher: People with certain personality disorders have more theta brain waves than those without such disorders. But my data show that the amount of one’s theta brain waves increases while watching TV. So watching too much TV increases one’s risk of developing personality disorders.
A questionable aspect of the reasoning above is that it
(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder

Excavation of the ancient city of Kourion on the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes.  Archaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake known to have occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists' hypothesis?
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.
(B) No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance.
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and 400 were found in Kourion.
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion.

According to a review of 61 studies of patients suffering from severely debilitating depression, a large majority of the patients reported that missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their depression.  Yet sleep-deprivation is not used to treat depression even though the conventional treatments, which use drugs and electric shocks, often have serious side effects.
Which of the following, if true, best explains the fact that sleep-deprivation is not used as a treatment for depression?
(A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night's sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria.
(B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed.
(C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol.
(D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakefulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry.
(E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes.

In many corporations, employees are being replaced by automated equipment in order to save money.  However, many workers who lose their jobs to automation will need government assistance to survive, and the same corporations that are laying people off will eventually pay for that assistance through increased taxes and unemployment insurance payments.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument?
(A) Many workers who have already lost their jobs to automation have been unable to find new jobs.
(B) Many corporations that have failed to automate have seen their profits decline.
(C) Taxes and unemployment insurance are paid also by corporations that are not automating.
(D) Most of the new jobs created by automation pay less than the jobs eliminated by automation did.
(E) The initial investment in machinery for automation is often greater than the short-term savings in labor costs.

United States hospitals have traditionally relied primarily on revenues from paying patients to offset losses from unreimbursed care.  Almost all paying patients now rely on governmental or private health insurance to pay hospital bills.  Recently, insurers have been strictly limiting what they pay hospitals for the care of insured patients to amounts at or below actual costs.
Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the information above?
(A) Although the advance of technology has made expensive medical procedures available to the wealthy, such procedures are out of the reach of low-income patients.
(B) If hospitals do not find ways of raising additional income for unreimbursed care, they must either deny some of that care or suffer losses if they give it.
(C) Some patients have incomes too high for eligibility for governmental health insurance but are unable to afford private insurance for hospital care.
(D) If the hospitals reduce their costs in providing care, insurance companies will maintain the current level of reimbursement, thereby providing more funds for unreimbursed care.
(E) Even though philanthropic donations have traditionally provided some support for the hospitals, such donations are at present declining.

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发表于 2020-5-20 00:39:54 | 只看该作者
A) 用词不当。无关
B) 错误定义脑电波的现象。无关
C) 把相关性认做因果。Correct
E) 暗示了看电视是患病的后果

A) 在K的墓里发现了常常在AD365左右的墓会有的铜器。
B) 没有AD365之后的硬币,之前的硬币很多。Correct
C) 历史提到了这个地震。只能证明有,不能证明导致毁灭。
E) 在AD365之后被使用的文字在K被发现。Weaken

A) 小部分抑郁患者,缺乏一晚上睡眠减少了暂时的焦虑。Weaken
B) 使抑郁患者保持清醒比正常人困难。无关
C) 丧失睡眠会使判断力受损,就像喝醉了一样。Correct (x)
E) 即使患者只睡了几分钟,抑郁情绪会全部回来。 Correct

A) 许多因为自动化被解雇的人找不到新工作。待定 Correct
B) 许多没有自动化转型的公司的利润下降。无关
C) 没有自动化的公司也要付税收和失业保险。无关
E) 机器投资比短期劳工成本高。Correct(x)无关

Must be true:医院收入减少
A) 尽管科技进步让昂贵的医疗手续对富人来说是可得的,对低收入病人来说不行。无关
B) 如果医院对未偿还照顾没有其他收入来源,他们要么拒绝这类服务,若提供就会有损失。Correct
C) 一些病人的收入高于能接受政府帮助的水平,但又不足以支付医疗保险。无关
E) 尽管慈善捐赠为医院提供了一些支持,这些捐赠现在在下降。没提到。

发表于 2019-11-8 07:07:59 | 只看该作者
1.        23s

P: 研究人员:患有某些人格障碍的人比没有精神障碍的人有更多的脑电波。
C: 因此,看太多电视会增加人格障碍的风险。
A: 对disorder的定义不重要
C: 原题把部分相关条件变成了因果关系
D: 和data sample无关
E: 题上并没有infer这个点

2.        27s
P: 在岛上的古城的发掘显示出碎片和倒塌的房屋结构,这些房屋是地震造成的典型城镇。
C: 考古学家假设该破坏是由于公元365年该岛附近发生的一场大地震造成的。

3.        43s
C: 即使使用药物和电击的传统疗法通常会产生严重的副作用,但剥夺睡眠不足不能用于治疗抑郁症。
【这题竟然做错了= = 光想着找跟剥夺睡眠副作用有关的选项了,完全没考虑E】

4.        40s
P: 在许多公司中,为了省钱,员工被自动化设备取代。
C: 而裁员的同一家公司最终将通过增加税收和失业保险金来支付这种援助。
推测:在公司工作的员工都会买失业保险,失业的人很难找到工作;如果公司save money,利润提高,政府收的税就变高

5.        48s
P: 传统上,美国医院主要依靠支付病人的收入来抵消无偿医疗的损失。
P: 现在,几乎所有付费患者都依靠政府或私人健康保险来支付医院账单。
发表于 2018-3-5 06:49:44 | 只看该作者
T: 23s
P:People with certain personality disorders have more theta brain waves than those without such disorders.
P: the amount of one’s theta brain waves increases while watching TV.
C: So watching too much TV increases one’s risk of developing personality disorders.

(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection--->R
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder---RSHELL GAME

T: 28S
P: Excavation revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes.
C: destruction was due to a major earthquake known to have occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
SUPPORT: A.D.365之后,town不为人知
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion.--->irreverent
(B) No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance.--->R
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365.--->irreverent
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and 400 were found in Kourion.--->irreverent
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion.--->W

T: 37S
P: a large majority of the patients reported that missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their depression.   
P: the conventional treatments, which use drugs and electric shocks, often have serious side effects.
C: sleep-deprivation is not used as a treatment for depression
EP: 副作用更大
(A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night's sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria.--->IRREVERENT
(B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed.--->IRREVERENT
(C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol.--->R
(D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakefulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry.--->IRREVERENT
(E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes.--->IRREVERENT--->R

T: 26S
P: employees are being replaced by automated equipment in order to save money.  
P: THEY will need government assistance to survive
C: the same corporations will eventually pay for that assistance through increased taxes and unemployment insurance payments.
(A) Many workers who have already lost their jobs to automation have been unable to find new jobs.--->R
(B) Many corporations that have failed to automate have seen their profits decline.--->irreverent
(C) Taxes and unemployment insurance are paid also by corporations that are not automating.--->irreverent
(D) Most of the new jobs created by automation pay less than the jobs eliminated by automation did.--->irreverent
(E) The initial investment in machinery for automation is often greater than the short-term savings in labor costs.--->irreverent

T: 46s
United States hospitals have traditionally relied primarily on revenues from paying patients to offset losses from unreimbursed care.  Almost all paying patients now rely on governmental or private health insurance to pay hospital bills.  Recently, insurers have been strictly limiting what they pay hospitals for the care of insured patients to amounts at or below actual costs.
(A) Although the advance of technology has made expensive medical procedures available to the wealthy, such procedures are out of the reach of low-income patients.
(B) If hospitals do not find ways of raising additional income for unreimbursed care, they must either deny some of that care or suffer losses if they give it.--->R
(C) Some patients have incomes too high for eligibility for governmental health insurance but are unable to afford private insurance for hospital care.
(D) If the hospitals reduce their costs in providing care, insurance companies will maintain the current level of reimbursement, thereby providing more funds for unreimbursed care.
(E) Even though philanthropic donations have traditionally provided some support for the hospitals, such donations are at present declining.
发表于 2016-5-19 03:03:51 | 只看该作者
people disorder more T waves
date, watching tv more T waves
C: watching tv higher chance of disorder
(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder

debris and buildings of an ancient town
an earthquake destroyed the buildings
AD365, city K
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion. 无关
(B) No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance. 无关
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and 400 were found in Kourion. 无关
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion. 无关

ppl suffer from depression
some said missing a night sleep lifted
sleep deprivation is not a treatment
drugs and electric are common, more side effect
A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night's sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria.
(B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed.
(C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol.
(D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakefulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry.
(E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes.

ppl lose job bc automation, depend on government
cooperation use automation is pay the tax
strengthen argument
(A) Many workers who have already lost their jobs to automation have been unable to find new jobs.
(B) Many corporations that have failed to automate have seen their profits decline.
(C) Taxes and unemployment insurance are paid also by corporations that are not automating.
(D) Most of the new jobs created by automation pay less than the jobs eliminated by automation did.
(E) The initial investment in machinery for automation is often greater than the short-term savings in labor costs.

Hospital rely on paying patient to unreimbursed
now patient pay below or actual cost
A) Although the advance of technology has made expensive medical procedures available to the wealthy, such procedures are out of the reach of low-income patients.
(B) If hospitals do not find ways of raising additional income for unreimbursed care, they must either deny some of that care or suffer losses if they give it.
(C) Some patients have incomes too high for eligibility for governmental health insurance but are unable to afford private insurance for hospital care.
(D) If the hospitals reduce their costs in providing care, insurance companies will maintain the current level of reimbursement, thereby providing more funds for unreimbursed care.
(E) Even though philanthropic donations have traditionally provided some support for the hospitals, such donations are at present declining.
发表于 2015-9-28 19:16:43 | 只看该作者
20150928 CR小分队

5. Researcher: People with certain personality disorders have more theta brain waves than those without such disorders. But my data show that the amount of one’s theta brain waves increases while watching TV. So watching too much TV increases one’s risk of developing personality disorders.
A questionable aspect of the reasoning above is that it
(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection 正确
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data 结论和data关系不大
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder 反

Excavation of the ancient city of Kourion on the island of Cyprus revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes.  Archaeologists have hypothesized that the destruction was due to a major earthquake known to have occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the archaeologists' hypothesis?
(A) Bronze ceremonial drinking vessels that are often found in graves dating from years preceding and following A.D. 365 were also found in several graves near Kourion. weaken
(B) No coins minted after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion, but coins minted before that year were found in abundance. 正确
(C) Most modern histories of Cyprus mention that an earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365. 无关 mention但是不一定是他造成的毁坏
(D) Several small statues carved in styles current in Cyprus in the century between A.D. 300 and 400 were found in Kourion. 时间段不对
(E) Stone inscriptions in a form of the Greek alphabet that was definitely used in Cyprus after A.D. 365 were found in Kourion. Weaken

According to a review of 61 studies of patients suffering from severely debilitating depression, a large majority of the patients reported that missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their depression.  Yet sleep-deprivation is not used to treat depression even though the conventional treatments, which use drugs and electric shocks, often have serious side effects.
逻辑链:study show that 不睡觉可以减轻depression,但是很少有人用不睡觉来治疗depression,即使其他治疗方式有很严重的负作用
Which of the following, if true, best explains the fact that sleep-deprivation is not used as a treatment for depression?
(A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night's sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria. weaken
(B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed. 无关
(C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol. 这是说有负作用但是其他方法也有,所以解释力度不够
(D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakefulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry. 无关
(E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes. 正确

In many corporations, employees are being replaced by automated equipment in order to save money.  However, many workers who lose their jobs to automation will need government assistance to survive, and the same corporations that are laying people off will eventually pay for that assistance through increased taxes and unemployment insurance payments.
逻辑链:很多公司解雇员工用自动器具来save money,但是没工作的人需要政府补贴,这些公司之后会因此支付更多的税和保险
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument?
(A) Many workers who have already lost their jobs to automation have been unable to find new jobs. 正确
(B) Many corporations that have failed to automate have seen their profits decline. 无关
(C) Taxes and unemployment insurance are paid also by corporations that are not automating. 无关
(D) Most of the new jobs created by automation pay less than the jobs eliminated by automation did. 无关
(E) The initial investment in machinery for automation is often greater than the short-term savings in labor costs. 无关

United States hospitals have traditionally relied primarily on revenues from paying patients to offset losses from unreimbursed care.  Almost all paying patients now rely on governmental or private health insurance to pay hospital bills.  Recently, insurers have been strictly limiting what they pay hospitals for the care of insured patients to amounts at or below actual costs.
1.        医院offset losses的方式
2.        现在paying patients 也不自己付钱了
3.        保险公司现在严格限制他们支付给医院的钱

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the information above?
(A) Although the advance of technology has made expensive medical procedures available to the wealthy, such procedures are out of the reach of low-income patients. 新消息
(B) If hospitals do not find ways of raising additional income for unreimbursed care, they must either deny some of that care or suffer losses if they give it. 正确
(C) Some patients have incomes too high for eligibility for governmental health insurance but are unable to afford private insurance for hospital care. 新消息
(D) If the hospitals reduce their costs in providing care, insurance companies will maintain the current level of reimbursement, thereby providing more funds for unreimbursed care.
(E) Even though philanthropic donations have traditionally provided some support for the hospitals, such donations are at present declining.  新消息
发表于 2015-8-25 09:39:33 | 只看该作者
B: Brain disorders have more brain waves
P: Watch TV=> more brain waves
C: Watch TV => Brain disorders
Prep: Watch TV=> brain disorders, not necessary lead brain disorders
A: Wrong
B: Wrong
D: Wrong
E: watching tv is not consequence

B: Found debris
P: Earthquake
C: Earthquake=A.D. 365 earthquake
Prep: Only occurred one earthquake
A: Weaken
C: Not weaken or strengthen
D: Weaken
E: Weaken

P: Missing sleep lifted depression
C: Doctors did use this method
Prep: Missing sleep would lead more serious consequence, OR the treatment affect is temporary.
A: Irrelevant=> euphoria
B: Irrelevant
C: ????
D: Irrelevant

P: Fire employees
C: Pay more tax and unemployment insurance
Prep: Strengthen: Support the C
B: Irrelevant
C: Irrelevant
D: Irrelevant
E: Weaken

P: Most of the patients rely on government or insurance companies to pay medical fees
C: Payment less than the hospital cost
Prep: Hospital will loss money

全对~ 明天考试,希望状态好好~
发表于 2014-8-1 16:42:09 | 只看该作者
E选错了,应该选C。我没有分清楚题目啊,题目内容说的是watching TV caused the personality disorder
发表于 2014-5-11 10:04:14 | 只看该作者
1. 31s
P:people with certain personality disorders have more theta brain waves than those without such disoders.
one's theta brain waves increases while watching TV
C:watching too much TV increases risk of developong personality disorders.
Pre:C-->E WT-->PD 削弱,也许是disoders导致的watch too much TV.
(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection正解
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data 错误 不能说sample是unrepresentative的
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder

题型分析错误,是flaw in reasoning

2. 33s B
3. 48s E 看的不是很懂
4. 31s A 也不太懂是要加强什么。。。只是觉得其他选项更无关
5. 54s B
发表于 2014-4-17 21:56:46 | 只看该作者
premise:  People with certain personality disorders have more theta brain waves than those without such disorders
premise: the amount of one’s theta brain waves increases while watching TV
conclusion:watching too much TV increases one’s risk of developing personality disorders
Q:Weaken(A questionable aspect of the reasoning)
prephrase: the passage just shows the connection between the brain wave and disorders but not the causal relationship

(A) uses the phrase “personality disorders” ambiguously---the term "personality disorders " has no other seriously obscure meaning
(B) fails to define the phrase “theta brain waves”----the same as A
(C) takes a correlation to imply a causal connection-----correct
(D) draws a conclusion from an unrepresentative sample of data----there is no information about data so we don;t know whether the data is representative
(E) infers that watching TV is a consequence of a personality disorder---shell game;passage ndicates that personality disorder is a outcome of the watching TV

2.premise:Excavation of the ancient city of K on the island of C revealed a pattern of debris and collapsed buildings typical of towns devastated by earthquakes.  
conclusion: the destruction was due to a major earthquake occurred near the island in A.D. 365.
prephrase: some evidence was discovered to show the date aound AD365

premise:missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their depression
conclusion: sleep-deprivation is not used to treat depression
prephrase: sleep-deprivation can lead to more serious depression after sleep

4. 27''
premise:many workers who lose their jobs to automation will need government assistance to survive conclusion: same corporations that are laying people off will eventually pay for that assistance through increased taxes and unemployment insurance payments.
prephrase: tax and uenmployment cannot be avoid by these companies
               those workers will not find jobs again

4. 1'+
hospital relies on the paying patients to get revenue
now patients rely on the insurance to pay for hospital
insurers limit the amount of pay to patients and the amount is less than the cost
Q:must be ture
prephrase: 题没看懂。。
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