1.【35s】【前提结论型】 P:the price of a used plan is one third of the train line.+The plan has no fixed line and can fly everywhere C: The market of the train will not exist any more. weaken:the train is more safe than the plan and there are still many people prefer to take the train. A: (A) Cars, buses, and planes require the efforts of drivers and pilots to guide them, whereas the train will be guided mechanically.【 there is no relevant with the guide】 (B) Cars and buses are not nearly as fast as the high-speed train will be.【wrong comparison】 (C) Planes are not a free-wheel system because they can fly only between airports, which are less convenient for consumers than the high-speed train’s stations would be.【R】【这道题比较有意思,它是攻击前提而非结论】 (D) The high-speed train line cannot use currently underutilized train stations in large cities.【irrelevant subject】 (E) For long trips, most people prefer to fly rather than to take ground-level transportation.【support】
P:Transnational cooperationundergo renaissance-->even though the joint venture ofthe corporate companies is less profitable than the private company,still many companies do so---> this measure can help the company to winforeign contract.
(A) “We would rather make only a share of the profit andalso risk only a share of a possible loss than run the full risk of a loss.”【nomention full risk】 (B) “We would rather make a share of a relatively modest profit than endup making none of a potentially much bigger profit.” (C) “We would rather cooperate and build good will than poison thebusiness climate by all-out competition.”【no mentionCompetition】 (D) “We would rather have foreign corporations join us in Americanprojects than join them in projects in their home countries.”【nomention home countries】 (E) “We would rather win a contract with a truly competitive bid of our ownthan get involved in less profitable collaborative agreements.”【R】【nocollaboration】
99. information provide:no idea.
(A) Transnational cooperation involves projects too bigfor a single corporation to handle.【no size】 (B) Transnational cooperation results in a pooling of resources leading tohigh-quality performance.【no quality】 (C) Transnational cooperation has in the past been both more common andless common than it is now among United States firms. (D) Joint projects between United Statesand foreign corporation are not profitable enough to be worth undertaking. 【contradict】 (E) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporations benefit onlythose who commission the projects.【contradict】
P:Illusion of size and velocity: the moreslowly--> the larger the car.
C:the available time of a small car is lower than thelarger car.
Support:the two kins of car looks like moving the samerate.
(A) truck’s speed is assumed to be lower than the car’s (B) truck’s speed is assumed to be the same as the car’s【R】 (C) truck’s speed is assumed to be higher than the car’s (D) motorist’s estimate of time available is assumed to be more accuratewith cars approaching than with trucks approaching【irrelevant】 (E) motorist’s estimate of time available is assumed to be more accuratewith trucks approaching than with cars approaching【irrelevant】 |