13. In Swartkans territory, archaeologists discovered charred bone fragmentsdating back one million years. Analysis of the fragments, which came from avariety of animals, showed that they had been heated to temperatures no higherthan those produced in experimental campfires made from branches of white stink wood,the most common tree around Swartkans. Which of the following, if true, would,together with the information above, provide the best basis for the claim thatthe charred bone fragments are evidence of the use of fire by early hominids? (A) The white stinkwood tree is used forbuilding material by the present-day inhabitants of Swartkans. (B) Forest fires can heat wood to a rangeof temperatures that occur in campfires. (C) The bone fragments were fitted togetherby the archaeologists to form the complete skeletons of several animals . (D) Apart from the Swartkans discovery, there is reliable evidence thatearly hominids used fire as many as 500,000 years ago. (E) The bone fragments were found in several distinct layers of limestonethat contained primitive cutting tools known to have been used by earlyhominids. 答案:E My question is:文章让加强的是“ the charred bone fragments are evidence of the use of fire by early hominids”。但是E选项的意思是证明了early hominids用过primitive cutting tools,这句能证明他们use fire吗?是不是有些牵强啊。 另外想说一点,这个题到底是什么意思呢?是想证明early hominids用火把自己烧了吗?哈哈,笑死我了。不好意思,也许是我理解错了。求解释!3ks a lot!
If early hominids use fire, it must be true that 1. charred bone fragment analysis must be correct. + ( one of the options offered. )
1. if there use fire, it must be true that they have " things " to burn with
2." no higher than " = Equal or less than
3. Best basis = necessary condition
let us go into the answers.
A. Not really relevant, please don't waste time on reviewing this answer.
B. Sounds weird, how could " temperature " really does matter to the argument ? Let us negate the logic stand of this statement as: Forest fires can not heat wood to a range of temperatures that occur in campfires. Well, it could be less as we anticipate right ? SO, it does not break the argument by negating the logical stand of this statement.
C. It does not necessary required archaeologists to form the complete skeletons from the bone fragment gathered.
D. Ok, Out of scope. Think in this way, from this answer, we have the other set of the evidence for the other claim that seems to be associated positively with our original claim. However, there is no way it could certainly true that by exchanging the premises for supporting 2 " seems to be " similar claims.
We do not necessary need the " evidence of human using fire 500,000 years ago " to support the claim that " the If human using fire a million years ago, it must be true that those charred bone fragments must be the evidence for it. You could only say that if the claim we seek to prove is correct, then it must be true that " evidence of human using fire 500,000 years ago must also be true.
E. Let us negate it
" Bone fragment were not found in any of the limestone that contained primitive cutting tools known to have been used by early human " Which is to say, if no bone could be found in those cutting tools, then it must be true that there is a chance of those cutting tools never be used for cutting the bones, and if no bones be cut by human, then it also must be true that it is " possible " that those charred bone fragments are not from any human activities, and in that sense, inevitably, we must not deny a possible claim that no way can we prove the bones could be regarded as the evidence of human use fire.
In Swartkans territory, XXXXXX. So the charred bone fragments are evidence of the use of fire by early hominids.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the best basis for the claim?
这题的核心逻辑其实是:charred bone被加热到了campfire所能加热到的温度(即bone被用campfire加热过)→原始人会用火。
这个逻辑显然很weak,可以从很多角度攻击,但最关键的一个assumption是认为原始人能使用campfire加热charred bone。在给出的5个选项中,只有E能strengthen。具体分析如下:
E:碎骨旁边有原始人使用的切割工具,说明原始人处理过charred bone,结合这些charred bone被加热过,进一步增强了原始人会用火的结论。换个角度,E也削弱了这些bone是无意掉到campfire里而非原始人用火加热的可能性,排除它因。
当然,就像楼上说的,哪怕E选项也无法“证实”结论,它只是slightly strengthen the conclusion。
PS.这题让我联想到CR Bible对strengthen题的总结里有说过,不论strengthen的效果只有1%还是100%,都是strengthen,而strengthen的强度正是增加此类题型难度的地方,也是出题者最喜欢搞事的part。这题看起来很好地印证了这一点~
- 另一点,文章核心的gap是跟“人”联系起来,读的时候其实很容易忽略这个,容易想当然觉得就是人烧的啊,但其实题干从始至终都没有提到是被人烧的,文中用被动had been heated很tricky,所以正确选项里面给出了有人使用过的工具,至于这个工具用来干嘛并不重要,他们的作用是证明”人”当时跟这些动物碎片是一起存在的。