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发表于 2011-10-14 23:08:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

77. Country Y uses its scarce foreign-exchange reserves to buy scrap iron for recycling into steel. Although the steel thus produced earns more foreign exchange than it costs, that policy is foolish . Country V's own territory has vast deposits of iron ore, which can be mined with minimal expenditure of foreign exchange.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for Country V's policy of buying scrap iron abroad?

(A) The price of scrap iron on international markets rose significantly in 1987.
(8) Country Y's foreign-exchange reserve s dropped significantly in 1987.
(C) There is virtually no difference in quality between steel produced from scrap iron and that produced from iron ore.
(D) Scrap iron is now used in the production of roughly halfthe steel used in the world today, and experts
predict that scrap iron will be used even more exten sively in the future.
(El Furnaces that process scrap iron can be built and operated in Country Ywith substantially less foreign
exchange than can furnaces that process iron ore.

78. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

The figures in portraits by the Spanish painter EI Greco (1541-1614) are systematically elongated. In EI Greco's time, the intentional distortion of human figures was unprecedented in European painting. Consequently, some critics have suggested that EI Greco had an astigmatism, a type of visual impairment, that resulted in people appearing to him in the distorted way that is characteristic of his paintings. However, this suggestion cannot be the explanation, because __.

(A) several twentieth-century artists have consciously adopted from EI Greco's paintings the systematic
elongation of the human form
(8) some people do have elongated bodies somewhat like those depicted in EI Greco's portraits
(C) if EI Greco had an astigmatism, then, relative to how people looked to him, the elongated figures in his
paintings would have appeared to him to be distorted
(D) even if EI Greco had an astigmatism, there would have been no correction for it available in the period in which he lived
(E) there were non-European artists, even in EI Greco's time, who included in their works human figures that
were intentionally distorted

79. Consumer health advocate: Your candy company adds caffeine to your chocolate candy bars so that each one delivers a specified amount of caffeine. Since caffeine is highly addictive, this indicates that you intend to keep your customers addicted.
Candy manufacturer: Our manufacturing process results in there being less caffeine in each chocolate candy
bar than in the unprocessed cacao beans from which the chocolate is made.

The candy manufacturer's response is flawed as a refutation of the consumer health advocate's argument
because it

(A) fails to address the issue of whether the level of caffeine in the candy bars sold by the manufacturer is
enough to keep people addicted
(B) assumes without warrant that all unprocessed cacao beans contain a uniform amount of caffeine
(C) does not specify exactly how caffeine is lost in the manufacturing process
(0) treats the consumer health advocate's argument as though it were about each candy bar rather than
about the manufacturer's candy in general
(E) merely contradicts the consumer health advocate's conclusion without giving any reason to believe that
the advocate's reasoning is unsound

80. To evaluate a plan to save money on office-space expenditures by having its employees work at home.
XYZ Company asked volunteers from its staff to try the arrangement for six months. During this period,
the productivity of these employees was as high as or higher than before.

Which of the following, if true, would argue most strongly against deciding, on the basis of the trial results, to implement the company's plan?

(A) The employees who agreed to participate in the test of the plan were among the company's most self motivated and independent workers.
(8) The savings that would accrue from reduced office-space expenditures alone would be sufficient to justify the arrangement for the company. apart from any productivity increases.
(C) Other companies that have achieved successful results from work-at-home plans have workforces that are substantially larger than that of XYZ.
(D) The volunteers who worked at home were able to communicate with other employees as necessary for
performing the work.
(E) Minor changes in the way office work is organized at XYZ would yield increases in employee productivity
similar to those achieved in the trial.
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发表于 2012-9-4 20:38:55 | 只看该作者
第77题打错了,是country Y' policy of buying scrap iron abroad.不是country V. 我说怎么看不懂呢~~⊙﹏⊙b汗
发表于 2011-10-18 21:05:47 | 只看该作者
其实都有跟着看的,只是不好意思贴啊,觉得题目挺难的大家做的都好快,我很少有一分钟内能做出来的,而且看题目的时候不能active thinking啊,木有反应出什么。分类总结总觉得没有得到很好的领悟,求指教!
发表于 2011-10-18 08:04:44 | 只看该作者
1. 33s
-the country is using its scarce foreign exchange service to buy iron for recycling steel.
-earn more than cost.
-however, the action is folish because the country has vast deposit of iron ore.
guess support: no idea..

2. 21s, 做过啦
-distored painting.
-people think that he had 散光
-however, it doesn't explain because...

3. 32s
-customers complain that there is caffein in the candy which the manufacture tries to addict the consumers.
-the manufacture says that the candy has far less caffein than the chocolate bars.
guess manufacture's flaw: not direct refute.

4. 29s
-the company implement a plan that ask its employees to work at home in order to save the company money on office supplies and such.
-the result is, workers productivity is as high as that before.
guess evaluation: no idea...
发表于 2011-10-16 12:42:46 | 只看该作者
P:Y use foreign exchange to buy iron scrap--> sell the steel made of iron to earn more exchange.
C: this police is foolish--> Y can save exchange by using its own iron ore deposit.
Support the policy: only countries that sell the iron are willing to buy the steel.
P: figures in the G's painting are elongated.--->C :critic say it because the visual impairment of G
weaken: some of the painting of G the figures are in right size.
health report: there are caffeine in the candy--> caffeine will make people addict.
candy company: there is less caffeine in the candy than in the coco bean.
Weaken: false analogy, people do not eat coco beans.
P:evaluate the productivity of people work at home--> use 6 month--> show higher productive.
C: this evaluate is nor sufficient.
support: 6 months may not sufficient long to guarantee the result.
发表于 2011-10-15 22:25:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-10-15 02:04:37 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-14 23:16:28 | 只看该作者


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