不懂D选项为啥不对,可能我对它的意思的理解有误,也不懂OG的解释。我理解D选项的意思是:所有现在要控制的污染物都是现在已经到达北海的。从OG的解释上来看,好像是说,这种污染物的全部都reach 北海了。。。不用证明,而只要证明部分就行了,但是D选项的原句是这个意思么?如果是我说的那个意思该怎么表达呢?
10. Which of the following best completes the passagebelow?
At a recent conference on environmental threats tothe North Sea, most participating countries favoreduniform controls on the quality of effluents, whether ornot specific environmental damage could be attributedto a particular source of effluent. What must, ofcourse, be shown, in order to avoid excessivelyrestrictive controls,is that__.
(A)any uniform controls that are adopted are likelyto be implemented without delay
(B) any substance to be made subject to controlscan actually causeenvironmental damage (C) the countries favoring uniform controls arethose generating the largestquantities ofeffluents
(D) all of any given pollutant that is to be controlled actually reaches the North Sea at present
(El environmental damage already inflicted on theNorth Sea is reversible
D选项OG的解释:It is not necessary to prove that all of a pollutant reaches the North Sea, it is necessary to prove only that some of it does. |