C is the right answer. If C is true, the most productive workers would be less productive under the new plan. D would not have any impact on the new plan as it only touches on COMPENSATION, not PRODUCTIVITY. Just by rearranging working schedules does not entice workers to be more productive simply based on the compensation policy. -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/5/30 21:21:07)
可是“Just by rearranging working schedules does not entice workers to be more productive simply based on the compensation policy ”不就正是weaken了结论了吗
结论是10 hours a day, 4 days a week increases productivity.
按照SDCAR大的说法,Just by rearranging working schedules does not entice workers to be more productive simply based on the compensation policy
换成10/4 并不会提高productivity,那不就weaken结论了? |