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发表于 2011-5-16 17:40:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
19. Manufacturers of household appliances are still urging the public to purchase food processors. The various manufacturers’ advertisements all point out that the prices of these appliances are now lower than ever and that each food processor comes with a lifetime service warranty. In addition, many manufacturers offer sizable rebates to customers who purchase food processors within a given time period. With these incentives, the advertisements contend, people can hardly afford not to purchase food processors.
Which answer choice is a logically prior issue that the manufacturers’ advertisements fail to address?
(A) Whether the cost of repairs to the food processors over the years will cancel out the savings currently being offered
(B) Whether potential customers have enough uses for food processors to justify purchasing them
(C) Whether the heads of the companies manufacturing food processors own food processors themselves
(D) Whether the food processors currently being advertised will be outdated within the next five years
(E) Whether accessories and replacement parts will be readily available at retail outlets

答案是B,但题目的结论是说 With these incentives, the advertisements contend, people can hardly afford not to purchase food processors.有了这些激励措施,人们不可能买不起这些食品加工器。那答案不应该是focus在钱的问题上么?所以我选了A。我的思路哪里有问题捏?
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 22:15:55 | 只看该作者
A项错,因为题目中说了 “each food processor comes with a lifetime service warranty”,所以消费者根本不需要考虑维修费用的多少,因为这些费用都包括在保修条例中了。

B项正确。就像楼主所说的,这些制造者将问题focus在钱上了,这就是他们思维中的最大纰漏。消费者买一样东西之前要考虑的第一件事(即a logically prior issue)就是“我是不是需要这个东西?”如果不需要的话,不管这东西有多便宜,消费者也不会去买的,所以根本也就不存在钱的问题了,那些incentives也就没用了。

而且还有一点,就是对afford一词的理解:一般情况下afford是“买得起”的意思,但人们有时也这样用:“Time is too precious for us and no one can afford to idle it away.” 这里其实跟钱无关了,而是说时间太宝贵了,没人能丢的起。楼主照这个思维理解题干的最后一句话,意思就成了:人们如果不买这个产品的话就太亏了,所以没人会不买的。
-- by 会员 salle66 (2011/5/17 22:07:51)

恩。。我明白了。。。谢谢!看来我是没有理解a logically prior issue的真正意思
发表于 2011-5-17 22:07:51 | 只看该作者
A项错,因为题目中说了 “each food processor comes with a lifetime service warranty”,所以消费者根本不需要考虑维修费用的多少,因为这些费用都包括在保修条例中了。

B项正确。就像楼主所说的,这些制造者将问题focus在钱上了,这就是他们思维中的最大纰漏。消费者买一样东西之前要考虑的第一件事(即a logically prior issue)就是“我是不是需要这个东西?”如果不需要的话,不管这东西有多便宜,消费者也不会去买的,所以根本也就不存在钱的问题了,那些incentives也就没用了。

而且还有一点,就是对afford一词的理解:一般情况下afford是“买得起”的意思,但人们有时也这样用:“Time is too precious for us and no one can afford to idle it away.” 这里其实跟钱无关了,而是说时间太宝贵了,没人能丢的起。楼主照这个思维理解题干的最后一句话,意思就成了:人们如果不买这个产品的话就太亏了,所以没人会不买的。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 16:16:50 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 08:56:46 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-16 21:11:03 | 只看该作者
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