This an old LSAT question. LZ, you forgot to paste the question for a necessary assumption. For necessary assumption, use negation method. The stimulus says that "it is unlikely that Swift would have the mechanical problems with more than one or two scheduled flights on a single day," the cancellation is caused by something else. If you negate A, you get ""NO more than one or two airplanes were sheduled for the nine canceled filights." If this is true, then it is likely the cancellation is caused by nothing but mechanical prolbems with the one or two airplanes for the 9 flights. Thus the argument falls apart. A is the correct answer. -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/2/20 1:12:03)
好像有点点懂了,看来取非是不二法门啊哈哈。谢谢啊 |