Just got two offers from different funtions of I-banking, really having hard time to decide, so please kindly help if anyone have any hints...
Offer A: BB firm ECM 2nd yr analyst, based in HK. Personality wise, I think I'm pretty suitable for ECM, but my past experience will be all wasted and start over. Life will be tough but pay is gd.
Offer B: non-BB firm research assisstant, based in BJ. The sector I really like and have a lot to do with my past experiences, hours should be bad as well but might not be that bad, pay is not that gd, maybe half or less of offerA.
Just got two offers from different funtions of I-banking, really having hard time to decide, so please kindly help if anyone have any hints...
Offer A: BB firm ECM 2nd yr analyst, based in HK. Personality wise, I think I'm pretty suitable for ECM, but my past experience will be all wasted and start over. Life will be tough but pay is gd.
Offer B: non-BB firm research assisstant, based in BJ. The sector I really like and have a lot to do with my past experiences, hours should be bad as well but might not be that bad, pay is not that gd, maybe half or less of offerA.
-- by 会员 huhuorbobo (2011/1/7 17:41:56)
Can I ask if the job is for summer intern or full-time?
from what i heard, research assistant hour can still be bad - even from buy side - because you always need to stay late to wait for company updates. also research in mainland china is less about building models and making projections but rather dine and wine with companies to get insider info...