In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin. Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years.
Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?
废话不多说,刚刚换题库就能遇到,一战700+,二战700-,也和gmat遗憾说拜拜吧! 马上开始申请了,否极泰来---ps: 我再慢慢憋点出来 你们先将就看着 啊!!! ai:technologyultimately seperates and isolates people more than bring people together.aa: by opening swimming pool, TAKE HERAT fitness company increase itsnumber of revenues, so it expected that by adding more creational activities,such as a,b,c ,it could increase its revenues and gain a dominating marketshare in health market.....英文不完整。 阅读: 1. 有一整篇gwd原题,四道题原封不动,确认(T-9-Q20-Q23:GWD-13-34~37),今天确实脑壳有问题,以前全对的四题,今天楞是做错两道。(详见11楼) 2. restaurant 的service guarantee: 第一段:提出serviceguarantee 这个东西带来的影响是mixed的,对于一个比较高级的餐厅来说,有service guarantee是有帮助的,因为去这种餐厅是一种financialcommitment,有service guarantee 是符合对这这种高级餐厅的期望的。但是对于一个a开头的一个形容的餐厅,我猜是那种评价的,大排档一样的餐厅,serviceguarantee 往往会产生nagative effect, 因为人们本来就没有期望从这样的餐厅里头得到多好的服务,有了service guarantee让人们觉得餐厅是不是觉得对于自己的服务的不自信还是什么的,然后这样的情况是对于一般餐厅来说的,但是对于那种需要skill的行业,比如说修理啊什么的行业,人们还是期望要有service guarantee的。 第二段:说对于restaurant 来说,这样的guarantee可能带来的东西对于staff方面比在customer方面多,然后说一来staff可以用这个东西比对标准来工作,二来可以??忘了(不重要)
In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin. Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years. Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?
A. Most people who wanted to quit smoking and who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit. B. Nicotine skin patches generally cost more to use than do other types of aids that help people to quit smoking. C. Several nonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widely available for a number of years. D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctor for a prescription. (Answer) E. People who use nicotine skin patches have approximately the same rate of success in quitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking.
In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin. Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years. Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?
A. Most people who wanted to quit smoking and who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit. B. Nicotine skin patches generally cost more to use than do other types of aids that help people to quit smoking. C. Several nonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widely available for a number of years. D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctor for a prescription. (Answer) E. People who use nicotine skin patches have approximately the same rate of success in quitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking.