89. (31236-!-item-!-188;#058&005728)
Goronian lawmaker: Goronia's Cheese Importation Board, the agency responsible for inspecting all wholesale shipments of cheese entering Goronia from abroad and rejecting shipments that fail to meet specified standards, rejects about one percent of the cheese that it inspects. Since the health consequences and associated costs of not rejecting that one percent would be negligible, whereas the cost of maintaining the agency is not, the agency's cost clearly outweighs the benefits it provides.
Knowing the answer to which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the lawmaker's argument?
A. Are any of the types of cheeses that are imported into Goronia also produced in Goronia?
B. Has the Cheese Importation Board, over the last several years, reduced its operating costs by eliminating inefficiencies within the agency itself?
C. Does the possibility of having merchandise rejected by the Cheese Importation Board deter many cheese exporters from shipping substandard cheese to Goronia?
D. Are there any exporters of cheese to Goronia whose merchandise is never rejected by the Cheese Importation Board?
E. How is the cheese rejected by the Cheese Importation Board disposed of?
答案是c,还是不明白里面的逻辑关系,如果弄明白CIB是否能阻止相当部分的次等cheese进入本国就能决定CIB是否应该存续。 条理不是很清晰啊。a为什么不对?
101. (31700-!-item-!-188;#058&006145) (GWD 3-Q38/prep 2-6 different type)
Two computer companies, Garnet and Renco, each pay Salcor to provide health insurance for their employees. Because early treatment of high cholesterol can prevent strokes that would otherwise occur several years later, Salcor encourages Garnet employees to have their cholesterol levels tested and to obtain early treatment for high cholesterol. Renco employees generally remain with Renco only for a few years, however. Therefore, Salcor lacks any financial incentive to provide similar encouragement to Renco employees.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Early treatment of high cholesterol does not eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life.
B. People often obtain early treatment for high cholesterol on their own.
C. Garnet hires a significant number of former employees of Renco.
D. Renco and Garnet have approximately the same number of employees.
E. Renco employees are not, on average, significantly younger than Garnet employees.
In Kantovia, physicians’ income comes from insurance companies, which require
physicians to document their decisions in treating patients and to justify deviations
from the companies’ treatment guidelines. Ten years ago physicians were allowed
more discretion. Most physicians believe that the companies’ requirements now
prevent them from spending enough time with patients. Yet the average amount of
time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit has actually increased
somewhat over the last ten years.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy
between physicians’ perceptions and the change in the actual time spent?
atients are more likely to be in a hurry nowadays and are less willing to
wait a long time to see their physician.
hysicians today typically have a wider range of options in diagnosis and
treatment to consider with the patient before prescribing.
hysicians are increasingly likely to work in group practices, sharing the
responsibility of night and weekend work.
D. Most patients would rather trust their physicians than their insurance
companies to make decisions about their treatment.
E. Since the insurance companies pay physicians a set amount for each
office visit, it is to physicians’ financial advantage to see as many
Patients as possible.
-- by 会员 alfxu (2010/10/28 10:55:16)