补充两道数学狗 1)DS : 一个溶液中acid 的volume 是40%, 问水的含量(指体积) a) 总的溶液量是200(可能不准) b) 如果增加10(可能不准)volume的acid, 则总acid的浓度是50% 我选d
2)从一个committee中选四个人有几种选法 a) 如果选at least 五个人时,有a(具体数字)种选法 b) 选3个人出来时,有20种选法 我选b
作文狗: AA The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”
AI Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.
逻辑狗 我在40题遇到了BF...
1. 有两到三口人的一家人观看电视的时间是6小时, 因为不可能每个人看不同频道,所以人均看电视的时间不会增加 问weaken 我选: 有两到三口的人家 不止一台TV set
阅读狗: 第一篇: lean production 优点和传统的比较(中等长度) a) 问和传统比较 我选:不怎么依赖specialized worker b) 问优点 我选:减少high cost
第二篇: 对于某个人画作的探讨(较长) a) 问support 作者argument 我选:发现了一个关于inaccurate anatomy的画作 b) 问为什么其中第二个观点不可以 我选:那个画家有tendency to experiment c) 问全文主旨 我选:反驳对于画作是怎么出来的种种theory