2 同数学狗狗中的93题,即: 480个人,其中35%的人参加了昨晚的音乐会,25%的人是音乐家,15%的人是音乐家且出席了昨晚的音乐会,问你有多少音乐家没参加音乐会。原文大概是Of all the 480 people, 35% of the people attended the concert, 25% of the people are musicians, 15% of the people are musicians who attended the concert. 我计算的答案也是48。用480*(25%-15%)
3 一道打电话的题,比较恶心,记不太清楚了,大家参考。大概是说某人自行计算自己的每月电话费时采用了如下算法:each telephone charge is rounded to the nearest unit digit, so the estimated telephone bill per month is equal to the sum of those rounded numbers in that month,然后问此人在某个月份的estimated bill与真实的bill之间是否within 8 dollars? (感觉就是问两者之差是否小于等于8) (1)此人当月有8个charge在7.75美元以下 (2)此人当月共有14个telephone charge。 当时选择B,因为四舍五入后取的最接近整数与原数的差最大为0.5,14个charge最大与原数相差7,小于8。
6 N is a perfect square, which one of the following is the least perfect square greater than N? 有两个选项,N+2√N+1和N^2。还是选择N+2√N+1,因为若N>=4,则N^2大于N+2√N+1;若N<4,则N只能等于1,N^2=N,不符合题中要求的greater than N
作文狗狗: argument是现在狗狗中已经有的那道“新招聘员工不符合要求,HR部门应负责”的 issue是道新题:大概是in a class, the result of learning depends more on the quality of other students than the quality of the teacher
逻辑狗狗: 有几道题特别难读懂,还有很多生词,因此我都很难表述其具体意思,抱歉了。 记得一道比较清楚的题: scientists have discovered that lower input of fat and higher intake of fibor can help reduce the risk of heart attack to the people with similar lifestyle. So it's recommended that increasing fibor in diet and reduce fat in diet are each effective ways to reduce the possibility of heart attack. 问上述中有啥疏忽或者错误,其中一个选项大概是the recommendation overlooks the possibility that each of the two factors reinforce each other but only one of the two can hardly generate any expected result. 选这个
LZ,这个题目能再说一遍么?没看懂,是DS题目,还是选择一个数? 6 N is a perfect square, which one of the following is the least perfect square greater than N? 有两个选项,N+2√N+1和N^2。还是选择N+2√N+1,因为若N>=4,则N^2大于N+2√N+1;若N<4,则N只能等于1,N^2=N,不符合题中要求的greater than N