今天考试又waterloo了,杯具。。。。拷出来就是哭着回家的。 还是打算攒点rp因为之前一直没有注重cd上的狗狗,这次拷回来发现狗狗上确实很多题目是有考到的,希望对大家有点帮助: 我的aa是jj里头的707的AA3:The following is taken from an editorial in a local newspaper. “Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially. Eleven years ago, Megamart charged 5 cents apiece for lemons, but today it commonly charges over 30 cents apiece. In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then, citrus growers have been responsible for the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruit, and strict pricing regulations are needed to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.” 我的AI是716里头的AI3:“Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed。” 在海外考的,希望对狗狗有点贡献 -- by 会员 choco36 (2010/7/28 21:09:59)
千万别灰心呀~~~这么热心的同学,一定会RP爆发的~~我们会一直陪着你走过这段艰难的历程的~加油!! |