因为我机警看的不是很多~所以一直到考完试我都不太明白到底换没换机警。。。 awa: ai:是一道上月机警 还是上上月我见过的题目~名人address social problem 好还是不好 aa: 说一个公司根据一个调查得出结论~发现经常锻炼身体的人不爱去医院~所以为了减少医疗保险的花费和带来balanced town debet(我不明白这是啥意思。。。)~公司应该弄个健身房~
数学 我倒数第二道题目 1.题目的图片见附件一~整理寂静的同学弄进word里面吧。。。 [attachimg]78515[/attachimg] 2.题目是说~图上的长方块区域 底边长11~绿色块是边长为3的正方形~黄色块是长方形~兰红区域是梯形,红蓝面积是总面积的三分之一~问将球投入红色区域的概率(其实就是红块占总面积的几分之几) 我图画的很清楚了吧~~~梯形的上底和下底具体怎么对应的我搞不太清楚了~大家上场看吧~但是要注意的就是~总面积是三分之一这一条件的意思就是三个梯形的高都是3~~~~~~有同学反映我的答案不对 我现在也不能确定了。。。毕竟我是45废人。。。大家上场注意看不要慌就是了
还有个 方块套圆 很简单 [attachimg]78516[/attachimg] 告诉你正方形的面积是18 让你求红色区域的面积
3. 题目告诉你~在一个企业里面临时工占了百分之40~临时工里的专家占了百分之15~问零时工里面的非专家占了临时工的多少~~~我觉得难点就是看清楚临时工里的非专家占了临时工的多少~而不是占了总人数的多少
4. 关于 0.25 0.125 0.0125 0.0625 0.625那道题~我只能保证这几个选项我没记错(难道是0.675和0.0675?如果是这样呢??筒子们看看~我现在懒得动脑子。。。)~且题干里面有 integer这个词。。。我是数学45的人。。。大家懂的~~ ---------------------------------------我毕竟是个数学45的废人-------------------的----分割线--------------------------
语法有个terns的 貌似是原题! 我还没有找到。。。我的复习材料都在家没有带来考试。。。我回去找找。。。 -----------------------------------我貌似见到两道语法原题的分割线-----------------------------------------------------
逻辑有道上月几经~是好油和好车的数量关系那个 见上月几经 -------------------------------我做了好几道complete题的分割线-------------------------------------------------------- 阅读: 一道是鸟的祖先到底是谁的~
gwd!!!!(原文!原题!不是变体!!我确定!)谢谢Hanah同学! Although many lines ofevidence indicate that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs,some scientists remain unconvinced. They argue that theropods appeared too lateto have given rise to birds, noting that Archaeopteryx lithographica – theoldest known bird – appears in the fossil record about 150 million years ago,whereas the fossil remains of various nonavian maniraptor theropods – theclosest known relatives of birds – date only to about 115 million years ago.But investigators have now uncovered bones that evidently belong to nonavianmaniraptors dating to the time of Archaeopteryx. In any case, failure to find fossils of a predicted kind doesnot rule out their existence in an undiscovered deposit. Skeptics alsoargue that the fused clavicles (the “wishbone”) of birds differ from the unfusedclavicles of theropods. This objection was reasonable when only early theropodclavicles had been discovered, but fossilized theropod clavicles that look justlike the wishbone of Archaeopteryx have now been unearthed. Finally, some scientistsargue that the complex lungs of birds could not have evolved from theropod lungs,an assertion that cannot be supported or falsified at the moment, because nofossil lungs are preserved in the paleontological record. The primary purpose of the passage is to GWD答案:E A. compare the developmentof two hypotheses concerning the evolutionary origin of birds B. suggest revisions to thestandard theory of the evolutionary history of birds
C. evaluate the usefulnessof fossil evidence in determining the evolutionary history of birds
D. challenge the theory thatbirds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs
E. respond to criticisms ofthe theory that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs
T-4-Q6 GDW答案 C
In the context of the passage, the phrase “fossils of a predictedkind”(line 16) most likely refers to which of the following? A. Theropod fossils withfused clavicles
B. Theropod fossils that aresimilar in structure to Archaeopteryx fossils
C. Theropod fossils datingback more than 150 million years
D. Fossils indicating thestructure of theropod lungs
E. Fossils indicating thestructure of Archaeopteryx lungs
T-4-Q7 GWD答案 d
Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as an argument madeby scientists who are unconvinced that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs? A. There are no knowntheropod dinosaur fossils dating from a period after the time of Archaeopteryx.
B. There are no knowntheropod dinosaur fossils that indicate the structure of those dinosaurs’lungs.
C. Theropod dinosaurs appearin the fossil record about 150 million years ago.
D. Theropod dinosaurs didnot have fused clavicles.
E. Theropod dinosaurs hadcertain bones that look just like those of Archaeopteryx.
一道是十四世纪的英国~lord 和 serf的关系研究的
这题的主旨是讨论为什么英国十四世纪时候生产力下降了呢? p1有老观念说是因为以前人的人为是lord只关心自己享乐不关心生产导致的(还因为法律规定了佃农没有自己土地所有权) p2 使用了一个free serf的例子说明以上观点是错误的 p3说access to land 的变化 才是生产力下降的真正原因
第一道题目问细节, 问得是关于14世纪英国的lord和serf的,定位在第一段 第二道题目问第二段举例的目的是什么 为了说明第一段的老结论是错误的 还有一个是问lord改变了access to land对于佃农们来说是? 我选的是满足他们的short-term interest, 但没有满足他们的 long-term interest 不一定对。
还有一篇是关于在seabed上面采矿的 刚才看另一同学的机警猛然想起一道 这题我还觉得挺有把握的 第一段说联合国现在允许国家在近海seabed上面采矿物质啦~广大企业很鸡动阿! 第二段说 其实很早以前商家就蠢蠢欲动了~但是呢~有法规限制着他们~有技术难题等着他们( 400kilometer以下的矿物质采起来很难的有题,问什么样的水下矿好采,取非后选400k以上的)~还有环境污染的问题不容忽视。但是,商家说,近几年这种矿物质的价格飞速上升,而且技术也进步了。
however,专家们认为虽然价格上升了技术进步了, 成本可能还是会高于收益~商家说的不对(这里有题,问专家的话是什么意思,选接受了商家使用的例子但是不认可他们的argument隐含的结论)
第四篇是关于美国的债务的。 说美国以前是放贷的~现在变成了借钱的~很是依赖外国资本。给出两种解释。。不记得了。第三段说,以上两种解释都忽视了globalization~~~我只能想起这么多了.. -----------------------我努力地想起了第四道阅读题的分割线-------------------------------------------------------------------
最后问一句~如果数学最后一道题没有选没有点comfirm~会被扣多少分啊。。。我数学45分。。。哎。。。二战终究会爆发的~感谢cd~~~大家晚上好~~~有人夸我的v很厉害~这种说法我觉得很新奇~哈哈~~~~ |