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Questions 5-6 are based on the following. Although its purpose is laudable, theexclusionary rule, which forbids a court to consider evidence seized inviolation of the defendant’s constitutional rights, has unduly hamperedlaw-enforcement efforts. Even when the rights violation was a minor or purelytechnical one, turning on a detail of procedure rather than on the abrogationof some fundamental liberty, and even when it has been clear that the policeofficers were acting in good faith, the evidence obtained has been consideredtainted under this rule and may not even by introduced. In consequence,defendants who were undoubtedly guilty have been set free, perhaps to steal,rape, or murder again. 5. Theauthor of the passage above assumes all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Theconstitutional rights of criminal defendants should be protected. (B) Most casesin which the exclusionary rule has been invoked have involved purely technicalviolations of constitutional principles. (C) The numberof cases whose outcome has been affected by the exclusionary rule issignificant. (D) Some of thedefendants set free under the exclusionary rule have been guilty of seriouscriminal offenses. (E) Merelytechnical violations of the rules concerning evidence should be treateddifferently from deliberate assaults upon human rights. 答案选B 我选A 我理解的作者的观点是支持“合理的会伤害被告人的非法取证”,那么作者怎么会假设被告人的权利应收到保护呢?作者最后说那些因为使用强制手段而取得证据都不成立,因此那些被告都被释放了,然后他们又出去犯罪了,作者显然是不支持的啊。就是说可以伤害被告来取证,那么怎么会认为被告的权利要收保护呢?? 太纠结了!!!!!!!!! Questions 9-10 are based on the following. In the industrialized nations, the lastcentury has witnessed a shortening of the average workday from twelve hours orlonger to less than eight hours. Mindful of this enormous increase in leisuretime over the past century, many people assume that the same trend has obtainedthroughout history, and that, therefore, prehistoric humans must have laboredincessantly for their very survival. We cannot, of course, directly test thisassumption. However, a study of primitive peoples of today suggests a differentconclusion. The Mbuti of central Africa, forinstance, spend only a few hours each day in hunting, gathering, and tending toother economic necessities. The rest of their time is spent as they choose. The implication is that theshort workday is not peculiar to industrialized societies. Rather, both theextended workday of 1880 and the shorter workday of today are products ofdifferent stages of the continuing process of industrialization. 9. Whichof the following inferences about industrialization is best supported by thepassage above? (A) People inadvanced industrialized societies have more leisure time than those innonindustrialized societies. (B) An averageworkday of twelve hours or more is peculiar to economies in the early stages ofindustrialization. (C) Industrializationinvolves a trade-off between tedious, monotonous jobs and the benefits ofincreased leisure. (D) It islikely that the extended workday of an industrializing country will eventuallybe shortened. (E) As industrializationprogresses, people tend to look for self-fulfillment in leisure rather thanwork. 这道题选D 可是我觉得D是个推测,对于这种supported题应该不可以有推测啊 而且我觉得B很对啊 最后一句话的意思不是在说以前的工作时间长,现在的工作时间短,都是不同工业化阶段的产物(我理解的就是,工业化早期就是要求长时间的工作,而随着工业化的发展,工作时间久缩短了,B项说12个多小时的每日工作时间是与早期工业化得经济状况有关,不正是这个吗? 10. Whichof the following, if true, would most greatly strengthen the argument made inthe passage above? (A) In recentdecades, the economy of the Mbuti has been markedly affected by theencroachment of modern civilization. (B) Thelife-style of the Mbuti is similar to that of prehistoric humans. (C) The Mbutihave no words in their language to express the distinction between workactivities and leisure activities. (D) The workdayof a European peasant in medieval times averaged between eleven and fifteenhours. (E) The membersof the Shaklik tribe in central Asia have anaverage workday of ten to twelve hours. 选B 我选D 不知道是我理解错文章了还是什么,请指教 17. Everypainting hanging in the Hoular Gallery is by a French painter. No painting inthe Hoular Gallery is by a Vorticist. Only Vorticists use acrylic monochromes in their works. If the information above is true, which ofthe following must also be true? (A) No Frenchpainters are Vorticists. (B) AllVorticists use acrylic monochromes in their works. (C) Some Frenchpainters do not use acrylic monochromes in their works. (D) No Frenchpainters use acrylic monochromes in their works. (E) All Frenchpainters who use acrylics use acrylic monochromes in their works 答案C 我选D 题目明明说了只有V才在他们的作品中使用acrylic monochromes.不就是D吗?没有法国画家使用。。怎么会是C??? 19. Sincethe 55-mile-per-hour speed limit was mandated on our highways, both money andhuman lives have been saved. All of the following, if true, wouldstrengthen the claim above EXCEPT:C (A) Mosthighway users find that travel times are not appreciably lengthened by the55-mile-per-hour speed limit. (B) Highwaydriving at 55 miles per hour or less is more fuel-efficient than high-speeddriving. (C) Nearly allhighway safety experts agree that more accidents occur at speeds over 55 milesper hour than at lower speeds. (D) Thepercentage of fatalities occurring in highway accidents at speeds greater than55 miles per hour is higher than that for low-speed accidents.(A) (E) Automobileslast longer and require fewer repairs when driven at consistently lower speeds. 这题选A 我选C C我举得是说专家同意。。不是说不能相信权威吗?不能说他们说怎么样就是怎么样不是么?? 而且我觉得A 是加强啊,旅游时间没有因为限速被加长 不是加强吗? 难道是因为跟钱和人生命无关?? 求解!! |