1. LZ 现在拿到UVA mrk 和USC cmgt 两个offer,非常纠结! 一直在CD上获得了许多帮助,希望大家能在我最后的选校阶段给我一点宝贵的建议>v<!~~
2. LZ自己本科是传媒,想在美国工作2-3年之后回国的,不想去娱乐影视业,想做marketing或者branding的工作~
【UVA mrk】
· 优点:官网上的课程设置我感觉比较适合自己,就业率非常好,项目今年有可能是stem,学姐反馈就读体验非常好,项目结束前有个GIE 课程,可以去全球的一个城市解决真实的mrk案例。
· 缺点:地理位置,项目时间太短了(10个月),回国名声不够USC响,回国校友资源缺少(可能)
· 这是UVA mrk的课程:
Course topics include:- Brand management and integrated marketing communication strategy
- Project management
- Social media marketing metrics and strategy
- Consumer behavior research and pricing strategy
- Developing and managing innovative new products
【USC cmgt】
· 优点:地理位置,校友强大,国内国外知名度都比UVA好,项目有2年,
· 缺点:学姐们的反馈正反面都有,许多人反馈课程太水,本科是传媒的人可能却不到什么东西,课程设置我看着觉得没有uva的适合我,我对娱乐行业没有太多兴趣
· 这是USC cmgt的课程:
The Communication Management (CMGT) program Required courses include: - a foundational methods course (CMGT 540 – Uses of Communication Research) in the first semester
- a foundational core concepts course (CMGT 501 – Communication Pro-Seminar) in the second semester
- a capstone practicum course (CMGT 597a – Communication Research Practicum, 2 units; CMGT 597b, 2 units) in the penultimate and the final semesters
- The remaining 20 units (5 courses) may be fulfilled with other CMGT courses in various areas of focus. Of the 20 units, up to 8 units may be taken outside the School of Communication (500-level courses in Journalism, Business, Cinematic Arts, and others). Courses are chosen with the approval of faculty advisors.
LZ实在是太纠结了,求各位小伙伴帮我~~~~QVQ, 祝福大家offer多多,前程似锦~~~~