【以下是阅读菌以前遇到过的狗】Version 1
V1 by 493134529 有一片是关于乐器还是艺术消费的,具体是一个人提出了一个关于演奏等艺术的cost,尽管有些人赞同,但是作者认为其存在flaws,具体是没有考虑到乐队中一些包括音响和drum的引入还是什么,最后一段是另一个人的模型,作者很支持,bulabula...
V2 by 梦在宾夕法尼亚 古典经济学家提出了一个理论,”cost XXX“ 认为类似音乐现场performance的需要的人是intensive的,尽管技术提高,但是inflation会使per attendance (每个观众)的花费还是没有下降,后面作者用了两断再讲这个理论的flaw.1细节题,问作者为什么提trump等的synthesize。 选提出经济学家忽略了科技的进步减少人人工的投入量。
V3 by curlion 第一段讲的是某一个经济学家B对古典音乐的观点(ColdDisease),认为古典音乐因为本质上的原因(Labor intensive),造成技术的进步对古典音乐的成本没有改善,反而古典音乐的成本还是上升了。第二段和第三段都是作者对这个观点的驳斥,第二段作者认为B对技术对音乐的影响不全面,由于放大器等技术的存在,Drum 这些乐器,乐手可以不用传统那么多人,也能达到同样的效果,另外技术对Recording和Broadcasting也有很大影响。第三段说的是经济学家也没有充分考虑影响音乐成本的因素,比如古典音乐的成本一大部分是给著名音乐家的,这些和技术也没关系. 记得几道题 A) 类比题,问哪种现象和文中提到的古典音乐的状况类似(几个选项,有一个是说在Education,学生虽然有某些改变,但是因为某种原因,还说需要很多教师) B) 问问中提到了Drum,In orderto? (选项想不起来了) C) 问问中提到的古典音乐成本高的原因是?(我选的是Celebrity Musician 的工资高) D) 问作者第二段关于技术的观点,问哪个选项能Strengthen作者关于技术对音乐影响的观点(有一个选项是Broadcasting and recording is more labor intensive )
V4 by Lullu Cost-Disease (这只狗比较残,希望能供考古使用。) 第一段讲的是有位学者(George Mason 还是 Baumol's ? 我是事后网上查的)他提出了 一个问题 cost-disease 。然后解释这种病是什么东西,(我没太懂但猜是)学音乐的成本高了 然后没人学了。 他建议说政府因该subsidize.因为有什么inflation 第二段 是作者提出不同的观点。作者说Technology让音乐制作成本降低的例子:扩音器啊,还有用电子代替Drum一类的 第三段 讲的是 有些artist 特别贵 (我因为时间不够 没细读,希望其他大大 可以补狗)
考题: 1. 给你5个example 让你选一个 跟文章比较相似。我就记得两个选项( 不确定答案): a. 现在科技发达了 孩子可以在网上学习,但是老师还是需要的 b. 科技发达了,有很多资料在网上可以帮助Manager。但是好的CEO还是不可多得的 我感觉文章是从这里抽出来的https://www.gmu.edu/centers/publicchoice/faculty%20pages/Tyler/cost-disease.PDF 但是太长了,不好找到底是哪几段。。。 (捂脸 sorryI’m not helpful)
V5 by 超人不能流眼泪 关于“cost disease”,一个经济学家Baumol提出的观点。这里用一下curlion大神之前写的东西。 第一段讲的是某一个经济学家 B 对古典音乐的观点(ColdDisease),认为古典音乐因为本质上 的原因(Labor intensive),造成技术的进步对古典音乐的成本没有改善,反而古典音乐的成本还 是上升了。第二段和第三段都是作者对这个观点的驳斥,第二段作者认为 B对技术对音乐的影 响不全面,由于放大器等技术的存在,Drum 这些乐器,乐手可以不用传统那么多人,也能达到 同样的效果,另外技术对 Recording 和Broadcasting 也有很大影响。第三段说的是经济学家也没 有充分考虑影响音乐成本的因素,比如古典音乐的成本一大部分是给著名音乐家的,这些和技术 也没关系. 记得几道题 A) 类比题,问哪种现象和文中提到的古典音乐的状况类似(几个选项,有一个是说在 Education, 学生虽然有某些改变,但是因为某种原因,还说需要很多教师) B) 问问中提到了 Drum,In orderto? (选项想不起来了) C) 问问中提到的古典音乐成本高的原因是?(我选的是 Celebrity Musician 的工资高) D) 问作者第二段关于技术的观点,问哪个选项能 Strengthen 作者关于技术对音乐影响的观点 (有一个选项是 Broadcasting and recording is more labor intensive ) 问题跟这个一样,一共四个问题,跟curlion大神说的一模一样。
【以下是考古到的狗】Version 2V1
p1:关于一个模型叫做cost disease,就是认为古典音乐艺术之类的成本没有随着经济发展大幅增加,因为科技发展可以使得其他生产规模化降低成本,但是每个观众的成本却没有增加一个什么人认为资金在音乐艺术方面投入不够多,然后他的观点立即被否定,否定他主要有两个原因。定位第一段:sponsor and subsidy,可以提供更多的funding,使得available to 更多的人
3、sponsor and subsidy对怎么样:可以提供更多的funding,使得available to 更多的人
1.逻辑类比,哪项更像cost disease 描述的,我选了A,不是很确定,但是BCDE,尤其是cde差的太远了。
2.下列哪项是对的?有两个选项很混淆,(另外3个明显错)一个说,stars 要的钱越来越多了,另一个说,agent要的钱越来越多了。我考虑了挺久选了stars。因为我觉得agent 是帮助star 得到更多的钱,但是没说agent本身能的更多的钱。
3.音乐的费用会降下来,如果下列哪项假设成立?选最后一个E,说free market的。确定。最后一段明确说了现在不是free market.
P1:关于一个模型叫做cost disease,就是认为古典音乐艺术之类的成本没有随着经济发展大幅增加,因为科技发展可以使得其它生产规模化降低成本,但是每个观众的成本却没有增加……(有逻辑题,说哪一项最像cost disease的应用)
1.逻辑类比,哪项更像cost disease 描述的
一个说,stars 要的钱越来越多了
我考虑了挺久选了stars。因为我觉得agent 是帮助star 得到更多的钱,但是没说agent本身能的更多的钱。
选最后一个E,说free market的。确定。最后一段明确说了现在不是free market.
5.还有一题是那个45分钟演奏的例子in order to/有一个例子作用题
我选 provide an example related to one aspect of labor cots of ....
Baumol's cost disease (also known as the Baumol Effect) is a phenomenon described by William J. Baumol and William G. Bowen in the 1960s. It involves a rise of salaries in jobs that have experienced no increase of labor productivity in response to rising salaries in other jobs which did experience such labor productivity growth. This goes against the theory in classical economics that wages are always closely tied to labor productivity changes.
The rise of wages in jobs without productivity gains is caused by the necessity to compete for employees with jobs that did experience gains and hence can naturally pay higher salaries, just as classical economics predicts. For instance, if the music industry pays its musicians 19th century style salaries, the musicians may decide to quit and get a job at an automobile factory where salaries are commensurate to high labor productivity. Hence, musicians' salaries are increased not due to labor productivity increases in the music industry, but rather due to productivity and wage increases in other industries.
The original study was conducted for the performing arts sector. Baumol and Bowen pointed out that the same number of musicians are needed to play a Beethovenstring quartet today as were needed in the 1800s; that is, the productivity of Classical music performance has not increased. On the other hand, wages of musicians (as well as in all other professions) have increased greatly since the 19th century.
In a range of businesses, such as the car manufacturing sector and the retail sector, workers are continually getting more productive due to technological innovations to their tools and equipment. In contrast, in some labor-intensive sectors that rely heavily on human interaction or activities, such as nursing, education, or the performing arts there is little or no growth in productivity over time. As with the string quartet example, it takes nurses the same amount of time to change a bandage, or college professors the same amount of time to mark an essay, in 2006 as it did in 1966.
Baumol's cost disease is often used to describe the lack of growth in productivity in public services such as public hospitals and state colleges. Since many public administration activities are heavily labor-intensive there is little growth in productivity over time. As a result growth in the GDP will generate little more resources to be spent in public sector. Thus public sector production is more depended on taxation level than growth in the GDP.