由史丹佛校友兼谷歌街景發明人Hendrik Dalkamp創立與史丹佛明星教授Sebastian Thrun坐鎮董事現正招聘APP工程師實習生:iOS Developer,Android Developer,Embedded Systems Engineer。
地点:旧金山湾区 (Palo Alto) 日期:2015 暑假 月薪:13000人民币
三个岗位分别要求如下: 1. iOS Developer - Responsible forbuilding the consumer-facing app which must provide live streaming,visualization of event history (video snippets), geofencing forauto arm/disarm, etc. Requirements: • Strong programming skills, in at least 2 of Swift, Objective-C, C++,Java, Python Nice-to-have: • Experience with UX or Android • Experience with video streaming on iOS • Contributions to open-source projects
2. AndroidDeveloper - Same as iOS, but for Android.
3. EmbeddedSystems Engineer - A hacker who can get things done on linuxARM machines. Requirements: • Strong C++ • Linux expert • Experience with embedded ARM devices Nice-to-haves: • Experience using custom hardware features such as ISP, H264codecs, GPUs, DSPs • Experience with wifi setup • Experience with auto-update mechanisms
收获: 1. 与斯坦福PhD和Google的金英组成的团队工作 2. 接触最新(尚未公开)的智能居家科技 3. 体验美国生活 4. 有机会拿到谷歌街景系統發明人或明星教授Sebastian Thrun介紹信 5. 扩展国际人脉 6. 月薪13000人民币
Hendrik Dahlkamp https://www.linkedin.com/pub/hendrik-dahlkamp/0/81/129
Sebastian Thrun http://robots.stanford.edu/
有兴趣的同学们请发email至 nawei@flydge.com