昨天老上不来逻辑部分, 今天一来看见有回复,挺高兴.谢谢 下面将我是怎么理解这两题(可能是误入歧途)的思路解释一下: 对于11-18, Many plant varieties used in industrially developed nations to improve cultivated crops come from less developed nations. No compensation is paid on the grounds that the plants used are “the common heritage of humanity.” Such reasoning is, however, flawed. After all, no one suggests that coal, oil, and ores should be extracted without payment. 我认为: position 指的是作者的conclusion: "Such reasoning is, however, flawed" 所以通过显示: no one suggests that coal ,oil and ores should be extraxted without payment (为什么没人suggest,因为每人觉得相反的结果合理), 所以support 了the position of the argument : the reasoning of "the common heritage" is flawed. C: A position is strengthened by showing that the opposite of that position would have logically absurd consequences.
12-12: After graduating from high school, people rarely multiply fractions or discuss ancient Rome, but they are confronted daily with decisions relating to home economics. Yet whereas mathematics and history are required courses in the high school curriculum, home economics is only an elective, and few students choose to take it.
Which of the following positions would be best supported by the considerations above? (A) If mathematics and history were not required courses, few students would choose to take them. (C) If it is important to teach high school students subjects that relate to decisions that will confront them in their daily lives, then home economics should be made an important part of the high school curriculum. 我觉得argument说了数学和历史在日常生活中根本很少用 econ在daily life中经常涉及,但是因为是选修课,所以学生很少选==> 因为是选修课, 所以才没有很多人去选, 尽管很实用. 所以我觉得学校对课程做不做必修要求才是导致学生选课多少的依据. 看上去A 很不错啊! 同理: 要是数学和历史不做必修要求, 才不会有那么多人选呢. (想想啊, 连和生活那么有关的econ,只要是选修课都少人问津,更别说数学和历史了) C, 我无法将其和argument里面的逻辑推理过程联系起来. 还请进一步讨论啊! 多多指教. ----------------------------------------- 你知道我在等你吗?