GWD-30-Q14 Background information: This year, each film submitted to theBarbizon Film Festival was submitted in one of ten categories. For each category, there was a panel thatdecided which submitted films to accept. Fact 1: Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was thesame as that for foreign films. Fact 2: The overall rate of acceptance of domestic films was significantlyhigher than that of foreign films. In light of the background information,which of the following, if true, can account for fact 1 and fact 2 both beingtrue of the submissions to this year’s Barbizon Film Festival? A. In each category, the selectionpanel was composed of filmmakers, and some selection panels included no foreignfilmmakers. B. Significantly more domesticfilms than foreign films were submitted to the festival. C. In each of the past threeyears, the overall acceptance rate was higher for foreign than for domesticfilms, an outcome that had upset some domestic filmmakers. D. The number of films to beselected in each category was predetermined, but in no category was it requiredthat the acceptance rate of foreign films should equal that of domestic films. E. Most foreign films, unlike mostdomestic films, were submitted in categories with high prestige, but withcorrespondingly low rates of acceptance. 又是演绎题,这演绎怎么这么难,不过这题应该是绕到极致了 举例子说吧,比如3个categories:科幻,爱情,战争;录取率分别是5%,10%,15%; F1中的录取率相同(the rate ofacceptance)是什么意思呢? 比如说科幻中,10个国内电影和20个国外电影递交,那么总共是10*5%=0.5(举例子就不要太纠结整数这个问题了)个国内电影,20*5%=1个国外电影入围。这里的录取率应该是区分国内和国外 F2中总的录取率比较,国内的大于国外的,这是什么意思呢? 仍然是上面的例子,假设:科幻(10国内VS20国外),爱情(15国内VS15国外),战争(20国内VS10国外),这样电影的总递交数是国内=国外=45,国内录取数是0.5+1.5+3=5个,国外录取数是1+1.5+2=4.5 在总数一样的情况下,总录取率当然是国内>国外 trick在于不仅考了比例(乘法),同时还考了总体和个体的分别,这题已经登峰造极了,考场遇到直接放弃吧。。。