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[阅读小分队] 难句讨论帖-汇总帖

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发表于 2015-1-10 14:43:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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But the attack on film studio Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. that on Wednesday led it to cancel a film debut took the possible consequences to a new level by leaking financial data, secret details about coming films, complaints about business partners and racially insensitive comments about President Barack Obama. ... 7494&fromuid=991316

2. 【46-13】
We really need to avoid something like a congressional game of chicken over the budget or another threat of war because the private-sector economy really does seem poised for steady improvement, perhaps better than it did over the past year.
这里a congressional game of chicken是什么意思? ... 9394&fromuid=991316

3. 【47-04】
In that small village in Guinea there was no large game to be hunted and any bushmeat consumed there, he found, was packaged and sent there from elsewhere. ... 8208&fromuid=991316 ... 0295&fromuid=991316

4. 【47-02-Obstacle】
(1) 第10段,“Even now, with the spike in racial turmoil, we see change.” spike暗示好还是不好? with the spike in是固定搭配吗?
(2) 倒数第4段,"If the reality of changing white attitudes are grounds for racial optimism, then the fact of black stagnation and retrenchment are grounds for racial pessimism." why here use retrenchment, is there relationship about $? Do I miss any info about $?or just because black r in poverty? ... 6390&fromuid=991316

5. 【46-07】
“You’re kidding! I’m all for safeguarding confidential information, but couldn’t we just burn it all in a giant bonfire?”
有人知道这句中的be all for safeguarding什么意思么~ ... 7702&fromuid=991316

6. 【46-07】
“Mostly, though, he called for calm in the face of future attacks.”
这里的 "though" 究竟代表什么含义,是尽管 he called for calm的意思么? ... 7753&fromuid=991316

7. 【47-12-Obstacle】
The new study, by five European and American researchers and published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pinpoints staggering potential climate benefits of smart growth, gasoline taxes and other measures that can reduce energy demand in urban centers, which is where a growing majority of the world’s population is becoming concentrated and where most of its energy is used.
(1) 可以不加which is吗?
(2) where是in urban ceters, which 是energy demand. which 不要意思也是可以表达? ... 8615&fromuid=991316 ... 4138&fromuid=991316

8. 【49-02-Obstacle
When your attention flags, is it because you’re starting to plan your response to their comments?
falg这个词该怎么理解? ... 8017&fromuid=991316

9. 【23-13-Time4】
That the said colonies and plantations in America have been, are, and of right ought to be. subordinate unto, and dependent upon the imperial crown and parliament of Great Britain; and that the King's majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of Great Britain, in parliament assembled, had, hash, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever.
这里面的第一句  have, are 很奇怪什么意思呢? ... 0476&fromuid=991316

10. 【28-07-Time3】
No superlative is an exaggeration of Alain de Botton‘s humble brilliance spanning everything from philosophy to architecture.
这句话的结构该怎么看,什么意思? ... 0781&fromuid=991316

11. 【50-01-Speed4】
The ability to stand up and talk does not a trainer make.
does not a trainer make怎么理解? ... 0613&fromuid=991316

12. 【Manhattan SC】
Our system of Presidential elections favors STATES, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College.
这个by population 是什么意思? ... 3150&fromuid=991316

13. 【Scientific American 60 second Earth】
But this is the second time in as many years that levels have risen above 400 ppm, a mark never before experienced in the entire time our species has walked the earth.
文章意思大概是greenhouse排放的gas过多,造成climate warming,walk 在这里是不是influence的意思? ... 3182&fromuid=991316

14. 【51-08-Time6】
Roughly half the study investigations have never been done before in human spaceflight.
意思是 上天之前调查只做了一半,一半在太空做? ... 2762&fromuid=991316

15. 【53-1-time4】
And yet, no one has come and interviewed her at their untouched and fully operational family market, nor have they talked with her customers, stoutly loyal after 37 years of patronage. 这句话什么意思啊?they是谁? ... 3917&fromuid=991316

16. 【58-12-Time7
The fact that employees are now always reachable eliminates what was once a natural barrier of sorts, the idea that work was something that happened during office hours or at the physical office.
are 后面的结构改怎么看呢??是不是有省略,不然怎么可以直接用eliminates? ... 7967&fromuid=991316

17. 【58-13-time4
This last branch, then as now, hesitated, ruling no more than 2% of total enlisted personnel could be women.
Let us hope that this looming deadline will also accelerate discussions about designating female combat status based on assessments of effective operational situations, rather than classifications that don't always hold up in the line of fire.
第二句我是没有明白这句话具体要表达的意思,句子结构是懂的。 ... 7981&fromuid=991316

18. 【】
The colonies refused to pay the levies required by the Townsend Acts claiming they had no obligation to pay taxes imposed by a Parliament in which they had no representation. In response, Parliament retracted the taxes with the exception of a duty on tea - a demonstration of Parliament's ability and right to tax the colonies. In May of 1773 Parliament concocted a clever plan. They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before. However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliament's right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life - it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea.
文章来源是:黑体字这块,我的理解是,英国国会给予了东印度公司卖茶叶给在美国的殖民者的垄断权,除此以为,国会还减少了殖民者进口茶叶的关税。-->也就是,在美国的殖民者必须要买东印度公司的茶叶,且茶叶很便宜。后面However以后我就不明白了,说,如果殖民者为进口的茶叶交了税,他们会让国会知道国会有权向他们征税。  我对这句话的理解对吗?duty是不是也有"税"的意思?如果我的理解对的话,这个办法clever在哪里了?这个办法到底要达到什么目的啊。 ... 8232&fromuid=991316

In the textbook publishing business,the second quarter is historically weak,because revenues are low and marketing expense are high as companies prepare for the coming school year.请问这句话里面的as companies prepare for the coming school year是做什么成分呢?是什么意思呢? ... 8950&fromuid=991316

20. 【58-18-time4
If the reader interjects that there must surely be large profits to be gained from the other players in the long run by a skilled individual who, unperturbed by the prevailing pastime, continues to purchase investments on the best genuine long-term expectations he can frame [THINK WARREN BUFFETT OR KEYNES HIMSELF, WHO WAS QUITE THE INVESTOR IN HIS DAY], he must be answered, first of all, that there are, indeed, such serious-minded individuals and that it makes a vast difference to an investment market whether or not they predominate in their influence over the game-players
来自第一句话, he can frame没有逗号? 那这之后的部分要理解为什么成分呢?
there are such serious-minded individuals and that it makes a vast difference to an investment market whether or not they predominate in their influence over the game-players 这句话的含义呢?

21. 【58-18-time3
This battle of wits to anticipate the basis of conventional valuation a few months hence, rather than the prospective yield of an investment over a long term of years, does not even require gulls amongst the public to feed the maws of the professional; — it can be played by professionals amongst themselves.
来自 这句话我是否可以理解为 这场 预期短期的传统价值而不是长期  的战斗 甚至不需要公众的参与,可以仅仅被专业的人完成? ... 8938&fromuid=991316

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