Green OG P370 RC: Translation &PIE Structure Io and Europa, the inner two of Jupiter's four largest moons,are about the size of Earth's moon and are composed mostly or entirely of rockand metal. Ganymede and Callisto are larger and roughly half ice. Thus, thesefour moons are somewhat analogous to the planets of the solar system, in whichthe rock- and metal-rich inner planets are distinct from themuch larger gas- and ice-rich outer planets. Jupiter's moons are, however, more"systematic": many of their properties vary continuously withdistance from Jupiter. For example, Io is ice-free, Europa has a surface shellof ice, and while Ganymede and Callisto are both ice-rich, outermost Callistohas more. 木卫一和木卫二是木星的四大卫星中比较靠内的两个,它们和月球有着相似的大小,且其大部分甚至是全部都由岩石和金属组成。相比之下,木卫三和木卫四较大,并且大约一半都是由冰组成。因此,这四大卫星有点类似于太阳系中的行星,因为在太阳系中那些离太阳近的、富有岩石和金属的行星就离那些靠外的、富有气体和冰的行星远。然而,木星的卫星更加具有系统性,因为他们的许多特性随着他们与木星距离的变化而持续发生变化。例如,木卫一上没有任何冰的存在,木卫二仅仅是在表面有一层冰壳,而木卫三和木卫四都富含冰,并且靠外的木卫四更多。 This compositional gradient has geological parallels. Io isextremely geologically active, Europa seems to be active on a more modestscale, and Ganymede has undergone bouts of activity in its geological past.Only Callisto reveals no geological activity. In similar fashion, Callisto'ssurface is very heavily cratered from the impact of comets and asteroids;Ganymede, like Earth's moon, is heavily cratered in parts; Europa is verylightly cratered; and no craters have been detected on Io, even though Jupiter'sgravity attracts comets and asteroids passing near it, substantially increasingthe bombardment rate of the inner moons compared to that of the outer ones. Butbecause of Io's high degree of geological activity, its surface undergoesmore-or-less continuous volcanic resurfacing. 这种成分方面的梯度也有地质活动方面的相似之处。木卫一地质及其活跃,木卫二的地址活跃度稳定在一个适中程度,木卫三在其历史上仅仅经历过几次地质运动。而只有木卫四,没有显示出任何有过地质活动的迹象。类似的,我们可以看到,木卫四的表面充满了被彗星和小行星撞击后留下的陨石坑;木卫三,就像月球一样,只是在局部存在大量陨石坑;木卫二的表面只有少量陨石坑;而与此同时,木卫一的地质活动频繁,它多多少少持续地经历着火山喷发造成的地表重塑,因此尽管木星的重力会将经过它的彗星和小行星吸引过来继而增加木卫一被撞击的频率,人们也并没有在木卫一上发现任何陨石坑的痕迹。 PIE结构: 第一段: point 1:木星的四大卫星类似于太阳系的行星 illustrate:木星的卫星越靠近木星的越小,由岩石和金属组成;离木星越远越大,并且大部分由冰组成。在太阳系中也是这样,离太阳越近行星的越小,富含岩石和金属;离太阳越近的行星越大,富含气体和冰。 point 2:但是这些卫星相比之下更加具有系统性 example:四大卫星中冰的含量有序递减 第二段: point 1:这些卫星在地质活动方面也呈现梯度性 illustrate 1:从木卫四几乎没有地质活动迹象到木卫一地质活动频发,他们的地壳活跃程度随着离木星的距离远近而逐渐递增。 point 2:陨石坑的数量也随着离木星的远近而不断减少
illustrate 2:从木卫四上遍布陨石坑到木卫一上几乎没有陨石坑可以看到这个趋势(因为木卫一地质活动频繁,所以它持续地经历着火山喷发造成的地表重塑,这也是为什么即使木星强大的重力会吸引路过的彗星和小行星继而增加木卫一被撞击率,我们也从并没在木卫一上发现任何陨石坑。)