Wind farms, which generate electricity using arrays of thousands of wind-powered turbines, require vast expanses of open land. County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y. Therefore, a wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the planner's argument?
102. Wind farms, which generate electricity using arrays of thousands of wind-powered turbines, require vast expanses of open land. County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y. Therefore, a wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the planner's argument? A. County X and County Y are adjacent to each other, and both are located in the windiest area of the state.B. The total population of County Y is substantially greater than that of County X.C. Some of the electricity generated by wind farms in County Y would be purchased by users outside the county.D. Wind farms require more land per unit of electricity generated than does any other type of electrical-generation facility.E. Nearly all of County X's population is concentrated in a small part of the county, while County Y's population is spread evenly throughout the county. 1. 由问题问法得知,此题是评估类的题目。
2. 找到前提和结论: 结论句应该是:A wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X.。 3. 判断推理模式: 原文中看似说到了X和Y的不同点,无法让两者之间产生类比,但是我们也可以发现,文中的结论是基于X和Y除了人口密度上没有其他差别才得出的结论。所以该文段依然是一个类比推理模式。我们在判断推理模式的时候,请不要拘泥于词汇,而是注重结论所真正建立的核心。 CountryX CountryY
I don't like the name 因果. I recommend you use "conditional reasoning", which is introduced in book "powerscore for LSAT", because according to my experience they are the same,and 因果 some times confuse people. Never mind, if you find 因果 is OK.
因果 has two CQs:First, No relationship between A and B;Second, Some other interruptive factor between A and B.
Generally speaking, these two CQ can deduced as: A is not sufficient for B, and consequently B is not necessary following A.
Assumption is one of the biggest obstacle for 因果. Because the author's unstated premise makes the premise in the stimulus not sufficient to get the conclusion.
And in analogy, the unstated premise,namely the assumption, is that the two things are all the same. The CQ is whether the two things are all the same . If yes, then A is sufficient for B ; if no,the A is not sufficient for B, the same result As the CQs in 因果.
See the relationship between 因果 and analogy? In analogy, the assumption is within the specific pattern: all things are equal. In 因果,the assumption can be anything.