以下是引用lemonee在2003-9-23 5:35:00的发言: 3. Because of the recent recession in Country A most magazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue, so much so that the survival of the most widely read magazines is in grave doubt. At the same time, however, more people in Country A are reading more magazines than ever before, and the number of financially successful magazines in Country A is greater than ever. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resole the apparent discrepancy in the information above? (A) Most magazines reduce the amount they charge for advertisement’s during a recession. (B) The audience for a successful television show far exceeds the readership of even the most widely read magazine. (C) Advertising is the main source of revenue only for the most widely read magazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue. (D) Because of the recession, people in Country A have cut back on magazine subscriptions and are reading borrowed magazines. (E) More of the new general interest magazines that were launched this year in Country A have survived than survived in previous years.
Discrepancy: Evidence 1- the survival of the most widely read magazines is in grave Evidence 2- the number of financially successful magazines in Country A is greater than ever
Hiden Premise: the most widely read magazines = magazines in Country A
攻击点:两个集合不同,没有包含关系。因为最畅销的杂志同其他众多的杂志并不是一样的杂志,并不是所有country A的杂志
C is perfect. D实际上没有起到解释作用,因为没有说到差异之间的比较,即两个集合之间的关系。属于无关选项。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-23 7:02:49编辑过] |