加油!!!刚刚在路上在思考一件事情,为啥common rule 就那么多 题目变体很多呢? anyway 不应该的啊
sc 在kkk学了50人班 把语法点梳理了一遍,现在做题要求自己抓主干,别纠结细节,同时灵活对比选项,通过不同暴露考察点,需要快速排除不合理选项。
目前的issues 是 做题的时候自己并没有明显的套路,整个题目怎么做出来的固定流程也说不大出来,现在会遇到一些耗时过长的题目
Less than 35 years after the release of African honeybees outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, their descendants, popularly known as killer bees, had migrated as far north as southern Texas.
- ALess than 35 years after the release of African honeybees outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, 分析该选项
- BIn less than 35 years since releasing African honeybees outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, 分析该选项
- CIn less than the 35 years since African honeybees had been released outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, 分析该选项
- DIt took less than 35 years from the release of African honeybees outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, when 分析该选项
- EIt took less than 35 years after the time that African honeybees were released outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, and then 分析该选项
比如这道题目 我的做题思路是 先看题目,大概看懂了,主谓宾都有,考点在前面,从语义角度考虑,it took 这个结构 怪怪的,一般都是人为的 花了努力力气的一种时间消耗表述,所以被我排了,然后我有在纠结less than 和in less than 的问题。纠结了一会,选了c, 当时在思考c 的had been 这个time tense 有没有问题,had been 应该是要找一个时间点,在那之前的,但是当时在想说,没有那个时间点,仿佛有点奇怪,可是最后还是选了c
In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
- AIn contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country. 分析该选项
- BIn contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing its trade deficit by $500 million.分析该选项
- CWhen compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing their trade deficit by $500 million. 分析该选项
- DCompared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.分析该选项
- ECompared to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record exports to Mexico caused a $500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country. 分析该选项
我的答案:A 正确答案:A
这题目说起来挺奇怪的,知道是在考查比较,明白有两组一组是in contrast to,还有一组是compared with/to 还有一组是when, 一个一个看下去的时候,觉得好几个都没办法构成平行结构啊,imbalances 和sold 这种名词对动词 怎么对啊?? 所以排除掉了所有的,然而看到when 的时候,还在思考的是 诶?这是一个从句吗?对于compare 这个比较结构有什么影响吗? 结果竟然发现 还是对比 考点没变化呀! 所以选了a
Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package even if they find a new job before they are terminated.
- Athe last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package 分析该选项
- Bthe last day they are scheduled to collect, workers are eligible for the automobile company's severance package 分析该选项
- Ctheir last scheduled day to collect, the automobile company offers its severance package to workers 分析该选项
- Dtheir last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers 分析该选项
- Ethe last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D
这道题目当时是这样的,我发现是一个unlike 的句子,然后workers是主语,基本看懂了意思,用语法知识很快排除了abc,视线去了de 上,这个过程很快,然后纠结啊,no difference 啊? 纠结了一会不知道 就随便选了e
Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe,whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style were influential on generations of bluegrass artists,was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from his own.
- Awere influential on generations of bluegrass artists,was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from 分析该选项
- Binfluenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia,whose music differed significantly from分析该选项
- Cwas influential to generations of bluegrass artists,was also inspirational to many musicians,that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia,whose music was different significantly in comparison to 分析该选项
- Dwas influential to generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians,who included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia,the music of whom differed significantly when compared to 分析该选项
- Ewere an influence on generations of bluegrass artists,was also an inspiration to many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia,whose music was significantly different from that of 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:B
这道题目 啊 读懂了当时迅速排除了cd 然后纠结点变成了influence on generation 对不对,后来观察到also 这个点,寻思着不太对,结果一看选项发现5个都有,后来的考点应该是including,排除一个,剩下be,然后在思考that of 的问题,觉得b 不对 就把b 排掉了。 其中第一个排除点事was were,通过阅读主干get 到的,第二个点,是阅读选项时 对比发现不同的,但其实固定搭配是我的弱势,尤其是动词的固定搭配,including 这个点还是很好排的,最后that of 确实是句子的尾巴了,不知道为什么不对了。。
Although unhappy with the high rent her company was paying for its suburban office building, the chief executive recognized rental rates for buildings in the suburbs as far lower than it typically is for property that is located within the city limits.
- Arental rates for buildings in the suburbs as far lower than it typically is for property that is located within the city limits 分析该选项
- Brental rates for buildings in the suburbs as being far lower than what the rates typically charged within the city limits had been for property located there分析该选项
- Crental rates typically being charged for property located within the city limits to be far lower as they typically were within the city limits for the property there分析该选项
- Dthat rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than rental rates typically being charged within the city limits for property located there 分析该选项
- Ethat rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:E 这道题目,首先抓取主干,发现是一个很典型的句子,although。。。。sb 状语从句省略,then 是一个比较,发现是rental rate 跟rental rate 比较,然后看选项的时候觉得recognized 后面应该有一个that?但其实还是一个一个选项老老实实地看完了。
其实这题目最后的答案不太确定的,知识凭感觉选择了一个最符合common 用法的句子
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- [url=]SC-PREP07 Test1:第21-40题[/url]
While they remove carbon dioxide from the air, conserve soil and water, and house thousands of species, forests also supply potentially valuable pharmaceuticals, and, as sources of building material and firewood, that provide employment for millions worldwide.
- Apharmaceuticals, and, as sources of building material and firewood, that provide 分析该选项
- Bpharmaceuticals, and sources of building material and firewood, are providers of 分析该选项
- Cpharmaceuticals and, as sources of building material and firewood that are providing 分析该选项
- Dpharmaceuticals and sources of building material and firewood, for providing 分析该选项
- Epharmaceuticals and, as sources of building material and firewood, provide 分析该选项
我的答案:A 正确答案:E
艰难的开始啦,看句子,看懂了,同时觉得as sources 一定要的 所以b d 排掉了,然后纠结后面哪个provide 其实语义跟我想得不大一致,因为我觉得providing 不应该做修饰,anyway 现在看看e 的结构跟我理解的不大一样,supply and as。。。。provide employment 这样确实很顺,我觉得下次看这种从forest 这个分句看起来比较合理,诶所以说我有觉得a b 怪怪的啊!
The investigations of many psychologists and anthropologists support the generalization of there being little that is a significant difference in the underlying mental processes manifested by people from different cultures.
- Aof there being little that is a significant difference 分析该选项
- Bof there being little that is significantly different 分析该选项
- Cof little that is significantly different 分析该选项
- Dthat there is little that is significantly different 分析该选项
- Ethat there is little of significant differences 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D 这题目读句子,读得懂,不过觉得选项不是常考的典型点啊,所以就很认真地专注于选项了,看到了difference ,固定搭配,difference in 所以排掉了 b c d, however, 答案竟然是c??所以我对于固定搭配的理解不对?不是很懂诶 那换一种思路来,of there being代替that同位语从句表达复杂,笨拙并且不符合习惯. 所以说是同位语从句的惯常搭配,其实老师也说过 抽象名词后多用that 而不用介词,但我总是担心这个weapon 我并不充分了解到底该怎么用。。就算这么解释,可能我也不能充分消化这道题目 难度 5
When drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement.
- AWhen drafting the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, included in it by the author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a call for female enfranchisement. 分析该选项
- BIncluding a call for female enfranchisement, a draft of the Declaration of Sentiments was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848 that Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote. 分析该选项
- CWhen the Declaration of Sentiments drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Convention in 1848, a call for female enfranchisement had been included in it. 分析该选项
- DA call for female enfranchisement, included in Elizabeth Cady Stanton's draft of the Declaration of Sentiments in 1848, that was adopted by the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention. 分析该选项
- EWhen Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention in 1848, she included in it a call for female enfranchisement. 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:E 这道题目呢,明确感受到了语序的重要性,还有就是句子读懂了,我反而觉得 e 很奇怪。。那是因为我以为的语义跟e 完全不一样啊!!但是反而是跟a 的意思比较贴近。嗯 只能这样理解了!
Oaks preferring drier ones, pine trees thrive in relatively wet climates.
- AOaks preferring drier ones, pine trees thrive in relatively wet climates. 分析该选项
- BWith oaks preferring drier ones, pine trees thrive in relatively wet climates. 分析该选项
- CWhereas oaks prefer drier ones, with pine trees thriving in relatively wet climates. 分析该选项
- DPine trees thrive in relatively wet climates, whereas oaks prefer drier ones. 分析该选项
- EPine trees thriving in climates that are relatively wet ones, oaks prefer drier climates. 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:D 读下来在d b之间纠结了半天,最后蒙了b,其实不知道d 为什么不改选。 用with不能表现出两者对比的意思; ones没有指代 with 不能够表示两者对比?那老师上课说with 独立主格 还能够表示转折是怎么回事?????? ???????????? d 正确, whereas正确的表现了对比的意思, ones指代前面出现过的复数名词核心词climates. by the way,我其实不太熟悉whereas 的用法!!!!!!!!!!!! Whereas用于同一句内的两个相反意见(前面要加逗号)。
Some people believe that schools are responsible for the behaviour of their students, whereas others argue that discipline is the responsibility of parents. More than 300 rivers drain into Siberia's Lake Baikal, which holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, more than all the North American Great Lakes combined.
- AMore than 300 rivers drain into Siberia's Lake Baikal, which holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, more than all the North American Great Lakes combined.分析该选项
- BWith 20 percent of the world's fresh water, that is more than all the North American Great Lakes combined, Siberia's Lake Baikal has more than 300 rivers that drain into it. 分析该选项
- CSiberia's Lake Baikal, with more than 300 rivers draining into it, it holds more of the world's fresh water than all that of the North American Great Lakes combined, 20 percent. 分析该选项
- DWhile more than 300 rivers drain into it, Siberia's Lake Baikal holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, which is more than all the North American Great Lakes combined. 分析该选项
- EMore than all the North American Great Lakes combined, Siberia's Lake Baikal, with more than 300 rivers draining into it, holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water. 分析该选项
我的答案:D 正确答案:A 当时没有选a 大概是因为which 修饰的问题我觉得有歧义,选择了 d 诶?however which 的用法不是一样的吗?而且哦 !!除了一个选项 所有的都是一个用法,20% of fresh water,这不是很奇怪吗?所以是把这个当成一个整体来修饰了吗?anyway 这就不是差异点了呢。(wrong,wrong wrong!!) 这就很奇怪了,既然我觉得d 是有问题 为啥我还会这么选呢? while作为连词表示当…的时候或者表示转折,而原句并没有这种逻辑关系; which引导的非限定性定语从句就近修饰fresh water, 而从逻辑上应该修饰20 percent of the world’s fresh water 。。。。。
a 就没什么歧义啦
One report concludes that many schools do not have, or likely to have, enough computers to use them effectively.
- Aor 分析该选项
- Bnor 分析该选项
- Cor are 分析该选项
- Dnor are they 分析该选项
- Enor are not 分析该选项
我的答案:B 所以是平行是吗?这道题目选得很是鲁莽啦! do not have nor are they likely to have !!!!! a or b do not have or are not likely to have do not have nor are likely to have
正确答案:DThe Sports Medicine Programs of the Olympic Training Center, a complex where final tryouts are held for athletes representing the United States in the Olympics, is geared toward enhancing athletes' performance and toward their preparation for international competition. - Ais geared toward enhancing athletes' performance and toward their preparation 分析该选项
- Bis geared to enhance the performance of athletes and to prepare them 分析该选项
- Care geared to enhance athletes' performance and their preparation 分析该选项
- Dare geared toward the enhancement of athletes' performance and toward preparing them 分析该选项
- Eare geared toward enhancing the performance of athletes and preparing them 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:E 有在ce 之间纠结,但是对于固定搭配不太确定 所以选了c ,e 也是平行的,但我保险起见没有选,enhance preparation 怕不是原句的意思了。话说 还是要体会一下原来划线句的意思啦。。。。。。。。但我不知道原来划线句的引导作用到底有多少,确实没有统计过
原来划线句的引导作用?正确的人做正确的事,符合逻辑 就是正确的语意 慎用 !
With an awareness that there are connotations associated with the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B, companies conducting consumer taste tests of foods or beverages typically choose numbers such as 697 or 483 to label the products.
- AWith an awareness that there are connotations associated with the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B 分析该选项
- BBecause the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B have connotations they are aware of 分析该选项
- CBecause of an awareness of the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B having connotations 分析该选项
- DAware of the connotations of the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B 分析该选项
- ESince the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B have connotations associated with them and they are aware of it 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:D
这是一道很奇怪的题目,本质上我没有读懂,放着先。。最后一道了,Because of + n + having…表现复杂,应该改为Because从句 主要介词比较多,老师讲过优先从句多于介词很多的 awareness of sth having sth 最好去选择一个更加简洁的结构
61-80 题 Unlike emergency calls that travel through regular telephone lines, where they thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller.
- Alines, where they thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller 分析该选项
- Blines and thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller 分析该选项
- Clines, thus automatically informing the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, the location of the caller on a cellular phone has to be determined by the operator 分析该选项
- Dlines, and thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, emergency operators have to determine the location of the cellular phone caller 分析该选项
- Elines, thus automatically informing the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, emergency operators receiving a cellular call have to determine the location of the caller 分析该选项
我的答案:A 正确答案:B 开始啦,unlike 保留a b ,当时在a b 之间纠结了一下,还是选择a,具体不知道ab 哪个表述更好? where 这个直接修饰的是telephone lines, 就像which 就近修饰是一样的。是不能够修饰到emergency 的。
Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that learn new songs. - Athe brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that 分析该选项
- Bmice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose neurons increase when they 分析该选项
- Cmice's brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries' neurons that increase when they 分析该选项
- Dthe brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries' neurons when they 分析该选项
- Ebrain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in canaries that 分析该选项
我的答案:D 正确答案:E 通过尾巴 直接排除了when 的选项,因为感觉语义不对,最后选择了e 通过平行选择的,主要句子实在是太长了,都什么鬼啊?所以还是时间状语的缘故吧。 svo,when done。 done 永远修饰s!!!!不会修饰o 的
Scientists say that each of the photographs taken of the Ares Vallis plain by the Mars Pathfinder indicate the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree that rocks were scattered by its force. - Aindicate the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree that 分析该选项
- Bindicate that the extent of the floods on the planet billions of years ago was overwhelming and the degree to which 分析该选项
- Cindicate the overwhelming extent of the floods on the planet billions of years ago and the degree to which 分析该选项
- Dindicates the overwhelming extent of the flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree to which 分析该选项
- Eindicates the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree that 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D 主谓一致 d e ,并不知道如何判断 the degree to which For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded with a mortar and pestle.
- AFor the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being pounded 分析该选项
- BTo best extract their flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in liquid after pounding 分析该选项
- CThe best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is soaking them in liquid after being pounded 分析该选项
- DThe best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is to soak them in liquid after pounding them 分析该选项
- EThe flavor of saffron threads can best be extracted by soaking it in liquid after pounding it 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:D 因为原句a 是for 我觉得其他类型的语义都不太对,所以把 the best way 什么的都给排了,however 这样做仿佛是错的。 educated guess: never use meaning before grammtical rule, 直接考虑语义完全排除选项 而不check 语法绝对错误,比较高阶,暂时不要用这条。
Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of natural selection, favored due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments.
- Adue to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are 分析该选项
- Bdue to the reproduction or survival they enhance, but they are 分析该选项
- Cbecause they enhance reproduction or survival, but 分析该选项
- Dbecause they enhance reproduction or survival, but are 分析该选项
- Ebecause of enhancing reproduction or survival, but are 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D 准确的来说,一般because of, despite of, 直接加名词,动名词这种 应该用从句,里面用动词。 By recording the noise of crinkled wrappers as they were slowly stretched out in an otherwise silent chamber, and then digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found the noise not continuous but consisted of individual bursts or pops just thousandths of a second long.
- Adigitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found the noise not 分析该选项
- Bdigitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found that the noise was not 分析该选项
- Cdigitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found the noise not to be 分析该选项
- Dthe sound emissions were digitized and analyzed on computers, a team of scientists found that the noise was not 分析该选项
- Ethe sound emissions were digitized and analyzed on computers, a team of scientists found the noise not to be 分析该选项
我的答案:A 正式书面语中,动词型宾语从句中的that一般不能省略 不过我当时考虑了 find sth abj 这个搭配???有这个搭配吗?
正确答案:B The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.
- Ayears as a result of the removal of 分析该选项
- Byears as a result of removing 分析该选项
- Cyears, resulting from the removing of 分析该选项
- Dyears, which is a result of removing 分析该选项
- Eyears, which is a result of the removal of 分析该选项
我的答案:B 介词短语 n account of, because of, despite (in despite of), as a result of之后只跟简单的名词短语。若其后面跟的是动名词doing 或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时,应改为与其相同意义的连词because, although等引导的从句形式! fairly important 但我当时考虑到平行啊 难道不对吗? 抽象名词大于动名词,the clearing 说明clearing 这里就是一个动名词,但是gmat 的出题是永远对的! [size=14.008403778076172px]removal[size=14.007002830505371px] is better. [size=14.007002830505371px]there are a bunch of words like these, with [size=14.008403778076172px]specific noun forms[size=14.007002830505371px] that, simply because they exist, are considered better than the corresponding gerund (-ing) forms. notable among this class of nouns are the '-al' forms, like [size=14.008403778076172px]removal[size=14.007002830505371px], [size=14.008403778076172px]betrayal[size=14.007002830505371px], etc. (有名词先用名词,然后再是动名词)
[size=14.007002830505371px]unfortunately, there are no general tips of the form you're soliciting; such are the joys of the english language. the closest i can get to a general rule is this: [size=14.008403778076172px]if a special noun form exists, use it. if not, use the -ing form.[size=14.007002830505371px]
[size=14.007002830505371px]as for your examples above, you wouldn't want 'removing' because [size=14.008403778076172px]removal[size=14.007002830505371px] is a better substitute. [size=14.008403778076172px]clearing[size=14.007002830505371px], though, is fine because there's no specially designated noun form for that one.
not but
[size=14.007002830505371px]actually, here's a more accurate take on what's going on here.
[size=14.007002830505371px]IN ACTUALITY, there is really only one base structure here, which is [size=14.008403778076172px]"not ... but ..."
[size=14.007002830505371px]that's actually the only TRUE set of parallel markers here. [size=14.008403778076172px]"only" and "also" are adverbs[size=14.007002830505371px], and so ultimately function as modifiers -- i.e., they aren't necessary to the structure.
[size=14.007002830505371px]still, since "not only ... but also ..." is so common, you may want to memorize it separately -- but be aware that this is NOT the only correct form of this idiom.
[size=14.008403778076172px]the MOST reliable way to deconstruct this idiom is just to memorize "not ... but ...", and then ignore the adjectives "only" and "also" in deciding whether structures are grammatically parallel.
[size=14.007002830505371px]in deciding the MEANING of the structure, you can't dismiss "only" and "also" ... but that's a separate issue. see below.
[size=14.008403778076172px]the writer was not only mortified by her mistake but determined to correct it in print.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> CORRECT
[size=14.008403778076172px]the writer not only was mortified by her mistake but was determined to correct it in print.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> CORRECT
[size=14.008403778076172px]the writer was not only mortified by her mistake but was determined to correct it in print.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> INCORRECT
[size=14.008403778076172px]the small child was relieved to hear that the rustling under the bed was caused not by a ghost but by his pet cat.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> CORRECT
[size=14.008403778076172px]the small child was relieved to hear that the rustling under the bed was caused not by a ghost but his pet cat.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> INCORRECT
[size=14.008403778076172px]SO WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE, THEN, WITH
"not only ... but also ..."
"not only ... but ..."
"not ... but ..."
[size=14.007002830505371px]the difference here is strictly one of MEANING.
[size=14.007002830505371px]the first two are pretty similar; the last one is TOTALLY different.
[size=14.008403778076172px](1) "not only ... but also ..."[size=14.007002830505371px] is used to refer to two descriptions that [size=14.008403778076172px]REINFORCE[size=14.007002830505371px] each other (i.e., both have the same connotation -- two good things, two bad things, two helpful things, etc.), but are fundamentally [size=14.008403778076172px]independent[size=14.007002830505371px].
[size=14.008403778076172px]this drug is not only an alertness aid, but also an antidepressant.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> "alertness aid" and "antidepressant" are TWO GOOD THINGS that have basically NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.
[size=14.007002830505371px]therefore, "not only ... but also".
[size=14.008403778076172px](2) "not only ... but ..."[size=14.007002830505371px] is also used to refer to two descriptions that [size=14.008403778076172px]REINFORCE[size=14.007002830505371px] each other, but it's generally used when [size=14.008403778076172px]the second description EXPANDS or GOES BEYOND the first.
[size=14.008403778076172px]ryan not only competed in all the events, but won first prize in three of them.
[size=14.007002830505371px]--> note that "won first prize in three of [the events]" is an EXTENSION of "compet[ing] in all the events". these are not independent.
[size=14.007002830505371px]the above difference between (1) and (2) is subtle, and is therefore not terribly important. however, you MUST be able to tell those from the next one:
[size=14.008403778076172px](3) "not ... but ..."[size=14.007002830505371px] is used when the FIRST thing is [size=14.008403778076172px]EXPECTED, ASSUMED, or PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT[size=14.007002830505371px], but is [size=14.008403778076172px]REFUTED / CONTRADICTED / DISPROVED[size=14.007002830505371px] by the SECOND thing.
[size=14.008403778076172px]the snacks known as "french fries" were invented not in france, but in belgium. [size=14.008403778076172px]81-100 In the major cities of industrialized countries at the end of the nineteenth century, important public places such as theaters, restaurants, shops, and banks had installed electric lighting, but electricity was in less than one percent of homes, where lighting was still provided mainly by candles or gas.
- Aelectricity was in less than one percent of homes, where lighting was still 分析该选项
- Belectricity was in less than one percent of homes and lighting still 分析该选项
- Cthere were less than one percent of homes with electricity, where lighting was still being 分析该选项
- Dthere was less than one percent of homes that had electricity, having lighting that was still 分析该选项
- Eless than one percent of homes had electricity, where lighting had still been 分析该选项
我的答案:D 正确答案:A 这道题目很奇怪的是 我又在用语序解题了,嗯我看到前面是pulic places 是主语,我觉得要并列,所以我就想找homes 在前面的,没有 所以我就看到了there are 的这种,话说,我有在做高阶的事情了,但问题是,高阶的玩法,用一次我死一次啊。 don‘t do that again,since you use it and you are wrong,this is just not the right way!! 好规规矩矩做题目, but 后面完整的句子,a 没啥问题,但我在纠结这个where 我并不确定它对不对。因为前面做题有关于where 的点??我想不起来是哪道题目了,然后具体的rule 又记不得,啊 所以不应该排除的 选了d 是因为 svo,doing勉强可以用作解释。。现在看很明显有主谓不一致的问题。 啊?怎么会选择这个呢?唉 (不知道为啥,感觉自己有点蠢啊)
Each year companies in the United States could save as much as $58 billion annually by preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided offices with cleaner air.
- Aannually by preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided 分析该选项
- Bannually if they prevented employee illness and gain as much as $200 billion through worker performance improved by simply providing 分析该选项
- C annually in employee illness prevention and gain as much as $200 billion through worker performance improved by simply providing 分析该选项
- Din employee illness prevention and gain as much as $200 billion through improving performance of workers if they simply provided 分析该选项
- Eby preventing illness among employees and gain as much as $200 billion through improved worker performance if they simply provided 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:E
语义C 有歧义了,in 这个改变语义。 不是考平行。
The Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to three scientists for their discovery that plastic can be made electrically conductive--an advance that has led to improvements in film, television screens, and windows. - Athat plastic can be made electrically conductive--an advance that has led 分析该选项
- Bthat plastic can be made electrically conductive--this advance leading 分析该选项
- Cthat plastic can be made to be electrically conductive, and this advance led 分析该选项
- Dof plastic's ability to be made electrically conductive, with this advance leading 分析该选项
- Eof plastic being able to be made electrically conductive--an advance that has led 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:A
In 1945, after a career as First Lady in which she shattered expectations more audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman.
- Amore audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman 分析该选项
- Bmore audaciously than either Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, President Harry S Truman had Eleanor Roosevelt appointed to be a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly 分析该选项
- Cwith an audacity never matched in the case of Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, President Harry S Truman had Eleanor Roosevelt appointed as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly 分析该选项
- Dwith an audacity never matched by Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman 分析该选项
- Ewith an audacity never matched either in the case of Abigail Adams or of Dolly Madison's, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed to be a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D 很明显一开始排除后半句主语不是女主的。 a 看下来没啥问题啊 e 的话 我会觉得 in the case of 比较奇怪了。
Archaeologists in Egypt have excavated a 5,000-year-old wooden hull that is the earliest surviving example of a "built" boat--in other words, a boat constructed out of planks fitted together--and that thus represents a major advance, in terms of boat-building technology, over the dugout logs and reed vessels of more ancient vintage.
- Atogether--and that thus represents 分析该选项
- Btogether--and this has represented 分析该选项
- Ctogether, and it represents 分析该选项
- Dtogether that was representing 分析该选项
- Etogether to represent 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:A 双破折号要略看,这样选a 就是很直接的了
Both the complexity of the phenomenon known as extinction and the vastness of the biosphere, having prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists working both in the field and in laboratories to clarify the relationships among the planet's many endangered life-forms.
- Aand the vastness of the biosphere, having prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists working both 分析该选项
- Band the vastness of the biosphere has prompted many scientists calling for a large increase in the number of biologists both working 分析该选项
- Cand the vastness of the biosphere have prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists working both 分析该选项
- Das well as the vastness of the biosphere have prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists who both work 分析该选项
- Eas well as the vastness of the biosphere has prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists who work both 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:C 考察主句主谓一致,我对这个句子的both 感觉很是奇怪,不过发现不是划线句子部分也就不纠结了,然后其实在bc 之间选择了 b 因为我觉得复杂性是个单数了啦,however 仔细看的话 会发现both and 不平行了。the complexity of, the vastness of, a and b 了啦,both 不奇怪的。学会快速抓取主干!!!嗯 而且both 也是一个提示题吧,both and 后面必然主谓用复数。一开始抓主语只抓了complexity,很明显不对的。
n some species of cricket, the number of chirps per minute used by the male for attracting females rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and they can in fact serve as an approximate thermometer. - Afor attracting females rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and they can in fact serve 分析该选项
- Bfor attracting females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, which can in fact serve 分析该选项
- Cin attracting females rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, in fact possibly serving 分析该选项
- Dto attract females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and it can in fact serve 分析该选项
- Eto attract females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, in fact possibly serving 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:D
表目的很明显选择 to do, 所以剩下来d e, 结尾处不同,但我分不清de 那种结尾更好一些? [size=14.007002830505371px]ron 论坛上的老师说,possibly 和can 比,can 更加合适。而且原句用了can,这个d 更好一些。 [size=14.007002830505371px]
The bones of Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur that is a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembles South American predatory dinosaurs, have been discovered in Madagascar.
- AThe bones of Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur that is a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembles South American predatory dinosaurs, have been discovered in Madagascar. 分析该选项
- BThe bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and with a close resemblance to South American predatory dinosaurs, has been discovered in Madagascar. 分析该选项
- CIn Madagascar, the bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, distantly related to Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembled South American predatory dinosaurs, have been discovered. 分析该选项
- DA distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, bearing a close resemblance to South American predatory dinosaurs is Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur, the bones of which have been discovered in Madagascar. 分析该选项
- EA distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembling South American predatory dinosaurs, the bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, have been discovered in Madagascar. 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:A
b. bones 是主语 c related resembled 不平行?看得我好懵逼好难理解 sth related to sth and resembled sth 说是 related 是过去分词,resemble 是过去式,不能够平行。 如果同时加is 没问题的话 就说明都是分词,如果is resembled 就不太对,类似怎么表被动呢? 当然了 这个点太难了
Mideast immigrants' rates of entrepreneurship exceed virtually every other immigrant group in the increasingly diverse United States economy.
- AMideast immigrants' rates of entrepreneurship exceed 分析该选项
- BMideast immigrants are exhibiting rates of entrepreneurship exceeding 分析该选项
- CImmigrants from the Mideast exhibit rates of entrepreneurship exceeding those of 分析该选项
- DThe rates of entrepreneurship in immigrants from the Mideast exceed 分析该选项
- EThe rates of Mideast immigrants' entrepreneurship exceeds those of 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:C ???e c 有什么区别? e 因为只关注了比较 忽略了主谓一致了
In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.
- ALeakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting 分析该选项
- BLeakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and by painstakingly documenting 分析该选项
- CLeakey was a contributor to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of分析该选项
- DLeakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and her painstaking documentation of 分析该选项
- ELeakey's contributions to archaeology include discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:D
c 的contributor to sth with sth 不对,via /due to d 是对的,in addition to sth,svo a and b ,sth可以调换到a 前面。
A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but university and United States Department of Agriculture researchers who allowed growers to use it free of charge.
- Aproduced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but 分析该选项
- Bproduced not by profit-motivated seed companies, the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but 分析该选项
- Cproduced not by profit-motivated seed companies, as was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by分析该选项
- Dnot produced by profit-motivated seed companies, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but was produced by 分析该选项
- Enot produced by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:C
More than 300 rivers drain into Siberia's Lake Baikal, which holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, more than all the North American Great Lakes combined.
- AMore than 300 rivers drain into Siberia's Lake Baikal, which holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, more than all the North American Great Lakes combined.分析该选项
- BWith 20 percent of the world's fresh water, that is more than all the North American Great Lakes combined, Siberia's Lake Baikal has more than 300 rivers that drain into it. 分析该选项
- CSiberia's Lake Baikal, with more than 300 rivers draining into it, it holds more of the world's fresh water than all that of the North American Great Lakes combined, 20 percent. 分析该选项
- DWhile more than 300 rivers drain into it, Siberia's Lake Baikal holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water, which is more than all the North American Great Lakes combined. 分析该选项
- EMore than all the North American Great Lakes combined, Siberia's Lake Baikal, with more than 300 rivers draining into it, holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water. 分析该选项
我的答案:E 正确答案:A
Hundreds of species of fish generate and discharge electric currents, in bursts or as steady electric fields around their bodies, using their power either to find and attack prey, to defend themselves, or also for communicating and navigating.
- Aeither to find and attack prey, to defend themselves, or also for communicating and navigating 分析该选项
- Beither for finding and attacking prey, defend themselves, or for communication and navigation 分析该选项
- Cto find and attack prey, for defense, or communication and navigation 分析该选项
- Dfor finding and attacking prey, to defend themselves, or also for communication and navigation 分析该选项
- Eto find and attack prey, to defend themselves, or to communicate and navigate 分析该选项
我的答案:C 正确答案:E The budget for education reflects the administration's demand that the money is controlled by local school districts, but it can only be spent on teachers, not on books, computers, or other materials or activities.
- Athe money is controlled by local school districts, but it can only be spent 分析该选项
- Bthe money be controlled by local school districts, but it allows them to spend the money only 分析该选项
- Cthe money is to be controlled by local school districts, but allowing it only to be spent 分析该选项
- Dlocal school districts are in control of the money, but it allows them to spend the money only 分析该选项
- Elocal school districts are to be in control of the money, but it can only spend it 分析该选项
我的答案:A 正确答案:B As a result of a supernova explosion, every human being on Earth was bombarded on February 23, 1987, by about 100 billion neutrinos; fortunately, neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that interact very weakly with matter.
- Aneutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that 分析该选项
- Bneutrinos, which are harmless, are elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which 分析该选项
- Cneutrinos are harmless elementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which 分析该选项
- Dthese harmless elementary particles are produced in nuclear reactions, and neutrinos 分析该选项
- Ethese elementary particles, harmless products of nuclear reactions, are neutrinos that 分析该选项
我的答案:D 正确答案:A
1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and graduate level, but also faculty members in large numbers beganquestioning whether the computer screen was an adequate replacement for the classroom.
- A1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and graduate level, but also faculty members in large numbers began分析该选项
- BIn 1998 several new ventures were promoting online distance learning for both college-and for graduate-level courses, but it was also a year for a large number of faculty members who began 分析该选项
- CWith several new ventures promoting online distance learning both for college and graduate courses in 1998, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members had begun 分析该选项
- DAlthough 1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning for both college- and graduate-level courses, it was also a year when a large number of faculty members began 分析该选项
- ESeveral new ventures were promoting online distance learning in 1998, at both the college level as well as the graduate, but it was also a year for faculty members to begin in large numbers 分析该选项
我的答案:B 正确答案:D
刷题刷rc 这两天在纠结的问题是rc 偏慢,又不知道该如何订正,方法还没有完全确定下来,还是要记笔记的,准确来说,我速记的能力还是很强的,而且现在在纠结的问题应该还是怎么读吧,能够读完文章focus 所有细节自然是最好,但是时间有限,不可能所有的细节都死扣弄懂吧,所以适当略读是很有必要的,然后记好了的笔记对于定位的作用 其实是帮助自己记忆下来相关的内容然后好回溯文章吧,所以第一遍读的 时候要在脑海子 里面记住一些关键的case name 等,这样会来找的时候也会比较好找。 如果来得及记录key words 也是很好的了。。30分钟4篇加油吧!还有阅读任务要完成呢!
今天重新温习了baby 的文章,其实我个人也想一开始把文章看细,however,我一看细就慢了啊,加上gmat文章需要思考 我觉得我会很容易纠结进去,所以还是尽量略读,争取读懂不太强求了,但是论点一般还是不会太难,baby 的active reading 悠悠阅读法,我觉得可以一用,但是论据还是略读,另外baby 说得关键词法我深以为然! 所以觉得可以适当提速,而且自己平时阅读也可以适当提速,掌握文章大意即可,平时阅读速度慢的话,考试时候应该也不行的。所以难道要练意群阅读法???
Years before the advent of plate tectonics―the widely accepted theory, developed in the mid-1960's, the holds that the major features of Earth's surface are created by the horizontal motions of Earth's outer shell, or lithosphere― a similar theory was rejected by the geological community. In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed, in a widely debated theory that came to be called continental drift, that Earth's continents were mobile. To most geologists today, Wegener's The origin of Continents and Oceans appears an impressive and prescient document, containing several of the essential presumptions underlying plate tectonics theory: the horizontal mobility of pieces of Earth's crust; the essential difference between oceanic and continental crust; and a causal connection between horizontal displacements and the formation of mountain chains. Yet despite the considerable overlap between Wegener's concepts and the later widely embraced plate tectonics theory, and despite the fact that continental drift theory presented a possible solution to the problem of the origin of mountains at a time when existing explanations were seriously in doubt, in its day Wegener's theory was rejected by the vast majority of geologists.
Most geologists and many historians today believe that Wegener's theory was rejected because of its lack of an adequate mechanical basis. Stephen Jay Gould, for example, argues that continental drift theory was rejected because it did not explain how continents could move through an apparently solid oceanic floor. However, as Anthony Hallam has pointed out, many scientific phenomena, such as the ice ages, have been accepted before they could be fully explained. The most likely cause for the rejection of continental drift―a cause that has been largely ignored because we consider Wegener's theory to have been validated by the theory of plate tectonics―is the nature of the evidence that was put forward to support it. Most of Wegener's evidence consisted of homologies—similarities of patterns and forms based on direct observations of rocks in the field, supported by the use of hammers, hand lenses, and field notebooks. In contrast, the data supporting plate tectonics were impressively geophysical—instrumental determinations of the physical properties of Earth garnered through the use of seismographs, magnetometers, and computers.
continental drift theory 第一段速读的时候 结构没理清,通过看题目又重新理了一遍。 第一段引入theory 然后讲了它被reject debate 然后 介绍了theory 的具体内容,但是并没有表明作者的态度 第二段相对来说看得比较仔细,然鹅饿哦没有仔细读the most likely 那里就开始做题了?可能是因为时间来不及吧,后来发现这样完全误导了两道题目,而且很奇怪的是,我在快速决策的时候 会选出事后自己觉得明显文章推不出来的答案,比如说,最后的evidence 不足,选项里有一个说后来被 disapproved 的,就是我看选项的时候,秒速理解有的时候get 不到点。。 后来一边做题一边看完了文章后面那里,现在想想 题目问得很不直接啊,都是问对于theory 怎么怎么看,根本就没直接有很明显定位的点嘛
The author of the passage refers to the "considerable overlap" (line 23) between continental drift theory and plate tectonics theory most probably in order to
- Asuggest that plate tectonics theory is derived from Wegener's work
- Bintroduce a discussion comparing the elements of the two theories
- Cexamine the question of whether continental drift theory was innovative in its time
- Dprovide a reason why it might seem surprising that continental drift theory was not more widely embraced by geologists
- Ecite an explanation that has been frequently offered for Wegener's high standing among geologists today
我的答案:A 正确答案:D d 是绕了点 但是make sense 啊
The author of the passage suggests that the most likely explanation for the geological community's response to continental drift theory in its day was that the theory
- Awas in conflict with certain aspects of plate tectonics theory
- Bfailed to account for how mountains were formed
- Cdid not adequately explain how continents moved through the ocean floor
- Dwas contradicted by the geophysical data of the time
- Ewas based on a kind of evidence that was considered insufficiently convincing
我的答案:C 正确答案:E 比较好的做法是,把第二段读完。
Most geologists and many historians today believe that Wegener's theory was rejected because of its lack of an adequate mechanical basis. However, as Anthony Hallam has pointed out, many scientific phenomena, such as the ice ages, have been accepted before they could be fully explained. The most likely cause for the rejection of continental drift―a cause that has been largely ignored because we consider Wegener's theory to have been validated by the theory of plate tectonics―is the nature of the evidence that was put forward to support it.
这里有一个转折,本质上问得是作者态度,所以意思层面 我第二段读懂了,但是作者意图和手法上我并没有读懂。而这道作者态度题就暴露无疑。
It can be inferred from the passage that geologists today would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about Wegener's The Origin of Continents and Oceans?
- AIt was a worthy scientific effort that was ahead of its time.
- BIt was based on evidence that was later disproved.
- CIt was directly responsible for the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics.
- DIt has been disproved by continental drift theory.
- EIt misrepresented how horizontal displacements cause the formation of mountain chains.
我的答案:B 正确答案:A
B 被disprove了吗? 一定要带着质疑的态度做题。这题目也是文章意图吧,其实是欲扬先挫 A. It was a worthy scientific effort that was ahead of its time. a 是对的啦 但是第一遍没太看懂,大概就是worthy scientific effort 。。
The author cites Hallam (line 42) on the ice ages primarily in order to
- Aprovide an example of a geologic phenomenon whose precise causes are not fully understood by geologists today
- Bcriticize the geological community for an apparent lack of consistency in its responses to new theories
- Coffer evidence held to undermine a common view of why Wegener's theory was not accepted in its day
- Dgive an example of a modern scientist who believes that Wegener's theory was rejected because it failed to adequately explain the mechanical basis of continental drift
- Esupport Gould's rationale for why Wegener's theory was rejected by most geologists in the early twentieth century
我的答案:A 正确答案:C
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