51. Frobnia.seconomy relies on two major industries. The oil .elds in south Frobniaallow the country to export petroleum and the natural landmarks inthe north attract hundreds of thousands of tourists each year.Tourism employs more than one-third of working Frobnians,and the oil .elds employ less than half as many. However, abouthalf of the population of Frobnia lives in the south.
The informationgiven, if accurate, most strongly supports which of the following?
(A) To remain fullysta¤ed, tourism-related companies in Frobnia must recruitin the south.
(B) Most of thepeople in Frobnia who are not employed live in the south.
(C) Many employedFrobnians in the south work for petroleum-relatedcompanies apart from the oil .elds, such as reneries.
(D) A higherproportion of Frobnians working in the north work in one ofFrobnia.s two major industries than the proportion ofFrobnians in the south who do.
(E) Frobnia.s oil.elds are not a major tourist attraction, but a small number ofvisitors include the oil .elds as part of their travel. 问: Tourism employs more than one-third of working Frobnians, and the oil .elds employ less than half as many. 这句话到底什么意思,油厂是一半的人口么?
Which of thefollowing most logically completes the passage?
Both silviculturalclearcutting and commercial clearcutting involve removing a highpercentage of trees from a forested area. Silviculturalclearcutting involves removing nearly every tree from the area in order tocreate an environment suitable for a speciesto regenerate afterthe trees are removed. However, commercial clearcutting isusually not as extensive, because .
(A) removing all thetrees from an area does not always create
an environment inwhich a species can regenerate.
(B) other forestedareas are subject to the silvicultural method,
ensuring thatspecies will regenerate in other locations.
(C) commercialclearcutting typically takes place in much larger
areas, and is morecommon in developing countries.
(D) forested areasthat are commercially clearcut are not home
to species that areas environmentally important as those
in areas that aresilviculturally clearcut.
(E) the goal ofcommercial clearcutting is to remove only
commerciallyvaluable trees, and not every tree .ts that description. 问:谁能翻译下D答案,怎么看也看不懂?
CarniganInternational Airport was once the busiest airport in the region, but twomajor airlines have relocated to nearby airports, reducing the numberof .ights in and out of Carnigan by more than half. The gates atCarnigan were built more than thirty years ago and cannotaccommodate the largest modern aircraft. In an e¤ort to bring in morebusiness, Carnigan o¢ cials plan to build dozens of gates to accommodatemodern aircraft and o¤er reduced-rate leases to airlineswilling to make long-term commitments.
Which of thefollowing, if true, most threatens the plan.s likelihood of success?
(A) Most of theairlines operating out of nearby airports
have long-termleases on gates at the other airports.
(B) The existinggates at Carnigan rent at rates that are, on
average, much lowerthan the proposed rates for the
new gates to bebuilt there.
(C) Because ofhighway congestion and changing
development patternsthat make Carnigan inconvenient
to access, airlinecustomers prefer to depart from other
(D) Of the 18airlines that serve Carnigan or nearby airports,
none serve more thanone airport in the area.
(E) If the proposedaddition is completed, Carnigan will be
the largest airport,as measured both by gates and square footage, in theregion. 问,C答案的意思无法理解,是不是“C不太方便出入,客户更愿意离开其他的飞机场”?
23. At presentSatellex Radio provides only music stations. However, many Satellexsubscribers listen to talk radio stations as well, and they would prefer thatSatellex o¤ered talk radio as well. Moreover, subscribers to radioservices that provide talk radio usually subscribe for longerperiods of time than those who subscribe to music-only services.Therefore, if Satellex added talk radio stations, its pro.ts wouldincrease.
The argument isvulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it gives
reason to believethat it is likely that
(A) Satellex.s largesubscriber base would appeal to talk radio
hosts, making iteasy for Satellex to hire quality talent for
its talk radiostations.
(B) most talk radiohosts broadcast on advertiser-supported
radio stations thatlisteners can access without paying a
subscription fee.
(C) Satellex.s costswould rise by adding several talk-radio
stations, while manyof the listeners who want talk radio
are already Satellexsubscribers.
(D) talk radiolisteners generally spend more time on a single
radio station thando listeners to music radio.
(E) if Satellexadded talk radio stations, many of Satellex.s
music radio hostswould switch to talk-radio stations, making the music stationsless appealing. 问:为何B答案不对啊?不明白,不交钱,岂不是收入会减少么?
41. Over the last.ve years, demand for introductory-level philosophy courses at InaguaCollege has increased signi.cantly, as has the number of studentsacross the country who choose to major in philosophy. Thesetrends are projected to continue for the next several years. Inresponse, Inagua College is considering a plan to stop hiringprofessors in other .elds and hire only philosophy professors in orderto attract more students to the college.
Which of thefollowing would it be most useful for Inagua College
to know inevaluating the plan it is considering?
(A) Whether thenumber of philosophers awarded doctorates
is expected to growin the next several years
(B) Whetheravailability of philosophy courses has an e¤ect
on potentialstudents.decisions regarding where they will
attend college
(C) Whether demandfor post-secondary education in Inagua
is likely toincrease in the near future
(D) Whether theincreased demand for philosophy courses,
if met, is likely tolead to an increase in the demand for
courses in related.elds, such as logic
(E) Whether, onaverage, newly-hired philosophy professors
are as highly-ratedby students as the professors currently
teaching philosophyclasses at Inagua College
问C答案错在哪里,不明白,B答案不是原文重复么?? |