The school introduced a bicycleloaning (注意这个bicycle loan,很关键)program which is aimed at encouraging students to ride bicycle toschools instead of driving. The school claims that the program is effectivesince 1 in 10 students ride bicycles to school now, in comparison to 1 in 100previously. And the students who drive (or take their parents’ cars) to schooldecreased from 25% to 10%.
The choice I chose: E. most of thestudents who previously take their parents’ car to school regularly alreadyown bicycles. (理由:要weaken的关键在于attack the school’s claim that the bicycle loaning program is effective.所以E选项就说原来那些开车上学的孩子大部分本身就有自行车,所以推出借自行车根本就不可能成为他们改骑车上学的原因,也就推翻了这个Program有效的结论。
2. the successful launch of a newproduct by the supermarket requires either that the supermarket provide aprominent role for the product or that (注意这里的either…or…,很关键)customerscould seek the product out. Customers can seek the product out onlyby(注意很关键)advertising through television or B(这里B具体想不起来,反正就是通过television和另外一种media);one (注意是one,不是the only)way for supermarket to provide a prominent role for the product isto put it on the journal…(后面想不起来了,但关键词就是Journal)
must be true题
题干挺长的,每个选项都挺绕的,因为有either or啊,only这种关键词,而且选项都是逆命题或者否命题或者你否命题。但是我知道花点时间想清楚逻辑关系一定可以做出来,所以这道题我做了很久。
The choice I chose: 好像是E:if thesupermarket fails to provide a prominent role and the television advertising istoo expensive, then the launch of product will not be successful without theadvertising of B. (总的来说是一个逆否命题)我懒得写思路了相信你们能理清楚,这道题我非常确定。
Other choices:
if the product has a prominentrole or is seeked out by customers, then the launch will be successful. (其实就是第一句话的逆命题,不正确。)
3. 还有一道是机经里的培训员工网络课堂,就是考古争议各种选项都有的,这是我的第一道逻辑,非常崩溃… 题干的关键信息是the company hopes to reduce the time devoted to trainingemployees by online program. 然后选strengthen。我自己选了E 大意是Online teaching once started does not need to maintain.比较抽象…但我理解下来这个选项可以切中reduce time这个信息,因为online不需要后期maintain,而实地的话可能要后期Maintain.
employees are willing to study at their ownpace;(我觉得这个只能说明online效果好,但并不能切中题干中reduce the time信息)
还有个选项说:employees will conduct online learning during office/business time.(我觉得和reducetime无关)
还有A选项是说实地training和online training结合可以大大…(我觉得不对,因为公司就是想用Online代替实地来达到节省时间的目的)
4. 有道机经里面那个守夜鸟,strengthen
构筑选的是和考古一致的选项:那些full of nutrition的鸟会被选为sen...(不认识的词,估计是守卫的意思),even if they have no kinship with other birds.(这个还蛮确定的)
5. 新题: Theexecutive will receive huge bonuses when stock price of the company rises,while seldom receive penalty when stock price declines. In the long term this will hamper the company profit. (黑脸). Because…., the executive tends to make riskydecision to achieve the short-term profit.(黑脸)
构筑选了:The first boldface is the main conclusion. The second is the intermediateconclusion that support is offered.
6. 机经里面的washer 和 dryer.
我选了和Less damp那个选项,还蛮确定的。
其他有个迷惑选项是说 the time of the new washer per load is less than other washers. 我觉得不对。我的选项里没有出现过”Per load时间短“这个历史考古争议选项。
7. 机经题:畅销书那道, 选了at least一些长期销量增长的书arenot the best seller. 这个选项蛮确定的。
中了female taxation那道,巨长…看的我内心很崩溃,还好机经有理清楚主要架构思想。选项也都挺长挺纠结的,有些还是考古争议选项,需要自己去考场判断。
有道题是问为什么历史上有关female taxation的document不全?这个在第一段一开始有两个Part because,我选的是第一个part because,有law的选项
还有道是问作者refer to the tax accessor in order to ? 选有gendersystem的那个选项
2. 还中了body size和habitant range size那篇
3. 还有篇是定价策略
4. 还有篇是广告效果那篇,
有道题是问那个E model的作用,我选了points out traditional hierachy model忽略了一些factor.
还有道是说it can be inferred from the hierachy modeal that the ads will still be effective if...? 这个我纠结了很久,选了A. even if it does not result the demand...有个纠结选项是D.说if the ads cultiminate the hierachy stages ... 我纠结很久没选因为第一段最后说只要reach a specific stage. 但是后来又看到第二段有原词出现,所以这道不太确定。
放狗好累...但是很想让大家也受益于机经。 好了我滚去做PPT了....