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发表于 2015-4-18 15:19:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[size=11.000000pt]There is often considerable scientific disagreement both about available reserves of naturalresources and about the extent of environmental damage caused by particular pollutants. Even wherethe scientific evidence is incontrovertible. There may be political conflict, based on different vestedinterests, over the degree to which particular environmental controls should be accepted. Governmentsmay, for example, refrain from introducing effective control if they fear these will adversely affectcompany profitability or jobs, even where the environmental cost of not introducing controls areconsiderable.

[size=11.000000pt]1. There is always scientific debate around the facts regarding the reserves of natural resources.
                                        [size=11.000000pt]2. Very rarely is there conflict over the degree to which particular environmental controls should beaccepted.
                                        [size=11.000000pt]3. Parties with a vested interest are more influenced by politics than science when deciding whether toimplement environmental controls.



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-18 17:28:16 | 只看该作者
There is no task more difficult than that of ensuring the education of children in modern society. Not only school, but also teachers and their roles have changed out of all recognition in the past few decades, thanks to the impact on teaching institutions by indoctrinating, and indoctrinated, reformist intellectuals bearing revolutionary ideas. To the perpetual indiscipline of youth has now been added the indiscipline of parents, many of whom interpret any reports of wrongdoing in school on the part of their offspring as a personal affront, or as the manifestation of the malice of teachers. As for the teachers themselves, whilst many are respectable and learned men and women, who view it as their vocation to induct their charges into a civilization and a way of behaving, others attempt to influence youth merely to further their political or ideological ends.
Some of those working in education have their own hidden agendas.

Teacher with revolutionary ideas will attempt to influence their pupils for their own political ends.

Some teachers who report children of wrongdoing do so because of malice, rather than nay legitimate reason.
发表于 2015-8-9 10:12:37 | 只看该作者
tangsonghan 发表于 2015-4-18 17:28
There is no task more difficult than that of ensuring the education of children in modern ...

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